Tue Aug 10, 2010 7:23 am by
DDM_LordShado |
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* A new default and more detailed default map created by members of the community is now a part of the
AO client.
* The new birthday buidling is now revealed. If the door to yours does not work please contact Customer Service who will remove the building with you and supply you with a new one. Do NOT remove the building yourself.
* Daily missions now scale exactly according to your level. Missions include: Extraction, A Contigent Spy, One Green Hill, One Foggy Hill.
* Prototype Formula can now be cancelled by the user. Doing this will fail the mission.
* Monsters for Missions: Slum Town, Nomad Camp, Crash Site and System Intrusion have been tweaked down to make them easier to complete for people at the beginning for the level range.
* One Green Hill and Foggy Hill now have obvious visual indicators of where the event can be triggered.
* The escort NPC for "Extracti ...