Death Dealer Mercenaries
Mechwarrior News
Thu Jul 09, 2009 1:05 pm by DDM_Salvatoris | Comments (13)

In honor of BattleTech's 25th anniversary, Smith and Tinker has authorized and MekTek Studios to distribute MechWarrior 4 (along with its expansion packs) completely free. For years, has been the central point for online distribution of MechWarrior 4 expansion packs. Now they can provide the core game free to the fans as well. Keep an eye on – the free download will be available soon!

MekTek's Response:
We are very pleased to announce that Smith & Tinker has authorized us ( and our professional studio (MekTek Studios) to distribute and package a worldwide free release of MechWarrior4 and all of its expansions.
This free release of MechWarrior4 that commemorates BattleTech’s 25th anniversary as well as MekTek’s 10th anniversary, and will allow BattleTech fans an chance to re-discover MechWarrior, as well as help us bring in a new army of players who are discovering MechWarrior and the BattleTech universe for the first time,completely for free.

MekTek views this partnership as a hallmark moment for the global MechWarrior community. We welcome the opportunity for the MekTek team to officially take a leadership role in the cultivation and development of the on-line MechWarrior communities in support and anticipation of the recently announced MechWarrior game by Smith & Tinker and Piranha games.

We are honored by the opportunity bestowed apon us by Smith and Tinker and its partners, and we hope the online community will enjoy this free release all the while recognizing the support and commitment that Smith & Tinker, Catalyst Games, and has made to the BattleTech fans around the world.

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Re: Mechwarrior 4 Free!
08-20-2009 08:40:24 am by DDM_Metalfiend

thats cool we need some lag armor every now and then

08-20-2009 12:07:10 am by DDM_LordShado


08-19-2009 11:24:26 pm by Viper_Kilo

lol i havent dl'd any thing, im just sayin itll take that long FOR me to dl... and my ass will be laggin

08-19-2009 10:00:02 pm by DDM_LordShado

Viper_Kilo wrote (View Post): › finallly, after three days straight of downloading, my laggin ass will be in game

What did you download then?

08-19-2009 02:14:09 am by DDM_Salvatoris

nope.. but I did notice someone running a newer version on mekmatch.

08-18-2009 11:57:45 pm by DDM_LordShado

Is it available?

08-16-2009 09:53:39 pm by Viper_Kilo

finallly, after three days straight of downloading, my laggin ass will be in game

08-13-2009 07:13:37 pm by DDM_Salvatoris

I just pulled them out. If anyone wants to to follow the links, just refer to the original FAQ at mektek.

08-13-2009 05:58:31 pm by DDM_Pyromancer

Hey Sal those links you put up there are dead. They go to a site but the information page no longer exsists...

08-13-2009 05:12:40 pm by DDM_Salvatoris

I just read that this WILL include the Clan and inner Sphere mechpacks. So everyone can stop looking for them on Ebay, they will soon be yours. Wink

Here is the [url="]FAQ from MekTek with all the info.

Q: What will be free?

A: Clan Pack, Is Pack, Mech 4 Mercs are all included. Mech 4 Vengeance, Blackknight will not be included. We do not have the technology to support it or the capabilities to remove the copy protection and everything else that goes along with these.
Though it seems as though it will not be possible for us to release Vengeance and Black Knight with the initial release of Mercs, we will continue to look into the possibility of releasing them, or at least their campaigns, at a later date. Hopefully using the built-in patcher that we are developing.

Q: How is this even close to legal?

A: We have received official permission from the owners of the MechWarrior 4 IP to do this.

Q: What all will be included?

A: Clan Pack, Is Pack, Mech 4 Mercs, MekPak 3.1. Maps that are confirmed working. Basically everything we can.

Q: Will I need a CD?

A: No, we're going to be removing the need for a CD.

Q: How will we be able to get it?

A: We're looking at a few ways to get it. Direct download from sites and bit torrent which we have used in the past.
It will be in iso format around 3 to 4 gigs in size that you can burn to a DVD. We will of course try to find ways to make
it as small as possible to help those with limited bandwidth/bandwidth caps.

We might have both a single large download and multi-part download.

We are working out the details of the release now. There are a lot if technical aspects that need to be ironed out.
We are hoping to make things as simple and possible for everyone.

Q: Why won't it include MP4?

A: MP4 will not be ready for release when we are ready to release the total Mech4 pack.

Q: When can we expect to see the download?

A: Its going to be at least a few weeks before its ready. We have to put it together and test it to make sure everything will work.

Q: Will the Clan and IS paks included work with X64 systems?

A: Mostly likely we'll simply "unlock" them, and get rid of the need to "install" them in the first place.

Q: Is this going to be an all in one install. Click install and it will install right to the latest MekPak?

A: Currently thats what we are looking at.

Q: Is the New install going to be compatible with HDP?

A: Not sure if it will be compatible with older versions, but If newer versions are put out for the new full install of the game then it should be.

Q: This will just have one installer for everything right?

A: Yes it will more then likely be only one installer.

Q: Is this free release forever or is it for a limited time?

A: This will be free forever.

Q: Will installing the original games (Vengenance, Mercenaries & Black Knight) + Mekpaks be the same as this free release? or is it recommended that everyone use this free release install package now and avoid using their previous game CD's to install it?

A: It will be recommended that you install the free release as it will include an auto updater and will make updating in the future easier with less chance of errors.

Q: Will there be widescreen support, as well as resolutions above 1600x1200? I'm salivating over the idea of playing Mercs at 2560x1600.

A: We're looking into it. We don't know if we will be able to or not.

Q: I was thinking it might be advantagous to update the default controls to something more fitting for new players?

A: No we're not. You can after all change your controls to your own liking. There are however some new commands which will be added to the default controls.

Q: What if we are not fans of the Mek Tek mech packs. Will there be a option of only installing Mercs, Clan Pack, and the IS Pak?

A: Nope.

Q: Will all the mektek mechs have there own status images or will there be just one generic status image on every mech?

A: For MP3.1 more then likely generic. For MP4 maybe.

Q: Will players that have BK, be able to install it with the Mech4-Pack MekTek will be releasing?

A: No you will have to install Vengeance for that.

Q: Is the multiplayer game going to loose anything not having Vengance and Black Knight?

A: No, Mercs has those mechs and much more.

Q: Will the Free Version have Better Graphics like Bloom/Hdr and Bumpmap?

A: No. What you see in 3.02b graphically is what you get.

Q: Will the Coop Mod works with your Release?

A: If it works in 3.02b then it will more then likely work in 3.1.

Q: Will people who currently have Vengeance + BK + IS Pak + Clan Pak need to uninstall all of it to run the MekTek version properly? Is it okay to have Veng and BK installed or will there be conflicts?

A: No, because we have a different registry group and installation settings. So you can run them side by side if you wish. Our stuff won't require any CDs, the old stuff will of course. For all practical purposes they are different games.

Q: Will the "Sunder Missions Play Map Pack" be included in the download package?

A: No

Q: Are the animations going to change or more added?
A: No

Q: Can/will you include in game voice chat?

A: No

Q: Would there be anyway you could make an easier way to put custom emblems an paint schemes into the game?

A: 3.1 will only have very minor updates, so no this will not happen.

If you have any more questions, ask below we will try to answer them as best we can.

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