Fri Aug 07, 2009 3:58 pm by
Nikoli |
Comments (3)
Posted by Vam, Friday, 07 August 2009 13:50
"In preparation for the FREE release of Mechwarrior4 we have been working on our MekMatch service. Recently, we have learned that community members are unable to access the Multiplayer aspect of Mechwarrior4: Mercenaries with various versions of the game installed. Due to the architecture updates being included in 'Mechwarrior4 FREE' we are unable to remove these updates to MekMatch but are rather exploring solutions to fix any problems for 'legacy' players using out dated versions of Mechwarrior4: Mercenaries. If you are using a third party update for the game not developed by MekTek please contact the developers of that third party update. Once our MekMatch legacy service is restored we will let the community know and any changes third party developers need to make to their application for it to function properly. We'd like to remind the public that MekTek does not collect IPs for players connecting to MekMatch. We do collect IPs for dedicated servers which is required for clients to connect to dedicated servers. Please post any infomration you may have pretaining to MekMatch related problems on our TechSupport Forum."