Tue Sep 29, 2009 7:59 pm by
DDM_Auger |
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As surmised earlier this week, Mythic announced today that the Public Test Server for Game Update 1.3.2 opens tomorrow (9/29/09) morning! This update contains another batch of significant updates, as well as the usual round of bug fixes and balance changes.
Look for a new 'Apprentice' system that will enable to you to temporarily adjust your rank (upwards or downwards) to the level of another player in order to play with them. While the ability to adjust rank upwards is certainly surprising, note that you will not be able to queue for any Scenarios that you did not previously have access too. For example: You have a rank 1 Shaman, and your friend has a rank 11 Witch Elf. If your friend Apprenticed you, you would then be scaled to rank 11, and be able to queue for Tier 1 scenarios. If your friend was level 30 and Apprenticed you, you would be unable to queue for Scenarios together.
Other notable changes include the temporary removal of Fortresses from the Tier 4 campaign, and all races starting in either Empire or Chaos Tier 1 starting area by default.