Death Dealer Mercenaries
Mechwarrior News
Wed Dec 23, 2009 7:29 pm by DDM_Salvatoris | Comments (40)

"After more than 3 years of blood, sweat and beers, of failure and success, of missed sleep and neglected personal hygiene, the time has finally come to share our work with the world. Yes, Wandering Samurai is proud to present MechWarrior: Living Legends and would like to invite the world to participate in our open beta program which will start on December 26th 2009."

Everyone has to get themselves Crysis for Xmas.... MW:LL the next day. Razz

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01-02-2010 10:15:50 pm by DDM_Salvatoris

I posted a list of download mirrors in an MWLL links thread. They exceeded their bandwidth, the site was down for a day. You should be able to get it from another site.

edit... I see that my link is bad. I can get to the forums from those links. I'' see if I can get to that downl;oad mirror list and repost it here.

Re: Mechwarrior Living Legends beta December 26
01-02-2010 10:05:55 pm by DDM_TK421DS

I cannot seem to get to MWLL nor can I download the LL mod...just get a BAr on screen that shows no progress downloading at download site??
IS there something wrong w MWLL ?

01-02-2010 09:40:22 pm by DDM_TK421DS

DDM_Salvatoris wrote (View Post): › What Stick do you have TK? I have seen people post profiles for everything, do you have a cougar or a x54 or something like that?

a Saetek ( not using right now) & a Logitech Extreem 3d Pro.....which is the one I am using force feedback.

01-02-2010 06:30:44 pm by DDM_Salvatoris

Cool! I got parker a copy of Crysis too, so we could play together. He's actually pretty good, one on one he usually eats my lunch. It's pretty great running around together. Yesterday were kicking ass with his piloting a madcat and me in an elemental standing between his missile racks.

In another round I sat back near our base with an 80 LRM Vulture parked underwater while he was tagging in power armor. I think the person holding the tag actually get more points and c-bills out of the deal, but you can share your money with teammates, so it doesn't really matter.

Every time we are playing, I can't believe you guys are missing out on this. It's work in progress, but it's still the mech game I have been waiting on for years. Smile

Re: Mechwarrior Living Legends beta December 26
01-02-2010 02:46:10 pm by DDM_Auger it coming from an eBay vendor.
Brand NEW in box...maybe at my door by the end of the week

01-02-2010 04:29:55 am by DDM_Salvatoris

What Stick do you have TK? I have seen people post profiles for everything, do you have a cougar or a x54 or something like that?

Re: Mechwarrior Living Legends beta December 26
12-30-2009 02:58:08 pm by DDM_Salvatoris

DDM_TK421DS wrote (View Post): › Damnit Sal! I watched the Trailer and now im torn............ Embarassed If that is in game play im gonna go ahead and seriously load Crysis back on my Machine! I can run Crysis on all 3 of my flat screens for 3780X 1024 resolution ultra high graphics.

1. Do i have to patch up Crysis with all the Crysis patches before adding on MWLL?

2. Is MWLL an exe self installer or do I have to manually install/move folders with it?

3. What are the limits of flight stick? do we still have torso twist as default & do most buttons work for alpha & chain fire?

4. I have a "Game pad" I use instead of keyboard, I'm sure I can map key commands to it also?

5. Can you fly those jets?

I'm not quitin War, but those graphics & mechs sure look sweet Rolling Eyes

The promo video is all gameplay.

You need vanilla Crysis, with the 1.21 patch (game version1.1.16516). You don't need either expansion.

The install is simple, it's just a /mod folder you extract to your main Crysis directory. The only thing you have to do manually is move a keymap file to your Crysis profile in my doccuments / my games. They have it all explained in a sticky thread on the MW:LL forums. Some people are having trouble with that step, but it's really as simple as copy / paste / rename file.

I got my joystick set up yesterday and it seems to do everything it should. I think you can aim more precisely with the mouse, but that is true for almost all games. The main issue with joystick support is that you have to edit a convoluted text file to program it. I am getting pretty familiar with it, so if you need any help with yours let me know. You can program up to 32 buttons and every axis on the flight stick. Everything in terms of control from the previous mech games is there. Of course you have torso twist, as well as different triggers for each weapon group. You can edit weapon groups on the fly with just the arrow keys and enter. You can toggle between group and chain fire, or make an alpha strike group. programming the gamepad should be no problem.

You can pilot the aerospace fighters and VTOLs, as well as tanks and battle armor.


I am looking for a good Crysis CD Key so me and parker can play in the same servers together... I'm going to buy him a copy soon... but if we could borrow your key, I'd appreciate it. I am also going to try and put a dedicated server together and run it at my office.... but I'm not sure what specs I need for it yet. I should have all the hardware laying around here to do it.

Re: Mechwarrior Living Legends beta December 26
12-30-2009 01:56:39 pm by DDM_TK421DS

Damnit Sal! I watched the Trailer and now im torn............ Embarassed If that is in game play im gonna go ahead and seriously load Crysis back on my Machine! I can run Crysis on all 3 of my flat screens for 3780X 1024 resolution ultra high graphics.

1. Do i have to patch up Crysis with all the Crysis patches before adding on MWLL?

2. Is MWLL an exe self installer or do I have to manually install/move folders with it?

3. What are the limits of flight stick? do we still have torso twist as default & do most buttons work for alpha & chain fire?

4. I have a "Game pad" I use instead of keyboard, I'm sure I can map key commands to it also?

5. Can you fly those jets?

I'm not quitin War, but those graphics & mechs sure look sweet Rolling Eyes

Re: Mechwarrior Living Legends beta December 26
12-30-2009 05:24:17 am by DDM_Reijklin

Unfortunately, I think I'm once again in the same boat I was with MW4....lacking a system capable of running it at the moment. Sad

12-29-2009 09:55:14 pm by DDM_Salvatoris

Apparently it's pretty easy to find a copy of the game, but you can't play online without a valid CD Key. It works fine for LAN games... just not regular multiplayer. I have one valid key you could use... but we wouldn't be able to play in the same server at the same time. It would let you check the game out though... you can also get a used copy of the game for under 10 bucks on ebay, or 20 for a new copy.

It has some stability issues. I think a lot of them are crysis issues more than MWLL issues though. You might have to jump through some hoops to get it running right. Mine crashes every couple of matches, but the matches are an hour long. So it isn't pissing me off too bad. Still looking for a solution though... could be my now aging system.

last night i had some really great fights. Some of the highlights were near zero-G elemental combat, tagging mechs and watching the LRMs rain down on them from above, dummy firing an alpha of LRMs from a cougar in to an aerospace fighter that was doing a strafing run on me, and blowing a guy right of the cockpit and taking his otherwise undamaged mech.

It's pretty cool to be able to change mechs in the middle of a match, or just run back to base to repair and reload the one you are in. This thing is just packed with features we have always wanted in a mech game.

I can't believe any of you guys have to be talked in to playing it in the first place... especially anyone who also enjoyed some Battlefield back in the day. It's not an MMO... no monthly fee. You don't have to break-up with some other game to play it. You don't have to scratch Warhammer's name off your binder or anything... Wink

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