Death Dealer Mercenaries
Mechwarrior News
Wed Dec 23, 2009 7:29 pm by DDM_Salvatoris | Comments (40)

"After more than 3 years of blood, sweat and beers, of failure and success, of missed sleep and neglected personal hygiene, the time has finally come to share our work with the world. Yes, Wandering Samurai is proud to present MechWarrior: Living Legends and would like to invite the world to participate in our open beta program which will start on December 26th 2009."

Everyone has to get themselves Crysis for Xmas.... MW:LL the next day. Razz

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12-29-2009 01:15:37 pm by DDM_TK421DS

DDM_LordShado wrote (View Post): › Don't fall for it! As soon as you start to play, he will be playing something else!

I was gonna go there but you beat me to Laughing

Well i can run Crysis on ultra graphic settings and it looks unbelievable.......I may reinstall it and patch it up for now, but I am still really enjoying War. Very Happy
T3 has completely changed to being fun every night & there is always a full WB or 2 going. As is T2. I am looking forward to runnin some dungons w Shado, Demon & Auger soon.

12-29-2009 05:35:47 am by DDM_Salvatoris

especially if everyone waits until I have already been playing for a year. Razz

at least there is no monthly fee. You have to buy a copy of cysis, but it's pretty good anyway....

12-29-2009 05:09:28 am by DDM_LordShado

Don't fall for it! As soon as you start to play, he will be playing something else!

12-29-2009 01:47:44 am by DDM_Salvatoris

You can use a joystick, but the throttle is a little wonky. I have just been playing with KB and mouse because that is what the game is designed for... and it just works. W increases throttle, S brings it down. A and D turn the mech left and right, the mouses does torso twist and pitch. The different mouse buttons are your weapon groups.

It really is a great Mech game... even in it's current state. You can drive tanks and aerospace, but it definitely feels like a mech game, not just a FPS with some mechs to stomp around in. Other than good joystick support, this game has everything we expect from a mech game... and you guys are all crazy not to be playing it. Razz

12-28-2009 06:08:08 pm by DDM_TK421DS

DDM_Salvatoris wrote (View Post): ›

some gameplay videos from beta.

It's in excellent shape for a beta. It already has as many maps as a typical battlefield multiplayer game, plwnty of mechs, tanks and a couple of Aerospace and VTOL. Pretty cool so far...

That video looks like ass. If Flight stick is limited tham I'm out.......i will not Drive a mech with a keyboard & mouse ever........ it sux Embarassed
I think im hooked on Warhammer & if it doesn't pan out after R40+ then I'll go back to WoW..........ot Star Trek if it doesn't royally suck..........I am a MMO whore Rolling Eyes Embarassed

12-28-2009 01:29:17 am by DDM_Salvatoris

some gameplay videos from beta.

It's in excellent shape for a beta. It already has as many maps as a typical battlefield multiplayer game, plwnty of mechs, tanks and a couple of Aerospace and VTOL. Pretty cool so far...

12-27-2009 11:12:37 pm by DDM_Salvatoris

I have been playing with it a little bit today... mostly just getting my ass handed to me, but I am starting to get a feel for it.

A short first impression is... it's not perfect, but it is the best mech game available. Combat is fun, and there is a lot of room for different tactics and play-styles. Controls take a little getting used to, and joystick support is limited. I am getting the hang of piloting a mech with keyboard and mouse, but the throttle feels a little weird to me. It takes mechs a long time to stop and reverse, even for the lightest mechs.

It's fun, playable and there are a bunch of servers up. You guys gotta get in on the mech action. It's all we've got until mech5... which is still barely more than a pipe-dream.

Even in it's current state this game is a lot of fun. While we don't have a mechlab yet, there a bunch of variants for each chassis. mechs have everything you expect them to... weapon groups with limited ammo and heat management.

There isn't really a good excuse for not playing it if you are a mech fan. There is no single player, and no way to advance in a lan game by yourself... so I could use some help testing. If anyone else gets set up.. let me know. It's mech time... what are we waiting for?? Razz

12-26-2009 08:07:17 pm by DDM_Salvatoris

No download link yet. I am downloading crysis now, so hopefully I'll be able to check it out tonight.

Re: Mechwarrior Living Legends beta December 26
12-26-2009 06:38:08 pm by DDM_Auger

reviews, so far??


12-24-2009 03:25:24 am by DDM_LordShado

And here I thought it was a stand alone type thing...

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