I don't think it can... but we'll find out Monday.
You can donwload the update now [url=http://download.turbine.com/largecontent/lotro/live/updaters/LOTRO-NA-Updater-Book9-to-Book10.exe]from this l ...
Welcome to the Month of the Captain. Here's an overview and a few details of what's new for the #1 buff class -- our very own Swiss army knife of the battlefield.
There's a lot going in for the Month of the Hunter; here's the big picture and a few tantalizing details of what's new for the #1 ranged damage class.
Book 10: The City of the Kings continues the epic story, adds over 100 new quests, implements significant enhancements to monster play and introduces the Reputation and Bartering systems. Book 10: Th ...