Death Dealer Mercenaries :: The original Death Dealer Mercs

Death Dealer MercenariesGeneral DiscussionTime to Move On

#1:  Time to Move On Author: Wing0 Post You have posted in this forum: Sat Aug 08, 2009 1:55 pm

Thanks for all the happy times over the years everyone, but I need to move on from DDM. Please remove me from the MWL roster. I wish you all the best for the future.

Peace out,

#2:  Re: Time to Move On Author: DDM_GateKeeper Post You have posted in this forum: Sat Aug 08, 2009 1:58 pm

Hey I was only kidding about the Wing0 you held this unit together through our darkest hours. We need you now as much as ever. Please reconsider.

#3:   Author: Viper_Kilo Post You have posted in this forum: Sat Aug 08, 2009 2:14 pm

i agree with gatekeeper, things are as rough now as they have ever been
but thats no reason to 'move on'
youve always been a shining source of charisma, loosing the morale thst you bring to us coud easily be a catalyst to falling out.

you can easily say weve taken step backs asa whole, but look where we were several months ago, dead forum and no point of direction as a team

but in the last months i have seen DDM on the move more now than since ive been here

dont let a good thing die

#4:  Re: Time to Move On Author: SoulBandit Post You have posted in this forum: Sat Aug 08, 2009 3:04 pm

It is never easy to leave anything that one has been a part of for many years.

However the time comes in everyone’s life when they realize they can no longer benefit or affect positive change in an organization. In many ways I feel the concept of brotherhood has been lost, and it is time for me also to move on.

For over two and a half years, four of us have struggled to resurrect the Mech team, and when we finally saw our dream come to light things became something other than what we had envisioned. I will always remain a friend and treasure the good memories shared with DDM.

I too feel it is time to move on and grow. Please remove me from the MWL roster; in fact poll those who remain, and determine if any are actually serious enough to stay in the league at all.

Thanks for the memories and the good times and I wish good will to all,
Respectfully yours, Col. SoulBandit

#5:   Author: Nikoli Post You have posted in this forum: Sat Aug 08, 2009 3:18 pm

I to shall be leaving. You may remove me from the MWL DDM roster.
The reason I joined DDM was to play MW4 with a team that is serios about it, and I feel that DDM would rather get into a power struggle than have fun playing the game.

Thanks guys it's been fun.

#6:  Re: Time to Move On Author: DDM_GateKeeper Post You have posted in this forum: Sat Aug 08, 2009 3:37 pm

Fuck you guys for leaving us.

You are the heart and soul of DDM, OCL is a shadow of it's former self. I'll call them all out. You better show for practice OCL.

Again, to all you thin-skinned motherfuckers who are leaving because someone threw a little sand up your vaginii...get bent

#7:   Author: Nikoli Post You have posted in this forum: Sat Aug 08, 2009 3:57 pm

No hard feelings, I just want to play mechwarrior.

#8:   Author: DDM_Salvatoris Post You have posted in this forum: Sat Aug 08, 2009 4:01 pm

Wing and Soul, you guys need to call this what it is... If you can't be in charge of DDM, you don't want to be a part of it. Like I already told you both in chat, if you got the idea that the team had been abandoned by it's leadership, you were mistaken.

You guys are bsasing all your decisions with this team on a game that's almost 9 years old now. You should understand that most of us continued to play games together after Mechwarrior 4 play died off. While you were sitting in empty mech servers, we were all playing Guild Wars together, and later AO, with smaller groups of us in a couple of other games.

I'm not trying to talk anyone out of leaving... This goes for everyone, if mechwarrior 4 is more important to you than the friends you play it with on this team, I'm happy to see you go.

Nik, it's a shame to see you go. But if your number one priority is MWl, then it is probably for the best, as it looks like the bulk of our MWL guys are moving to a new team there.

The good news for DDM is, at least the members of OCl saw this coming a mile away this time. We have been discussing the fact that Wing and Soul were on their way out the door in the OCl folder for about a month. You guys didn't think all the attention to the rules and ranks was a coinicidence did you? I'm surprised at the way it went down, but hopefully our efforts will limit the amount of people they take with them. Not that I really worry about losing anyone that cares more about the game than their friends. THAT is what brotherhood means to DDM. If you don't understand that by now, you really shouldn't be with us anyway. We survied when Mavarick loeft with a chunk of guys to start a new team, and we managed through Blunt doing the same thing... we'll make it through this Rang3r lead exodus as well.

#9:   Author: Nikoli Post You have posted in this forum: Sat Aug 08, 2009 4:15 pm

I just wanted to let you guys know that I will still be open to take care of the news feeds if you guys want. And I wouldn't mind merc-ing for you guys.

#10:  All the Best Author: Kevlar Post You have posted in this forum: Sat Aug 08, 2009 4:44 pm

I think ddm is very good

I thank you for chance to join

I feel it's best if i move along, we are all good, i just have a different style

and i am not helping ddm at all, feel sort of out there

best in life, best in mw


Rolling Eyes

#11:   Author: Ice Gerbil Post You have posted in this forum: Sat Aug 08, 2009 4:59 pm

hello OCL

plz remove me from the roster on MWL i am leaving because i am sick and tired of your
bullcrap drama queen attitude grow up and learn to lead in a proper way

all i can say to those of OCL ur all acting like a bunch of children over
this unit which is hilarious cuz i believe all of you are older then me by about 20+
years and yet i have been acting more mature then you all combined

once again remove me from your roster on MWL

Jihad Gerbil

#12:  Re: All the Best Author: RODO Post You have posted in this forum: Sat Aug 08, 2009 5:03 pm

Please Lord Shad remove me from mwl roster.

I joined DDM to play with a team, this team is not any longer DDM.


#13:  Re: All the Best Author: Kevlar Post You have posted in this forum: Sat Aug 08, 2009 5:06 pm

remove me too

noob loser<---------------

#14:  Re: All the Best Author: DDM_GateKeeper Post You have posted in this forum: Sat Aug 08, 2009 5:11 pm

DDM_RODO wrote (View Post): › Please Lord Shad remove me from mwl roster.

I joined DDM to play with a team, this team is not any longer DDM.


If you knew what DDM was, you would know better. The truth is DDM isn't ZME.

#15:   Author: DDM_GateKeeper Post You have posted in this forum: Sat Aug 08, 2009 5:15 pm

DDM_Ice Gerbil™ wrote (View Post): › hello OCL

plz remove me from the roster on MWL i am leaving because i am sick and tired of your
bullcrap drama queen attitude grow up and learn to lead in a proper way

all i can say to those of OCL ur all acting like a bunch of children over
this unit which is hilarious cuz i believe all of you are older then me by about 20+
years and yet i have been acting more mature then you all combined

once again remove me from your roster on MWL

Jihad Gerbil

Don't let the door hit you in the ass traitor bitch.

#16:  Re: All the Best Author: DDM_GateKeeper Post You have posted in this forum: Sat Aug 08, 2009 5:19 pm

And fuck you kevlar and rodo...u r pussies

#17:   Author: DDM_LordSoth Post You have posted in this forum: Sat Aug 08, 2009 5:33 pm

Take it down a notch Gate. Thank them for thier time serverd and dust off thier hat for um. No hard feelings and adios putas madre.

#18:  Re: All the Best Author: Kevlar Post You have posted in this forum: Sat Aug 08, 2009 5:36 pm

thanks for words of up lifting support

I posted to say that i can not help ddm, and i hope ddm does well

if i offended you , sorry

either way i'm out

your honorable pvt 1st class noob

#19:  Re: All the Best Author: DDM_GateKeeper Post You have posted in this forum: Sat Aug 08, 2009 5:48 pm

np...have fun with ZME, it'll be much better.

I will not apologize for calling someone out.

It is not your fault that people were recruiting for ZME as DDM. But we will be better off without folks who haven't had time to understand what it means to be a Death Dealer.

Good luck Kevlar.

#20:  Re: All the Best Author: RODO Post You have posted in this forum: Sat Aug 08, 2009 5:48 pm

I didnt insult or offend anybody so Lord Soth and GK calm dowm, as I said I joined to play with a group of guys i knew, now they left, I dont know most of u so how can i team with u? That why I m leaving, sorry if that offend u.


#21:  Re: All the Best Author: RODO Post You have posted in this forum: Sat Aug 08, 2009 5:50 pm

GK u r wrong I m not joining ZME

#22:  Re: Time to Move On Author: SoulBandit Post You have posted in this forum: Sat Aug 08, 2009 6:31 pm

Actually let me straighten you out on a couple points here Sal.
This departure has more to do with the lack of serious effort in participation than it does anything else. DDM rostered over 29 players in MWL and yet when it came time to practice and discuss strategy and tactics on average 6 to 8 people showed on a regular basis.

Also let it be known that neither Wing or I ever thought that OCL had abandoned leadership of DDM in fact had you gentleman been a bit more supportive and a lot less like a parent scolding a kid things might have lead to a different outcome. I stated the other day I wouldnt stand for condecension and I meant what I said. Respect is paramount in maintaining any type of relationship.

To You Gatekeeper all I can say I expected a more mature reaction out of you, yet I may have over estimated your personality. I will say that such reactions are typical of some and very reactionary. Again I expected better of you.

There are no hard feelings on this end toward any one person, I wish you all the best and hope things eventually come around to a path of enlightenment for you all. Leadership from afar is leadershit, to be sucessful in any endevour one must be willing and able to roll with change, as changes are always inevitable. ANy who will not learn from teh mistakes of the past are destined to repeat them.

I bid you good day.

#23:   Author: DDM_Salvatoris Post You have posted in this forum: Sat Aug 08, 2009 7:58 pm

DDM_Ice Gerbil™ wrote (View Post): ›

all i can say to those of OCL ur all acting like a bunch of children over
this unit which is hilarious cuz i believe all of you are older then me by about 20+
years and yet i have been acting more mature then you all combined

Jihad Gerbil

Wait, who is acting like children? ALL of the drama is coming from the people making a huge deal out of leaving the team. No one from OCL is here crying about their hurt feelings over a video game. The only drama here is what Wing and Soul are creating to help justify a decision they obviously already made. You guys want to play somewhere else and run your own team, that's cool. We don't need all the asinine excuses and bullshit accusations on your way out the door. When whatever team you move to is a nothing but a memory, DDM will still be here. You can count on that shit.

You mention learning from the past.... I learned that this team is stronger when we don't cater to the childish threats people make about taking their ball and going home. If we catered to that kind of nonsense we'd have disbanded long ago... the same thing that would have happened to us if we didn't branch out to other games when it became obvious they were dont making Mechwarrior. And I think that is really where our misunderstand lies. Of course, you weren't around at the time, so i can't expect you to know what decisions we made as a team before you were ever active.

Last edited by DDM_Salvatoris on Sat Aug 08, 2009 8:35 pm; edited 1 time in total

#24:   Author: DDM Leopardqueen Post You have posted in this forum: Sat Aug 08, 2009 7:58 pm

Soul...One thing tho...before you scoot on out. They HAVE been rolling with the changes. They have played several games together, moving with the times. They stayed strong as friends...with less focus on A game. I understand that if that is all you want, a game...then by all means leave, but if you were looking for friendship then you will be missing out.

Wing, well I don't know what to say to you. I guess I thought so much more of you, this makes me sad and dissapointed. So...just good luck.

#25:  Re: All the Best Author: Kalliope Post You have posted in this forum: Sat Aug 08, 2009 8:39 pm

I'm with RODO and Kevlar, I don't know you guys and the players I do know and play with on a regular basis are leaving, so I'm out as well.
Been fun, enjoyed the game, Peace.
Oh, and please remove my name from MWL roster. Thank you!

#26:   Author: DDM_Salvatoris Post You have posted in this forum: Sat Aug 08, 2009 9:16 pm

I believe that just leaves Sniper and Devil's Hand to quit and we will be done with this mess. Fortunately so far we have only lost the ones we knew were going to quit anyway... and the only veteran member walking is Wing. it's hard to feel a sense of loss for any of the rest of these team jumpers. These two guys are less than two months in. They don't even know what it is they are quitting.

#27:   Author: DDM_Pyromancer Post You have posted in this forum: Sat Aug 08, 2009 9:33 pm

Wow... Log off for a few hours and come back to this.. lol..

Let me start by saying that I hope you guys have fun and do well on your new team.

Let me also say to you Wing and Soul that I think your Right. OCL made one Major mistake in this whole thing. We should have told you guys from the start that DDM would not be going back into League play at MWL or anywhere else. But instead we gave in to you guys even tho we knew that we would not have the passion for the game that you still seem to have.

However. Let me also say to you guys. If you wanted your own team you should have just started one in the first place. But no that was too hard. You had to use the DDM name to get players to think that you had an established team. Then when it became apparent to you that OCL wasnt just gonna hand over total control to you. You make this big stink and leave because now you have attracted players. but thats OK....

You can now go on to great and Wonderful things.

Hope you guys are still together in 10 years. I know that we will be.

#28:  Re: Time to Move On Author: DDM_Metalfiend Post You have posted in this forum: Sat Aug 08, 2009 10:20 pm

will be and almost have been i wasn't in for the first couple of years myself but have played enough games and done enough stuff with most of the players that were, that i feel as if i am not missing out on that first couple of years and i thank all that have excepted me for the long haired metal fiend i am ,,,,and don't plan on goin anywhere anytime soon

even if i would have never been promoted or if i never had a rank or any kind of say in anything because thats not what i see ddm as any more i see it as a group of friends that used to play a great game but evolved into other great games which because i could play with those people made it better

for those that are still stuck on that 1 game thats too bad cause there are a lot of good games out there to experience and i hope i get to do it as a member of ddm

#29:   Author: DDM_Dragonlord Post You have posted in this forum: Sat Aug 08, 2009 10:25 pm

For those of you leaving, I hope you had a good time with us here and wish you luck in your future endeavours.
Its sad to see you go, but the choise is of course yours to make. Smile

I still remember playing MW with the team. I got in some good years of MW fun before the game kinda started dying out.

When that happend I still played with the guys in GW and LOTRO, and would love to play with you all again. The way things are right now it dont look like any of the folks aorund here are playing what I am playing so I'll stick to my games, but will still be around once in a while and say hi and talk about whats going on.

I feel I made some good friends here over the years and thats not something I want to throw away just cause we are not all playing a specific game.

Those of you who want to go play MW can do so, and I will not hold it against you. I prefer to stick around here and hold on to the friends I made.

With the new MW game on the way maybe we will see some renewed action and have some more fun together again soon.

I remember we talked once about how our kids would take over after the rest of us got too old to play.
I'm not syaing it will ever happen, and dont expect it to, but the thought kinda warms my heart as it showed that we had more together than just the games we played, we had good friends in each other too.

If someone want to leave, let them do so, and dont get all upset over it. I'm sure we will get plenty of new members as time passes anyway. Think positive, and dont let the fact that some of the peeps leave get to you. Wink
Maybe they were not DDM material. Smile

#30:   Author: DDM_Salvatoris Post You have posted in this forum: Sat Aug 08, 2009 10:41 pm

I think I know who is staying and who is going.... but I'm still really hoping to make through the day without anyone surprising me. So far, no one has.

I think the people who are left on the roster, who are STILL on the roster after all this time, are all here for the same reason. If you were going to leave over a video game, most of you would have left years ago.

We have a new Mech Game on the way eventually, maybe even MW:LL by the end of the year... I hope to be playing them with my brothers.

Last edited by DDM_Salvatoris on Sat Aug 08, 2009 10:44 pm; edited 1 time in total

#31:   Author: DDM Leopardqueen Post You have posted in this forum: Sat Aug 08, 2009 10:42 pm are so nice!

That is all...carry on Smile

#32:   Author: DDM_Dragonlord Post You have posted in this forum: Sat Aug 08, 2009 11:03 pm

DDM Leopardqueen wrote (View Post): › are so nice!

That is all...carry on Smile

Why thank you. Very Happy

Just trying to keep a calm among and bring around a voice of reason thats all. Wink

To each their own is all I have to say about it. Smile

#33:   Author: DDM_Demon Post You have posted in this forum: Sat Aug 08, 2009 11:16 pm

Ok I have stayed out of this or tried to......I enjoy playing mech yes....but DDM is HOME to me and MY FAMILY....this group is more than just A GAME.....
as DL stated we said our kids would be DDM and mine are no exception....

I am going to miss the "exodus crew" but wish them well in whatever they do.

If I would have known all this stuff was gunna happen I wouldn't have installed the damn game....

I am sorry my brothers,as I was one of the people that thought we could be a force in league play again... and one day we will but I would rather have TRUE FRIENDSHIP than any kind of title/rank

THANK YOU DDM for 8 years of these kind of friendships...your FRIEND Scott aka DDM_Demon

#34:   Author: DDM_Salvatoris Post You have posted in this forum: Sat Aug 08, 2009 11:24 pm

We still have some some pending obligations in MWL. If the guys that signed us up for them can't make the drop, we will have to find a capable replacement crew. Wink

I think we have enough pilots to pull something together.... even if we have to pull some people out of retirement.

#35:  Re: Time to Move On Author: SniperStrike Post You have posted in this forum: Sun Aug 09, 2009 12:41 am

this is all I have to say It was fun while it lasted I hope you all have a wonderfull live and that you enjoy what you have and please remove me from the MWL roster effective at the time of this post.

to the friends i have made feel free to keep in touch i have no ill feeling for anyone

#36:   Author: Viper_Kilo Post You have posted in this forum: Sun Aug 09, 2009 1:07 am

and theres sniper...

#37:   Author: DDM_LordShado Post You have posted in this forum: Sun Aug 09, 2009 5:57 am

While I am still not clear on the issues that you had Wing as you left the conversation the other day, I wish you the best in whatever you do next.

Sniper, thanks for hosting the server for so long, giving the community a solid place to play and helping many get going in the game. Take care, Tech master.

Soul, I am still not clear on what you are calling condescension, but you are a grown man and can make your own opinions. Nonetheless, you worked hard at getting a good group of people playing the game again. Thanks.

The rest of you, I wish you luck. See you on the battlefield.

#38:   Author: RaNg3r Post You have posted in this forum: Sun Aug 09, 2009 7:24 am

Hi everyone, i dont know what opinion you have about me but this was not an "exodus" <<<correct spelling led by me. Some were asked if they wanted to join my unit prior to all this and afterwards for many reasons including "you knew this was coming". Many of these guys have asked you to remove them from the roster which can only be done by salvatoris as he is now the unit founder what changed and took place not my business. Once again its not my business but why change their unit lead status instead of just removing them off the roster like they requested. Same amount of point and clicking that it took to remove their unit lead status. Are you just trying to prolong the issue , or upset them further if you can, for whatever reason this was done once again its not my business, But some of these guys really are interested in league play just not with you. Why hold up their playing time with another unit that wants them to play and not cause problems for them. I dont know if you care or not about my post, just trying to keep this civil and hopefully you will do the right thing. Thank you for your time and your patience and i hope i can still continue to see you all on comms or on the battlefield in the future.

#39:   Author: DDM_Salvatoris Post You have posted in this forum: Sun Aug 09, 2009 6:55 pm

As far as I know, everyone that has asked is off the MWL roster. If I missed anyone they need to send me a PM here or at MWL. There are still a couple that I believe are going to quit when they get a chance to log in and do it, but I'd rather not boot anyone off the roster based on assumptions.

I don't blame you for all these guys bailing on us, Ranger. I only mentioned you because you were the first one out the door, and I know you have been doing a bit of recruiting from our roster. I don't even hold that against you, those guys clearly weren't happy with their positions on this team. That discontent was on a slow boil before your brief time on our roster.

This kind of thing just happens to teams once in a while, and it has happened to us twice before over the last 9 years. We had a guy named Mavarick split off to form his own team in our first year and he took a several people with him. About a year later a dude named Blunt took a chunk with him to form a unit called STFU. Now we have Wing0 tearing off a piece of the team to form his new unit. I wonder how it feels for him to be in such good company.

By the way, does anyone know what ever happened to Mav or Blunt's teams? They seem to have just kind of... faded away.

#40:   Author: RaNg3r Post You have posted in this forum: Sun Aug 09, 2009 9:31 pm

Well, i appreciate your candor in the matter, and i still have no hard feelings i just didn't appreciate those things being brought into the public in these forums without even talking with me first. Also i didn't understand why or who told you that noone was informed of my past and who i was because the first night i was on comms with ddm they were all informed and there were atleast 10 ppl in there that night. But thanks for everything. Also i didn't recruit from just this unit, it was from alot , so please dont take any of that personal if that is even possible because it probably is pretty disrespectful but it was only mentioned to those who it sounded as they might have been interested. This is the only unit ive ever had to myself and wether or not i have enough or if they all leave i will keep it until i quit play this game or its dead. I hope you guys continue to play on as you always have and im sure you will. Take it easy and god bless.

#41:  Re: Time to Move On Author: DDM_LuGz Post You have posted in this forum: Mon Aug 10, 2009 12:51 pm

Hmmmm, interesting.....

Can't say I didn't see all this coming like 3 months ago.

Just for the record: I'd still like to be part of this DDM forum, I enjoy the banter. -Though I wanted little to do with the Mech group after they ousted Savage.- Now that all this has happened, I can say that perhaps playing again is an option for me... Though I'll have to check-in with some of my old DDM insiders to see what type of situation we've been left with. Ahhh, just the thought of playing Mechtek again without Wing-Soul-or Snipe! I get chills!


Last edited by DDM_LuGz on Mon Aug 10, 2009 1:05 pm; edited 1 time in total

#42:   Author: DDM_Salvatoris Post You have posted in this forum: Mon Aug 10, 2009 1:04 pm

You are right there, Lugz, and I appreciate you bringing those issues up when you did. That issue, as well as your reposting of Wing's ZME rules got us looking at the command decisions those guys were making without consulting the rest of the team, not to mention the established team leadership.

We'd love to see you back on the field, although it will be a little different group of guys with you. Check the battlecoms folder for info on our upcoming matches. I'll get some practice times and server information posted for you soon. We lost a handful of active pilots in the deal, but we are left with a leaner, meaner roster, and we would really like to see how we fare in MWL with the guys we chose to stick around. it's a shame that so many people left stating their desire to play mech, when we are really just starting to see our activity pick up again. We have seen as many returning veteran members as we have new players over the last few months.

Last edited by DDM_Salvatoris on Mon Aug 10, 2009 1:11 pm; edited 1 time in total

#43:  Re: Time to Move On Author: DDM_LuGz Post You have posted in this forum: Mon Aug 10, 2009 1:09 pm

No one quite understood what I was trying to say back then. Now it seems quite self-explanatory. Meantime we formed our own unit of just friends and fans... perhaps we might all come back?

#44:   Author: DDM_Salvatoris Post You have posted in this forum: Mon Aug 10, 2009 1:16 pm

You would all certainly be welcome. I'm sorry if it seemed like no one was listening to you at the time. We were trying to walk a line between running the team and stepping on Wing and Soul's toes with regard to MWL operations. Everyone can see how that worked out.

#45:  Re: Time to Move On Author: DDM_LuGz Post You have posted in this forum: Mon Aug 10, 2009 1:51 pm

Well Salvatoris, the way I'm seeing things, the DDM is like one of those old English Gentlmans Clubs (Only with very nice women allowed in aswelll, ahh how times are changing, --and for the better!) where the room is big and smokey... Over there LOTRO is played, over in the lounge MechW4 is being played, etc. This is sort-of a social club, or Fraternity: "Friendship and shared support within a group". ---It was never about any one game. And I have read all of the above posts... Seems they thought they were apart or unique to this. Using this as a "platform" for their interests, not as the interest itself.
There-in was the inevitable root of this problem. This, watered by the realization of the dream to get back into MWL, grew a weed. They then only saw the GAME, the WIN. Selfish promptings took over (anger at turnouts, frustrations)... and the under-minding of the fraternity as an "institution" began to get its initial seed in fertile soil.. Weeds are like that, they take over the lawn when unchecked, and need no further watering. The rest took care of itself. [An individual] gets the notion to do this, [the individuals closer allies] are soon to follow. And [the rest] follow them in due course... due to not knowing how to live true to themselves, like little "Sheeple" needing to be safe in their herd.


Last edited by DDM_LuGz on Mon Aug 10, 2009 7:49 pm; edited 1 time in total

#46:  Re: Time to Move On Author: DDM_Reijklin Post You have posted in this forum: Mon Aug 10, 2009 2:13 pm

Any time things become about the games we play rather than the friends we have, this is the result. Wing did the right thing by simply saying goodbye and leaving it at that.

I would suggest that any recriminations or finger pointing impulses people have be kept offline. Seriously, no names here, but some sitting-on-of-hands would be a good idea.

I know I'm not the most active member of this team, but I haven't gone away in the nearly 10 years I've been with this group (since the beginning). We are always at our best when we're simply playing together, rather than concentrating on some elusive win.

#47:   Author: DDM_redeye Post You have posted in this forum: Mon Aug 10, 2009 9:40 pm

WTF... i go to the beach for the weekend and the shit hit the fan...
... and i realy like old pubs ...
l could/would never quit DDM... i tatooed it on my arm.... (and sal is my brother)
best of luck to the lost ones

#48:  Re: Time to Move On Author: DDM_Metalfiend Post You have posted in this forum: Tue Aug 11, 2009 2:36 am

i was gonna get the same tat till you got it damn it now i gotta think of a different one thanks

#49:   Author: Kalliope Post You have posted in this forum: Tue Aug 11, 2009 4:45 pm

DDM_Salvatoris wrote (View Post): › I'd rather not boot anyone off the roster based on assumptions.

Luther has not asked to be removed from here or MWL, so why has he already been deleted?

#50:  Re: Time to Move On Author: DDM_GateKeeper Post You have posted in this forum: Tue Aug 11, 2009 5:18 pm

I want to apologize to everyone I went off on. There is no excuse for calling people names, but I will offer my best explanation.

DDM is family to me, always will be. When I got blindsided by this I reacted like a brother had disowned me. I mean it really hurt...I can take physical pain, but this went a lot deeper. Again, not a good reason, I just wanted you to know why I got so fired up.

Good luck with ZME.

#51:  Re: Time to Move On Author: SoulBandit Post You have posted in this forum: Tue Aug 11, 2009 5:53 pm

No worries GK, I do wish to say that just because some of us left we still consider all of you our friends.

#52:  Re: Time to Move On Author: DDM_LordShado Post You have posted in this forum: Tue Aug 11, 2009 5:58 pm

I think anything else that needs to be said can be done in PM's or MSN. Locked.

#53:   Author: DDM_Salvatoris Post You have posted in this forum: Tue Aug 11, 2009 7:00 pm

I have a few more things to add before we lock this up.

First, to the guys that left, please understand that your posting privileges are now at a non-member level. That basically means be nice, or go away... same as any other non-DDM posting on these forums. This is nothing personal, but you guys are no longer in a position to have input in our team decisions. That is a right you gave up when you hit the door.

It is an unfortunate side effect of several of you posting from the same IP address that we have to remove access to sensitive information from all those accounts. The reasons for this should be easy to understand, and it is a long standing DDM policy. Even Pyro lost his unit issues access for a while when his brother left the team.

And to Lugz, regarding your analogy of DDM to a social club. I do believe you get it. I couldn't have said it better myself. Wink

Once again.. this thread is being locked down. Any further concerns can be handled via private message.
Death Dealer MercenariesGeneral DiscussionTime to Move On

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