Subject:  DDM spotted in AL
So I was just talking to my buddies that I was in with Texas recently, when I reminded him that i was DDM he said "Shit, I saw two big marine lookin' mofos in a truck stop in Tuscaloosa, AL with Death Dealer Merc t-shirts on". After I kicked him in the nuts for not telling me WHILE we were still there, I got to thinking about why I haven't talked to you all in so long, so I figured I'd sign up and see how everyone is doing.

And where do I get a frikkin t-shirt?

Subject:  Re: DDM spotted in AL
DDM_GateKeeper wrote (View Post): › Death Dealer Merc t-shirts on".
And where do I get a frikkin t-shirt?

Dude, I have been dropping hints like for ages,hoping to get a surprise in the mail .....
good to see you are still alive and kicking.

I got the link t the site at home. I'll check to make sure it's there then post it. As a matter of fact, don't you remember Red's pictures?

Subject:  Re: DDM spotted in AL
Who were the big Marine lookin mofo's?

Subject:  Re: DDM spotted in AL
Could have been Pyro and Joker, they both live down that way. :)

Subject:  Re: DDM spotted in AL
Oh, and the shop is here.

lol It's gotta be them.

Subject:  Re: DDM spotted in AL
I don't see any pics here....could somebody linky me to pic of them and I can put 'em in a line-up hehe

And thenks for the store link Reij

Subject:  Re: DDM spotted in AL
I have a hard time imagining Pyro with short enough hair to be taken for a Marine, but he's certainly a salty enough character. :)

Subject:  Re: DDM spotted in AL
for a bouncer last i knew id hope so lol he needs to say hello to me i miss him :)

Wassup Tane.....Yeah I gave the Bouncing up and got what they call a respectable Job.. I was getting too old for that shit anyway....12 years was long enough...Now I work for a security firm Gaurding shit....ATM they got me Gaurding BlackHawk Helicopters that are being Refitted to be deployed in Iraq....

Guarding? you're probably sittin in em & making machine gun, missle & explosion noises! :) I know I would ;)

only when nobodys around :P

Subject:  Re: DDM spotted in AL
Whazzzaaaa ... Hmmm am i in the right place?. I had to reregister since someone hit the delete button on my file, but thats ok i'm not sure that everytime the forum was updated maybe everyone had to reregister. Anyways i've been really good but working way too much. Might get engaged this year. Hmmm no kids yet. Still livin at the same spot in cali. Pretty soon i'm going to be lookin for a new comp, so i can join in on the fun with you guys. Tryin to get away from partying and trying to take up some good ol home online gaming fun again. Still a quick learner, and i still dont need a joystick. Just me and my octupus hands and dull drunkin reflexes to slap a few wigs together. Well my girl is lookin over my shoulders asking if i'm cheatin on her on the comp(yea she thinks the comp is evil since one of her friends broke up because her bf met someone on the internet/myspace :roll: ) lame. She hasn't learned that i have no sexual organs( due to the awsome X2LF tourny) damn that kamikaze cougar, yes pink beer for all. okies on to the next discussion.

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