Subject:  HELP PC died
Well, my PC died... Swapped out the vid card and still nothing. There's power to the board. The CPU fans and run, all the lights come on and no strange beeps on boot up... The old vid card was in the AGP slot, replaced with new vid card and another in the PCI slot. I'm thinking it's something with the MoBo.

Any suggestions on a replacement board? I current ly have an MSI 648F Neo. (MS-6585 v5.X) ATX... lol, if I could get to the hard drive , I could give you the full specs...

I'm using:
CDROM burner
DVD drive
5 1/2 flopy (can probably lose)
Internal hard drive
external (USB) hard drive.
Gforce 6600 AGP vid card. (bought a 7600 GS AGP but might take it back)
The case is a mid tower. 400W supercase ATX P4 USB 2.0 Black TU-150

Cypher knows more about the specs than i do. He put it together. Although it was about 4 yeards ago.

Figures, it happens right after I buy the full package of AO. I was just kicking booty in the subway...

I take it nothing is on the monitor. Make sure the monitor is plugged into the computer and the wall. If you can, swap out the monitor and see if that helps.

Monitor is on a KVM and works on my server PC. I tried booting up with a windoows cd and boot disk and that didn't work. I crossed over the KVM cables and the problem stay on the PC.

Try direct.

Fugit... I'm just going to take it to the shop... I've pretty much narrowed it down to Mother Board or Processor... They can figure it out and go through the trouble of change out the board and processor if that's the problem or the processor if that's the problem.

Well, Took the PC to the shop. The Tech knew right away that it was the mother board from the symptoms. Dude was good. He pulled the cover off and pointed out what I forgot as the first step in component level troubleshooting... visual inspection... Sure as shit there was a burned up cap next to the CPU. I save the board. If I can figure out the value of the cap, I can replace it. It's a good card.

Luckily, they had an Intel board that was almost exactly like my MSI board. Just no on board Video. Bonus.. only $90.

Got it home, Had to boot from Disk and run XP as a repair and presto... I was back up... I just didn't have Internet connection because the drivers were not there for the ethernet connection. I load up the Intel MoBo software and CRASH !!!! IRQL-NOT-EQUAL-TO-OR-LESS THAN... What? reboot. Crash.. A different blue screen of death message... reboot.. CRASH.. Another different message... GOOD GRAVY!!!! It's a conspiracy. of course the messages say get this driver, remove this hardware ... Blah blah blah.. If it would boot up load enough for me to do it I would.. Catch 22... So much for just $90.. back to the shop... Maybe just that the Hard drive is full but I got no errors to that fact. We will see.

The IRQ thing is usually hardware and it points to two or more devices sharing the same IRQ. Can you get into safe mode?

Safe mode crashes too... I just had the wife take it to the shop I bought the card from... too much stuff going on this week and I don't want to wait till next week end. I'm pretty sure it's cause the drive is full, I oonly had 5 gig left and Windows hogs a lot of space when it installs.

Turns out that there was a bad RAM stick. I must have fried it swapping out the mother board. Good thing Corsair has a life time warenty. Now I'm running on only 1 Gig... :(

The funning thing is, My wife got a lap top so I moved the PIII over to replace the PII as our server. While My PC was down I was using it to get online. I did a sys check and found it was only running at 320M Mem. Pull the Sticks out and found there was only a 256 and 128 stick. No wounder I was lagging... When I tried to put in another 256 stick, it wouldn't fit... Then I noticed that the notches didn't match... lol, looking at the stick, I was like "What Fuck is PC100 ??? lol, How quickly we forget....

I'm not upgrading that board.. Anyone got a couple of 512 PC100 sticks laying around in an old system?

I will take a look, but I think I put the last one I had in a buddy's system.

Subject:  Re: HELP PC died
I can take a look also,.. have the old comp i think gumby pitched in money to get me.. but since i know absolutely nothing about comps.. that comp had wicked virus' untill it slowed down and died.. could a virus slip into the mem sticks.. or should i check the comp and let ya know?

I got tabs on some localy.. thnx though... good to see you back... You may have to wait a bit to get back into your room... I believe Yuck's closet space is available...

Subject:  Re: HELP PC died
who's in yuckies closet now? martha stewart?

Good-bye, Martha!

Subject:  Re: HELP PC died
Naaa i think its paris hilton now lmfao!!

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