LOTRO official site

LOTRO official forums

LOTRO LoreBook - official game database and Wiki (currently in beta)

Lotro-wiki - the "official" unofficial wiki for the game. If you can't find it in the LoreBook, this is the place to check.

Lotro@OpenMMO - Another great wiki with tons of info including over 400 quest summaries.

Middle Earth HQ - great interactive maps, showing locations for quests, NPCs, trainers, and POIs.

Arda-Online Map - google earth map made by piecing together screenshots of the radar map from the game. Map also has contains markers for quests, NPCs, POIs and even node spawns. (work in progress)

www.thebrasse.com - Really cool hand drawn maps of cities and points of interest in the game.


List of all ingame traits, got regular and class legendary, and how to get them. Contains Spoiler info

Reputation rewards and locations.

Rare Spawns, Single Use Recipes and Mastery Items

Allakhazam Very informative site with many compendiums of other sites.

If you want to add a link, just reply with the URL and description and I will get it added to the list.

Last edited by DDM_Salvatoris on Fri Jun 22, 2007 7:19 pm; edited 4 times in total
Subject:  Re: LOTRO LINKS
are you sure they had radar in the time of the hobbits ?

Subject:  Re: LOTRO LINKS
DDM_Metalfiend wrote (View Post): › are you sure they had radar in the time of the hobbits ?

Yea, they tied a Hobbit to an Ent and had the Ent swing him in a huge circle and the Hobbit hollered out when he saw something.


Subject:  Re: LOTRO LINKS
lmfao,,,thats some funny shit roag

another link


added, I also set up the links section of the forums with appropriate categories. I'll get these links added to it when I get some free time. You can get to it from the left nav-menu, and anyone should be able to add links.

Subject:  Re: LOTRO LINKS
List of all ingame traits, got regular and class legendary, and how to get them

Contains Spoiler info

Last edited by DDM_Dragonlord on Mon Sep 10, 2007 10:02 am; edited 1 time in total
Reputation rewards and locations.

Something to note:

# Repair Discounts

* Gaining rep in any faction grants you repairs at a discount - approx 25% give or take based on level. This only works inside the faction house.

So, getting up to 10k is something to strive for...I would rather pay 750S over 1G any day :)

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