Subject: Bad ! Disconnected
On Wedensday 2 days ago at around 10pm local time, my connection went down.

The DSL lamp on my moden is blinking orange, attampting to connect, and has been that way since.

I have been in contact with my ISP and reported the problem, all I can do now is wait.

I have had this problem before, and it can take several days, even up to a week before my connection is back up.

First thing I tried when the problem occured was to disconnect the powersupply to my modem, waiting a little and then reconnecting with no changes.

I have no idea when I will be back online, just hope it wil be soon. Best would have been if I had it by the end of today, but with my luck most likely not before sometime next week.

Hope to get on and play with you guys soon

They move that slow out there? I would have had them here within 24 hrs. If I was near Sal's house, it would be 45 mins ;)

Everything is 45 minutes from here... it's a god damn geographical anomaly ;)

Subject:  Re: Disconnected
I'm back again. Just got my connection back.

My ISP does not come out to me. They chek for probelms on their end, and if the problem happens to be on my end, that would be in my apartment, they charge me for reporting an error.

If I want to have someone come and look at things on my end I have to call someone to works with that kind of stuff and I have to pay the bill.

That is poor service...but then again, you live in an iceberg, don't you?

Subject:  Re: Disconnected
Iceberg? I don't see any iceberg here.

Sure it can get a little chilly here during winter season, but it's not that bad.

Avg winter temp over here is about -20 degrees Centigrade.

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