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Subject: Grrrr ! what needs to change in mw4
ok for one i'd like all weapon slots to be omni to get back into the old battletech way of playing like it was in MW3, MW2......i need to have jump jets that can make me go up more.......and ONE BIG THING IS THE HEAT SINKS.......24 tons of sinks to get my super nova to 65......65 what the going to kill the person that made that up......And yes for the battletech fans out there i know that the super nova over heats alot in the game to........but not that much..........>Thanks for reading<............... :x

1) The reason the slots are the way they are is to be more aligned with the books and TRO's. A lot of diehards complained that a Medium Laser slot was shooting out an LBX20. So that will never change.

2) Be lucky you can "pump" your JJ's as it is. You should not be able to move and fly with your jump jets. It is supposed to be a one shot deal, like MW3.

3) It was broken before and now it is fixed. LL should be hot and there should be a penalty for alphaing your loadout. You are not supposed to run around firing off all of your Lasers and not suffer the penalty. Override is your friend, by the way.

DDM_LordShado wrote (View Post): › Override is your friend, by the way.

Until you go BOOM

Subject:  Re: what needs to change in mw4
I do agree that "heat" is way off still. THer is a major problem when I loadout "X-pulse" lasers and get worse heat problems than I do with the equivilant of Er large lasers. Also when u loadout Lasers (no heat problems yet) then add ballistics and whala your heat is off the chart.

I would also like to see way more OMNI ports. not all but a lot more...................3-4 lbx 20' setback.....range!

BUt.......on the contrary...I made a 6 erL Nova with relativly decent Alpha heat issues and on chain fire mode it never heats up...........Now 7 erl ...o-problems

even in the TRO's it talks about configs that you can't do in MW4 like a Super Nova with ATM9' if it was base on the TRO's i would have a nova cat with jj's and ya most of the mechs are base on there primary config in battletech and yes they should have fixed weapon slots but what about mechs with pod space even in battletech there is more you can do with a mech with pod's then one that has fixed weapons..look it up TRO
3058 and 3060....there is a nova cat with JJ's

One more thing i didn't like from the get go with MW4....I LOVE BATTLETECH this is a game base on it....and they fond a way to make some of the mechs look way dif from what they look like in battletech...some are as close as you can get to the battletech mechs like the madcat i was happy to see that they made it look better then what it was in MW3..same with the nova cat its on the money with that one but then there is mechs like the Cyclops, riflemen, the atlsa was fine befor the mp3 pacth...head to big it looks funny and ya i know they were trying to make it look like the old atlsa but no that good..the Awsome looks ok but its left arm is not a gun in battletech, same go's for the cammando. most of the mechs with hands are now just guns..And one thing i would love if a new patch come's out is to have more star league mechs....

All the mechs you mention that dont look right were not done by any official FASA got to remember that those Patches are not official in any way....they were done by some people who like the game....And alot of those Modelers were not neccessaraly Fans of classic Battletech...Thats why you see a difference in the way some of the Mechs look and how things work too....

Actually, The biggest reason was the law suite against them because the mechs looked too much like Robotech mechs. If I remember correctly, the reason we got the battle master and commando, and rifleman back was because it was determined that the company that was suing FASA/WIZKIDS did not have legal rights to say they represented the Robotech world.

Subject:  Re: what needs to change in mw4
i remember WAAAAAAAAAAAAY back in the day when a 7 ERL nova was the norm, you just learned to live with it or choose what i did, a thor with 2GR and a ERL, then theres the winner that is the SSRM4 thor, they are GOD, just remember that

7ERL, 1 HS and running at about 96kph with full reflective. Yep, was the norm. Before they "fixed" the heat issue.

Now, the bigger you are, the longer it takes to heat up and the longer it takes to cool down.

You know what's really funny? Every thing in this post was said back in the day. Nothing new here, just who's saying ... :P

LOL y'all should put the game back and come play for a night ;) I miss you.

Subject:  Re: what needs to change in mw4
I concur with wing!!!! We would love to see more active participation in MW4 by tried and true DDM warriors. I know my contribution in the past was minimal and trite but admit it boys n girls DDm was THE TEAM TO BEAT back in the day. We could be again. Nuff said. 8)

all my post always get the same reply from you soul!!!!!! Its not the thing were talking about!!!!!! OMG. LOL LOL woot woot ppl read the post READ!!!!! Gundam bad mechwarrior good ppl its EZ to get it!!!!!!!!!! I'll put it this way mech or GTFO!!! LOL but not mech..... Mech with a k not a h.......... And at this part of this post you should know that I'm Fing with you lolololololololololololo......... Gun is good stick is bad!!!! Ppl its EZ to get!!!!! Metal Gear good apple computer bad!!! You bin posted............. Hehehe.clan is good clan with a k is bad

The problem with mechwarrior 4 is that it is about 8 years old now, and hasn't been supported for at least 4. Every dirty trick and stupid exploit is common knowledge. The only change that could fix this game is changing the 4 to a 5... which is a hope I gave up years ago.

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