Subject: Snif ! To all that know me and to all that don't
:cry: i bin a DDM for almost a year and made firends that will ever be gone for me at all but I have moved to BS. I fill i need to get better in MW4 and going into the MWL will help. I still love to be your firend and your comrad for all of time but i fill that DDM will not be going back into the MWL....Soul, Sniper, Wing, Viper, Kalliope, and all of the DDM clan i think of you all as close firends and hope this will not get in the way of that....Sniper i now that this will hit home harder then any athere DDM but i will not be going back to So Srry for this but i hope to still be able to chat in the DDM Forums and have your full suport.....i stll want to be firends and with the MWL well.......all i can say is good luck.......there i said it...................................PS: this is DDM_Matchstick's last post as a DDM

Dun worry about it dude. People come and go all the time. We've always had an open door policy for sane people - although, ya might want to run a spellcheck next time. You have to go where you can get the skills, and DDM is no longer running an MWL show. Go and get better, I'm not going disappearing off the face of the earth, and that's just how it is. MWL is the only place left that you can be surrounded by greats all the time. Bunch of the old DDM's have moved on and there isn't much left in the line of "teaching" that I can give you. I told you this earlier today, but ya know it's time for you to develop a style to call your own. I want to see the beat you can play... :P Once a DDM, that's the way it rolls, you're a friend in mah book.

thanks wing...ooh and when i get better i want a match you and me battle two small mechs go in
one comes but ya thanks

.......PS: first post as a

You are still a DDM'er, bro. Nothing wrong with joining an active team in MWL while you are playing mech. Main thing is to have fun playing.

We are still here and Wing is still here to knock you down a peg or two ;)

Eh, he got pretty good Shady :P I'll have to bring the A game, maybe my old strider. ;)

Subject:  Re: To all that know me and to all that don't
Like I told ya Match :wink: you will always be a DDM no matter what. Beside that lol BS is still considered a sister clan to us. So play on bro and blast a few for me while you are at it. I should be back in the game soon, the shoulder is healing quickly.

Matchstick wrote (View Post): › thanks wing...ooh and when i get better i want a match you and me battle two small mechs go in
one comes but ya thanks

.......PS: first post as a

no harm in checking out for a while...hell even I got back in... :shock:
Black Scorpions huh?.... hhhm I have run into them a lot in the past. Some of them might know me.
look for me in the opens...6, blake, pamela,owen,deathstalker,hazel,masked gladiator,ruby, bob, or anotherdumbfux... to name a few...
The last name looks great when I kill people... "anotherdumbfux killed blahblahblah."
I would love to make it a threesome in the lights one day.

I love mech!!!!!!!!!! Woot woot woot and the aids bomb!!!! But ya DDM is my home clan bacon!!!

Subject:  Re: To all that know me and to all that don't
Damn we might just have to get some game going here soon, guess I will see how the shoulder feels after PT today.

you want to see how you kill a post.................... Wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooot

Subject:  Re: To all that know me and to all that don't
You'll find that there's a lot who are DDM for life. I've been away for a while, and whenever I come back it's like I never left. The Death Dealers (past and present) are the best group of friends I've made on-line in the 10+ years I've played whatever game on the interweb.

Welcome the the Brotherhood :-)

Subject:  Re: To all that know me and to all that don't
lol indeed, i aint gamed with most these guys for what... 6 years? lol and they still put up with me

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