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Subject:  Old MW4 scrub stopping by
Hey guys - was reminiscing about the old MW4 days while I was browsing the MWLL site earlier, and I thought about you all. Man, hard to believe it's been nearly 8 years since MW4 came out - that's the better part of a decade!

Anyway, not sure how many of you guys will remember me. I definitely remember some of your names as I look over the forum - Reijklin, LordShado, Wing0, TK421DS, Dolphin, etc., and of course, Salvatoris.

Really awesome to see so many of you guys still going strong in the same clan together. That doesn't happen very often. Some of you guys I remember from way back in the Storm Kestrel days - the very first gaming clan I was ever in.

Looks like you guys have branched out into a lot of games. I've played quite a few multiplayers since the MW4 days - America's Army, CS:S, World of Warcraft, Planetside, Call of Duty 4, Age of Conan, Warhammer, etc. Only WoW was able to rival the ol' MW4 addiction, but none of them have come close to matching the thrill of a classic MW league match. No matter what, it always comes back to the MW days, doesn't it? Hell, I even still read some of the old Battletech books. Nothing seems to match it. Must be one of those "first love" type things.

I think I was 13 when I first hooked up with some of you guys back in MW3, and transitioned into MW4. I'm 23 now, and got married back in March. Still living in Atlanta, GA.

Anyway, just wanted to stop in and say hi. Hope all of you guys are doing well. I look forward to seeing you guys around in MWLL, if it ever comes out! It's going to be surreal to finally have a new way to scratch that old MechWarrior itch.

By the way, are there any archives of old BZ4 or MW4VL stuff anywhere? I remember MW4VL was but I can't even remember what the BZ address was. Last time I visited it, it was still up but the database seemed to be fried.

Subject:  Re: Old MW4 scrub stopping by
HOLY SHIT!!!!! :shock:

Of course I remember you, dude! Congrats on getting married, and the whole graduation, etc. :D I'm divorced, re-engaged, and have her three kids plus my own first baby born last July. I'm pretty sure I posted about it here somewhere.

Welcome back! I'm still playing AO, although I think I'm the only one, and waiting semi-patiently for another MW game to come out.

Subject:  Re: Old MW4 scrub stopping by
Damn, forgot to login and my reply got blanked! Argh. Anyway...

Congrats on the baby Reij! That's fantastic. My wife and I hope to have one some day - just waiting until the economics are right. Grats on the engagement too! I don't envy you - we went pretty simple, and the wedding planning was still a pain. And we didn't have to wrestle with four kids while we did it like you do! Glad to hear you're doing well.

I thought you old timers might remember me, for better or worse, lol. I never tried out AO - always heard of it, but never gave it a try. I'm mainly playing COD4 lately. I love WoW, but I don't really play it anymore since I can't raid. The wife doesn't mind me gaming as long as I'm available whenever she wants me. Raiding requires full attention and doesn't just let me pick up and leave whenever I need, so I've had to put my raiding days behind me...sigh.

Either way, I still make sure to say a daily prayer for a Battletech MMO. :)

Hey Mav, good too see that you are doing well. It's nice to see old faces that have a better half keeping them in check :)

Yeah, we have branched out into a few games, some for a bit some a little longer - some are still playing Mechwarrior. The staples seem to be WoW, AO (I still play, despite what Reij says ;)), AoC and the newest up and coming, WAR.

We have been following MWLL, anticipating the deliverance of the great product that they are working on.

Subject:  Re: Old MW4 scrub stopping by
hey... i remember j00 lol what up, been awhile since ive seen you, an grats on all of lifes accomplishments. luckily i found me a woman who i got to play WoW so i dont have to worry about gettin yelled at so long as i get her kids up prior to raids in the morning lol

but as i said, its been a long time, specially since the MW3 days lol

Subject:  Re: Old MW4 scrub stopping by
Good to see you to Lordshado - you've gotta be one of the old-timers around here by now! Hey Tane, I definitely remember you, man. For some reason a Daishi and Shadowcat are popping into my head...did you pilot one of those a lot?

It's funny, the only time we ever actually "saw" our opponents in MW was in our mechs. I still associate a lot of the guys with certain mechs. Like a couple of the guys from House Badass...Hayabusa and Spectre. I always think of a SCat and MKII when I remember them, since that's what they always fought against us with.

Aw man, who was the guy in DDM that loved Timber Wolves? Damn, I can't think of his name...I know I'll recognize it the second I see it. It was one of the higher ranked guys... I think he lived in the Netherlands?


Holy crap balls, it's Mav.

DDM_Wing0 wrote (View Post): › Holy crap balls, it's Mav.

No Shit. I still occasionally have this Jay and Silent Bob "Magnolia-fan" daydream where I fly across the country and punch him square in the face. ;)

Still? Poor Sal. :P

Hey, a few years ago I would have said Pummel beyond recognition rather than punch in the face. I guess time heals all wounds, both real and imagined. ;)

lmao so true

Subject:  Re: Old MW4 scrub stopping by
lol Sal. Hey man, you guys always were really good to me when I was in the unit. I know it's nearly ten years late, but I apologize for the way things went in the end. What can I say - I was a kid. In retrospect, I definitely did you guys wrong in the way I left the unit. "Loyalty" wasn't something I knew a lot about at that age. :)

Anyways, I know thats all old news, but I don't think I ever apologized to you. Glad to see your unit is still going strong. I always remember you putting your all into it.

On a side note, anyone playing COD5?

Mustang also liked Madkitties. And maybe SYSNOM too.

Subject:  Re: Old MW4 scrub stopping by
Mavarick wrote (View Post): › It's funny, the only time we ever actually "saw" our opponents in MW was in our mechs. I still associate a lot of the guys with certain mechs. Like a couple of the guys from House Badass...Hayabusa and Spectre. I always think of a SCat and MKII when I remember them, since that's what they always fought against us with.

I seem to remember you playing a Thor or Loki a lot, as well. :)

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