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Death Dealer
Subject:  Site is back up
We had a breach by known persons. The site is backup, please register so I can start the testing.

If you have any questions in regards to the forum, other than the breach, please feel free to post.

We will survive, we always do.

No shit shady ;)


I am the first one to ..................


On the new forum...LOL...:P Shady!

Subject:  Re: Site is back up
I'm in.

DDM_Cypher wrote (View Post): › I am the first one to ..................


On the new forum...LOL...:P Shady!


BTW, the old forum is not lost. I have a backup of it, but we decided to start new instead.

I will make an archive folder of most of the old posts, so we can reference it.

Some items that I had added may or may not make it back, due to desire, availabilty and overall look and feel.

DDM Leopardqueen
Honey! Im home :)


Subject:  Re: Site is back up
Death Dealer wrote (View Post): › We had a breach by known persons. The site is backup, please register so I can start the testing.

If you have any questions in regards to the forum, other than the breach, please feel free to post.

Iam a known person,but not the one who you think be known...
So who am I ?
Iam 1from40 and apparently black....
and no Ia mnot a poofta.... :lol:

wtf happened to te other site?

Subject:  Re: Site is back up
When we have a locked section of the forum for private discussion, that'd be a better place to go into details.

Subject:  Re: Site is back up
Anonymous wrote (View Post): ›
Death Dealer wrote (View Post): › We had a breach by known persons. The site is backup, please register so I can start the testing.

If you have any questions in regards to the forum, other than the breach, please feel free to post.

Iam a known person,but not the one who you think be known...
So who am I ?
Iam 1from40 and apparently black....
and no Ia mnot a poofta.... :lol:

wtf happened to te other site?

oooooohhh ooooohhh it's me isn't it?

Subject:  Re: Site is back up
Jaws theme plays...

Death Dealer
We need some sigs in this place. Tomorrow, Lordshado will send the old forum to me and I will change profiles to the ones we hosted.

Last edited by Death Dealer on Wed Dec 13, 2006 6:07 pm; edited 1 time in total
Nice work, Shady, Sal :) If you need any help with weird tweaked shit, like an acronym list, stuffs like that.. s'all good.

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