Sup ladies and Gents! Miss you all and looked through the site here and it seems so many are still here! Wow! Do you guys still play together? An update on me, now im 34 not 25 when we used to play online for several years together! :) Its been quite a while and I live in HOng Kong nowadays, but I still game quite a bit.... How are you all? Anyone ever come out to Asia?
How is mech these days? Fun leagues and stuff or just chill?
Subject: DDM_DEADMAN, Still Dead?
Subject: Re: DDM_DEADMAN, Still Dead?
Well, hey HEY, BRUTHA!!
Still bashing!! In fact DDM has had a resurgence in strength and numbers lately, Olde schoolers returning and new blood being added almost every week!! We just re-joined MWL ( ) and have our first league engagement coming up soon. Discs and updates available...come join in if you can!! GREAT TO SEE YA!!! 8)
Hey DM.
Hey, Dead! Long time, no see. What games are you playing? Still loving that Hong Kong scene, eh?
sup DM
Subject: Re: DDM_DEADMAN, Still Dead?
Well lets see, I do love Hong Kong alot man, but gaming with you guys back in the day was like some of the best times ever man!!! I remember all the old boys including you guys of course!!! Looks like many new faces and old ones here! I want to get my Hong Kong rig up and running on Mech.... Shado could you prepare an entire disk collection and update package along with an evening of guiding me through patches, downloads and updates to the game? If yes I can prepare for you a ticket out to China with Wing too!!! And we can get my rig up and running from out here and then when you guys get back home we I can log on in the day and do some leagues with you guys if the ping isnt too high.... I should be able to compensate, I typically run at 150ms to servers in west coast and midwest, then around 200 to east coast.
What you think?
Subject: Re: DDM_DEADMAN, Still Dead?
Yo Demon what up dog! Long time man, long time. still rockin it ya? schweeeet!
cool glad to hear it....would be sweet to wing with you again...
Deadman - you surely haven't forgotten your prodigy?
I've almost doubled in age, but you'll always be my master. That sounded wrong haha! Good to hear from you!!
Subject: Re: DDM_DEADMAN, Still Dead?
the deadman arises yet another time,,,that would be cool to have you runnin with us i don't think i ever got to you dropped out to go to other side of the world as i was joining up
and i guess i missed ya by like a few hours at the con up at shado's house but good to see your still around
Hey Deadman, You have a little over a year to make plans for a trip to Texas for our 10 year DDMCON. :)
Subject: Re: DDM_DEADMAN, Still Dead?
Lex!!! My true apprentice.... twin vulture flanks! Miss ya man, you gotta come to the DDM CON next summer in August, im going to come out from Hong Kong..... we gotta party!
Peace bro, Dead. p.s. Thanks for the heads up Metal, i remember you and know we are both DDM blood always! Fight the good fight bro!
Subject: Re: DDM_DEADMAN, Still Dead?
I've got a few other friends in texas, as well.. so that trip is definately not out of the question for me. :wink: Page 1 of 1
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