Subject:  I need some help and advice from you guys.
I really dont want to involve everyone in my personal problems, and have avoided talking about this as I did not want to seem like I was whining or buggin you folks about every little detali about my life.

Unfortunately things have come to a point where I need some advice as it seems I have mamanged to start a little war over here.
I warn you though, this is gonna be somewhat of a rant.
Here is my side of the story so far:

As you probably know I used to play alot of World of Warcraft (wow).
In the game I was in a guild, as an officer, which a friend of mine, Kenneth, was running.
His girl Julie was in it as well naturally.
About a year ago I got interrested in a girl who was in our guild, her name is Lucy and she lives in London.
For a time I spent a good deal of time playing with her ingame, and we got along nicely.
Then as the time came when the new expansion came out, some of the players among them was Kenn, Julie, Lucy and me,
felt that the game was taking up too much of our time and we kinda quit the game for a time.
At this point Lucy and I was friends on Facebook (FB) and on MSN. and some time back I had sent her a private message on FB inviting her to come to Norway for a visit.
She seemed interrested and for a time there was a good deal of talk about it, and I was trying to save up money for a trip to London to visit her.
At this time, at the encouragement of another ingame friend, I wrote a mail to Lucy with his help telling her what I felt for her.
This is something I should never have done, leave it to me to figure that out after it is too late.
But her response was that she was not interrested, but would like to have me as a friend. I was not happy about it but there was not much I could do about it.
I talked alot about it though with Kenn and Julie, but as you will understand later it was aparently too much.
We kept talking on FB and MSN, she came to me on MSN several times and on several occations mentioned that I should come to London.
Being unemployed it was not easy for me to save up moneyh for the trip, but I treid.
Lucy and Julie returned to the game again after only a couple weeks, me and Kenn held out for 4 months.
For a while Kenn and I kept his guild going with some of the old folks in it, then I started getting the feeling that I was not really wanted around there anymore.
It was not what was said to me, but more like what was happening and the way the others acted towards me, its hard to explain, but I think you may understand.
At some point one of the guys in the guild started a new charachter, which he called "whinermich" that added to the other things I noticed made me decide to leave the guild and seek my fortune elsewhere.

I talked to Lucy and asked if they could use me in the guild she was in and she said she would check it out. Julie was in that guild as well, and the two of them seemed to go well together and I figured that we could play together all 3 of us.
It was no problem and I joined the guild, and for a few days everything seemed fine. Then things started going bad.
I had recently hit max lvl and was working towards getting ear to start raiding with the guild.
One day I did some heroic runs with the guild, then at one point Julie wanted to do a specific one and Lucy wanted to come along.
Julie needed it to get an achievement to get a proffession recipe.
I had rather poor gear, I was low on money. I had 3 quests to do in there, and needed some things that could drop in there.
But since I hand not done that particular one on heroic mode before, Julie "insisted" to put it mildly that I not come along as the last boss was aparently very difficult to take down.
Nat that it would have mattered as the didnt make it anyway after several tries.
Julie got Lucy with her in this I tried explaining that I needed some things but Julie would not listen.
Eventually I got frustrated and said, "whatever" and left the group. At this point Julie came to me on private channel and told me I was being childish.
Now Julie had all the gear she needed to raid with the guild, while I needed both money and gear, meaning that it was very inconsiderate and unreasonable of her to do and say what she did.
A few moments after I talked to Julie, Lucy came to me on private, and told me that I was scaring her with some things I had said to her on FB.
This came as I surprise to me and I guess I panicked, as she had contacted me on MSN several times and never had any problems responding to me on FB. And I never saw any indication whatsoever that there was anything wrong, and I was afraid of losing a good friend.
I didn't think clearly either as I didn't think of asking the questions I should have asked, like what was it that I said or did that scared her, and if there was a problem why had she not told me before if there was a problem?
I did my best in my "panicked" state, to remedy the situation and apologise for what had happend. And I thought that I had at least gotten a small chance of fixing things.
The odd thing was that only the day before, she and I had been talking together and one of the things that came up was the folowing.
I said to her "I realy need to gain some weight", and her response was "lol, come to London and well all fatten you up", and I responded with "maybe I'll take you up on that offer", and which point the conversation continued.

Kenneth plays in a band, and a couple days later Kenneth called me, he called at 11.30 PM, I had gone to bed as I was tired and had to get up early the next day.
He wanted to know if I could babysit his 8 year old son the next day, as they were playing late the next evening. He needed a babysitter as his girl wanted to go and see him play.
I didn't promise anything, but said I'd look into it. I was rather groggy after having roused from sleep.
The next day I got a call from an old schoolmate which I had not seen in years, he was nearby and wanted to drop by and I of course did not mind.
What Kenneth then called later and asked if I could babysit I told him I could not as I got visitors.
Now I was playing wow at the time, and his girl was online as well. When she got the news that I could not babysit she wen completely haywire.
She acted as if it was the end of the world, she stared accusing me of lying, making up stories, and even said that I was stalking Lucy.
She said all this openly in guild chat so everyone could see it. That she was mad at me I could accept, and had she said it to me in private I would not have taken much notice of it.
Now Lucy was not online at this time, and I was afraid she would go to her and start telling her lies. So what I did was I sent an ingame mail to Lucy explaining the situation.
The result was devestating.
When I came back online later I had been kicked from the guild, aparently due to this situation and never got to tell my side of the story.
Lcuy had by the put me on ignore ingame and removed me as a friend on FB,and most likely blocked me on MSN.
At this point I talked to kenneth and he told me he had said to me several times that I scared Lucy.
Now he has olny said something about it a couple times, and he said it so vaguely that I thought he meant I should put my feelings for Lucy behind me.
As mentioned before, she never said anything to me and I never saw any hints of indications that anything was wrong.

At this point annother friend of mine from the game who I had met once, contacted me on MSN. Her name is Tonje.
She started telling me that when I had not been online Kenneth Julie and some others had been badmouthing and talking shit about me. It came as no big surprise to me , considering the idications I had gotten earlier.
They aparently did this with some enthusiasm and clearly meant what they said.
After some thinking I confronted Kenneth with this in a mail. He quickly responded to this mail and started talking about all the things he and his girl had done to help me through the years.
After a while I thought that maybe I had acted a bit too quickly, and sent a mail back to kenneth trying to apoligise for my actions and words. I never got a response.
Now kenneth always got things the way he wanted with me, no matter what I said or how hard I treid to argue against him. Last thing he got me to do was let he and his got get each their mobile boradband, having them stand in my name. when I got no response from kenneth I decided to block the subscripions so they could no longer use them, and after about 2 weeks, Kenneth suddenly called me. I did not answer, as I knew that all he wanted was to have me open the subscriptions again.
Now at this point some Info about Kenneth and his girl is in its place
I have a hard time saying no, and Kenneth is very good at talking to people and had an easy time getting me to do things that was not in my best interrests.
On several occations he talked me into guraranteeing for diverse loans and items purchased with downpayment rates. In other words, he talked me into signing the papers while he got everything. He said we were to use it to do some buissiness and make money, and that he would pay the bills.
For a while he payed the bills, then it just stoped and I sat there having to pay for it all. I'm struggling with it to this day, but have at least sought aid in the matter.
Not only that but he has borrowed alot of money of me over the years, and every time there has been talk about
payback he always had some excuse about not having enough money at that time.
And eveny time I had some extra money, he always got me to use them either buying some useless crap I didn't have any use for of him, or in some other way.
I have for a long time felt that I have been exploited by these two, and can now, as I no longer talk to them, see how I have been used and exploited for a long time.

Now back to the story again.
I told Tonje of how Kenneth had used me through the years, and we both agreed that Julie was just a spoiled brat.
Tonje told me that she would try talking to Lucy to do some "fishing" as she said, and agreed to put in some good words for me.
Tonje and Lucy have always been on a good footing, but for some odd reason Lucy have not responded to Tonje, even to a casual a message as "hey how are you doing",
After doing some thinking and checking a bit I have come to the realisation that some of the things I have said to Lucy have clearly been clouded by my feelings for her, but I do not belive that is the entire reason.
If I had scared her so much as I've been told why did she then come to me for a chat on MSN, why did she say I should come to London for a visit, and why did she respond to my messages on FB?
Kenneth and Julie never approved of my interrest in Lucy, they were very adamant about it, and meant that it was wrong and who knows what, Julie in particular was very strong minded about it.
I will admidt that it may not have been the best of cases, as there is somewhat of an age difference between me and Lucy.... 15 years, me being the older one.
Kenneth and Julie however should not speak too loudly as there are as much as 10 years between the two of them.
I strongly suspect that the two of them have been adding to Lucys fear by saying things about me, twisting things to fit their ends. Telling her stories about me with just enough truh in it to be belivable.
I have sent one last message to Lucy on FB, you can send a private message to others even if you are not friends, trying to apologise for anything and evenrhting I have said and done to upset her, and treid asking her what is was I said or did to upset her and why she did not tell me.
And as I had expected I have recived no response.
My best and only true friend, Leopold, sometimes smoke marihuana, not in large quantities, but every now and then and he never bothers me with it.
I have know him for 16 years, and trust him implicity, Kenneth has met him once, but have tried to make me break off that friendship.
I belive the reason for that is simply because Kenneth didn't like the guy and the fact that he was smoking a bit didn't make the situation better.
Kenneth and his girl Julie seems to think that if poeple does not fit their twised sense of reality, they are not worth ahving as friends or even talking to.
I'm holding the two of them personally responsible for losing a good friend in Lucy, I strongly suspect that they have had something to do with this.
Unfortunately I cant prove anything and all I can do is speculate.
This really bothers me these days, as I was of the impression that Lucy and I was good friends and I honestly dont know what to do with myself these days.

A few days ago I was playing LOTRO, I was in a raid with my Kin and did not hear that Julie contacted me on MSN.
I didnt see the message before later, at which point she had logged off.
What she wanted was simply to yell at me, she yelled at me aboout all the things the and her BF Kenneth had dont to help me, and about how I had scared this girl Lucy saying that she was afraid of me because I had been stalking her and all.
As mentioned before, whne I talked to this Lucy I was given the impression that nothing was wrong and that we were getting along fine.
In any case, I sent a mail to Julie explaining my side of the situation, and asking alot of questions about the situation with this Lucy.
I'm still waiting for a response.
Today I sent a mail to a few others that also know her telling them of the recent development and asking them to tell Julie to read her mail and contact me again.

I dont know what it is, but these two people, Kenneth and Julie, seems hellbent on maikng things miserable for me after I broke off contact with them.
They even seem either unable, or in my opinion, quite simply unwilling to hear my side of the story.
It has come to a point now where I dont know what to do, and get getting sorely tempted to do things I will later regret.
I'm trying my very best to keep myself in check and not do anything, but its getting more and more difficult.

All I have tried doing so far is to reestablish contact with a person I thought was a good friend, only to get all sorts of hell from these two people.
I'm not saying I'm not at fault here, far be it from me to not take my part of the balme, but I will not take all the blame here.
There is plenty to go around for everyone, IF the narrow sighted and thickheaded idiots would just be willing to listen for 2 seconds.

I'm tired of it all and just want an end to it, but these guys just dont seem to want to leave me alone.
And I no longer have any idea what I should do.

Dude put them on Ignore in WoW first off. I would even suggest look for a server that you can transfer your Char. too. Keep in mind when your playing these online games that even tho they are meant for socializing online that it usually isnt a good idea to bring it into the Real World... It only happened here at DDM after years of playing together and talking to each other.

Cut your losses. Transfer your Char. If you can get on an American Server you can come to Quel'dorei. Look for the Guild "A Glorious Death" I am an officer in that guild and am fully geared for Raiding in Tier 7 equipment. I go by Renshii there and would be more than glad to have you and help you.

If you cant switch servers atleast find a guild on your server that is willing to help people get geared for raiding.. That is very important now that you are lvl 80. Leave the Real World relationships out of WoW would be my best suggestion to you.....

Subject:  Re: I need some help and advice from you guys.
Pyro, you really should read everything.

First off, I have quit wow, due to all the painfull memeroies and the fact that I lost all interrest in the game.
And I did use ingore ingame.

Second off, 2 of these people, Kenneth and Julie, are someone I thought was my friends in real life.
We all live in the same town, and I have know them for several years.

As I said, Julie came to me and started yelling at me on MSN, not in wow. I havent played wow in months.

I apreciate your help, but it would help if you got the deatils right :)

Maybe if you read it again?

Subject:  Re: I need some help and advice from you guys.
first off quit being such a nice guy toughen up a bit,, i understand you thought these people were friends and such but obviously not (including Lucy) forget them tell em to fuck off and leave you alone and then not contact them any more at all in game or RL. And you could maybe report them for bullying or something and make sure you save all conversations if they contact you again for some bullshit for proof and such but do not answer them back that just shows them that you are still interested even if it is to argue.

and as for the loaning of money and signing papers and such have the stuff repoed or try to get out from under it somehow might even have to hire a lawyer or somethin,,,and stop loaning out money and your name a little charity is good but you can't go around trying to save everyone from a little grief because most people will see that and take advantage of it if they can as you have seen, save your money you have cheeseburgers to buy and such

I'm with metal. You just don't need people like that in your life. This is the same advice I give my sons about girls, don't get target fixation. It's fun to chase one for a little while, but eventually if they keep running, you have to pick another one out of the herd. I understand the thrill of the chase, but it's much more fun to catch one.

As to your buddy and his girlfriend. I heard someone say that if you loan a friend 20 bucks and then never see him again it was money well spent. If they are willing to spin on you and treat you like shit over something small and petty, you are better off without them.

just my two cents.

Subject:  Re: I need some help and advice from you guys.
I have to agree with metal and Sal on this one. Cut the loss (which is minimal) and seek a better calibre of friends. Fair weather friends are not friends at all.

I agree with everyone that replied.....also you need to block them on msn and face book/my space/twitter and whatever else they had access to you on.....

cut you loses and move on

Xavier Buhallin
Subject:  Re: I need some help and advice from you guys.
I am with you guys too! Soul said it best.

Subject:  Re: I need some help and advice from you guys.
Have been in a dialogue with the 2 crackheads here at home last few days. been trying to coax some info out of them.

The guy I talked about actually disavows the part of him putting me in large ammountts of debt.
We are talking 20-25000$ depending on the exchange rate.
He does say he has been fucked up about money but dont agree to anything specific.
I do not trust anything they say anymore, and regardless of wether they answer my questions or not I intend to leave them in the dirt. They hev fucked me over far too many times to be worth having anything to do with anymore. put short, I intent to heed the advice I have gotten from my brothers here.

I have had 2 other people I talked with about theese things respond to may latest mails about the case today. Seems I at least have 2 more friends out there, which I find comforting.
I addition I have my best and closest friend helping and supporting me and cheering me up.

My best and closest friend. I always want to tell everyone about him and what he means to me.
You guys should know as well.
His Name is Baltazar, I know its an unusual name. His birth name is Terje, about 10 years ago he changed it officially to Leopold, and then later to Baltazar.

I have known him for 16 years, we went to school together, thats how we got to know each other.
Through the years we have established a close friendship, and everytim I have needed help or been feeling depressed, he has always been there to support me and cheer me up when I needed it.
I can honestly say that I'm not sure where I would have been today if it had not been for him.
HE is a freind of the rarest kind, a once in a lifetime find you could say.
I know I can trust him 110%, and I am equally 110% behind him.
The last couple years he has been living in Brussels, Belgium, working for Nokia support.
He recently moved to Budapest, Hungary, and started working for UPS.

Even though the physical distance between us have been great, we have stayed in touch on an almost daily basis, via SMS, the occational phonecall, Mail and now also MSN.
He has said he is gonna, and I kow he will do it as well, pay for a ticket for me so I can come down and visit him, as I dont really have much in the way of money these days.

And whenever he comes home to Norway on holiday, he always tries to spend most of it with me and we usually meet up with a few others we know and have some fun together.
He dont have a drivers licence, I do but dont have a car. However his parents are always willing to let us borrow a car of them, they have at least 4 cars, so we can get around have have some fun together.
He is the kind of friend that just cannot be described with words, you just know he is always there for you.

I just felt I had to mention him, as he is the kind of friend that everyone should have.

in a family readiness group (manditory) mwhile back, it was told that ther is a diffenitive difference between a 'friend' and an 'aquatence'

sounds like you have a friend

walk proudly and dont let this get you, you know you have brothers here in ddm and well always go out of our way to help our own

Subject:  Re: I need some help and advice from you guys.
Dude...........you gotta see thru the Shit stained glasses and clear up the Drama............

From what i read............THESE PEOPLE AREN'T YOUR FRIENDS, AND DO NOT WANT TO BE :cry: ........they are WoW addicts and cold hearted about it.
As for Lucy...........She is a cyber jocky chick with no interest in internet Bro's.........She prolly has tons on Bf's in London you have no ideas about at all..........Everyone lies in FB & Msn period........ :roll:

I feel for ya tho bro. It is hard to leave a long dedicated situation such as a MMO Guild raiding team and not feel al kibds of guilt, sadness, wonder, anger, and all the other emotions involved. Believe me, i played WoW for 5 years straight and almost lost my marrage to it (another story full of drama!!). I was full raid spec for endgame level 80 in a huge raiding guild I had all the shit, gold, gear..........I gave it up (deleted all my shit) for what counts the most...........those real people around you......you know, the ones who care about you for real......... 8)

Well, i know you have other real friends who like you and actually want to see you without it being some babysitting, or WoW encounter or msn or FB.

We are DDM an we are friends. People herE will never trash talk you nor put you thru a ringer. Ya it's still internet relationship, but I think there is a different bond involved here at DDM than most Cyber places have. :oops:

Tate..aka TK421DS

Last edited by DDM_TK421DS on Tue Aug 25, 2009 2:45 pm; edited 1 time in total
well said tate ...you son of .....! LOL love all you guys..and gals,,,,damn 5 days with out internet felt like a frikin month....BROTHERHOOD 4 LIFE

Subject: Great ! Re: I need some help and advice from you guys.
i think the reason we are all friends is because wea re all actual for real freinds not just in cyber but in real life most of us have met or have wanted to through the cons and goin over to each others houses and stuff

some of us can't get to expierence that but would like to i know and that counts i think

i personally am kinda picky about who i am friends with and if your not a friend that don't mean your an enemy it just means that you havn't shown yourself to be a friend yet so aquaintence is what you shall remain

but i think everyone here i can consider a friend :)

talk about WoW drama, wish i would have read this before. i hope you are living a ken and julie free life now!

I second everything everybody else said.

Especially the good parts. :)

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