Subject:  Time to Move On
Thanks for all the happy times over the years everyone, but I need to move on from DDM. Please remove me from the MWL roster. I wish you all the best for the future.

Peace out,

Subject:  Re: Time to Move On
Hey I was only kidding about the Wing0 you held this unit together through our darkest hours. We need you now as much as ever. Please reconsider.

i agree with gatekeeper, things are as rough now as they have ever been
but thats no reason to 'move on'
youve always been a shining source of charisma, loosing the morale thst you bring to us coud easily be a catalyst to falling out.

you can easily say weve taken step backs asa whole, but look where we were several months ago, dead forum and no point of direction as a team

but in the last months i have seen DDM on the move more now than since ive been here

dont let a good thing die

Subject:  Re: Time to Move On
It is never easy to leave anything that one has been a part of for many years.

However the time comes in everyone’s life when they realize they can no longer benefit or affect positive change in an organization. In many ways I feel the concept of brotherhood has been lost, and it is time for me also to move on.

For over two and a half years, four of us have struggled to resurrect the Mech team, and when we finally saw our dream come to light things became something other than what we had envisioned. I will always remain a friend and treasure the good memories shared with DDM.

I too feel it is time to move on and grow. Please remove me from the MWL roster; in fact poll those who remain, and determine if any are actually serious enough to stay in the league at all.

Thanks for the memories and the good times and I wish good will to all,
Respectfully yours, Col. SoulBandit

I to shall be leaving. You may remove me from the MWL DDM roster.
The reason I joined DDM was to play MW4 with a team that is serios about it, and I feel that DDM would rather get into a power struggle than have fun playing the game.

Thanks guys it's been fun.

Subject:  Re: Time to Move On
Fuck you guys for leaving us.

You are the heart and soul of DDM, OCL is a shadow of it's former self. I'll call them all out. You better show for practice OCL.

Again, to all you thin-skinned motherfuckers who are leaving because someone threw a little sand up your vaginii...get bent

No hard feelings, I just want to play mechwarrior.

Wing and Soul, you guys need to call this what it is... If you can't be in charge of DDM, you don't want to be a part of it. Like I already told you both in chat, if you got the idea that the team had been abandoned by it's leadership, you were mistaken.

You guys are bsasing all your decisions with this team on a game that's almost 9 years old now. You should understand that most of us continued to play games together after Mechwarrior 4 play died off. While you were sitting in empty mech servers, we were all playing Guild Wars together, and later AO, with smaller groups of us in a couple of other games.

I'm not trying to talk anyone out of leaving... This goes for everyone, if mechwarrior 4 is more important to you than the friends you play it with on this team, I'm happy to see you go.

Nik, it's a shame to see you go. But if your number one priority is MWl, then it is probably for the best, as it looks like the bulk of our MWL guys are moving to a new team there.

The good news for DDM is, at least the members of OCl saw this coming a mile away this time. We have been discussing the fact that Wing and Soul were on their way out the door in the OCl folder for about a month. You guys didn't think all the attention to the rules and ranks was a coinicidence did you? I'm surprised at the way it went down, but hopefully our efforts will limit the amount of people they take with them. Not that I really worry about losing anyone that cares more about the game than their friends. THAT is what brotherhood means to DDM. If you don't understand that by now, you really shouldn't be with us anyway. We survied when Mavarick loeft with a chunk of guys to start a new team, and we managed through Blunt doing the same thing... we'll make it through this Rang3r lead exodus as well.

I just wanted to let you guys know that I will still be open to take care of the news feeds if you guys want. And I wouldn't mind merc-ing for you guys.

Subject:  All the Best
I think ddm is very good

I thank you for chance to join

I feel it's best if i move along, we are all good, i just have a different style

and i am not helping ddm at all, feel sort of out there

best in life, best in mw



Ice Gerbil
hello OCL

plz remove me from the roster on MWL i am leaving because i am sick and tired of your
bullcrap drama queen attitude grow up and learn to lead in a proper way

all i can say to those of OCL ur all acting like a bunch of children over
this unit which is hilarious cuz i believe all of you are older then me by about 20+
years and yet i have been acting more mature then you all combined

once again remove me from your roster on MWL

Jihad Gerbil

Subject:  Re: All the Best
Please Lord Shad remove me from mwl roster.

I joined DDM to play with a team, this team is not any longer DDM.


Subject:  Re: All the Best
remove me too

noob loser<---------------

Subject:  Re: All the Best
DDM_RODO wrote (View Post): › Please Lord Shad remove me from mwl roster.

I joined DDM to play with a team, this team is not any longer DDM.


If you knew what DDM was, you would know better. The truth is DDM isn't ZME.

DDM_Ice Gerbilâ„¢ wrote (View Post): › hello OCL

plz remove me from the roster on MWL i am leaving because i am sick and tired of your
bullcrap drama queen attitude grow up and learn to lead in a proper way

all i can say to those of OCL ur all acting like a bunch of children over
this unit which is hilarious cuz i believe all of you are older then me by about 20+
years and yet i have been acting more mature then you all combined

once again remove me from your roster on MWL

Jihad Gerbil

Don't let the door hit you in the ass traitor bitch.

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