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Subject:  Re: Getting into a Server on MM - Problem(s)
i wonder if maybe he has a battery back up unit , one of those deals where if the power goes out it will keep your comp running for a little while so you can shut it down proper in case of electrical outage,,,,,, a buddy of mine had 1 a few years ago that had a built in firewall for some reason and we never realised it until after he got a new one but after he unplugged it POW he could play online games again it blocked a lot of em

Subject:  Re: Getting into a Server on MM - Problem(s)
Okay, first, no back-up.
Second, Sav & I went into my RegistryEdit & completely removed all signs of 'Avast!" aka Awal? the night before last. And tried re-setting my modem. Still a No-go.
Third, about the more "Tech Savy" individual, "Hey, thats me!" (I hooked my wife's laptop up to our TV & now we can watch our Internet Movies on our 32" box!!!)

!!!And besides, so far no-one here has been able to actually help me anyhoo!!!

--Listen guys, I still think it has something to do with that .NET Framework which I installed. That's the last of what things I'd installed since last my MW4 worked. It was the D&D Character Builder (which required .Net Framework) to download, had to move-up to Service Pack 2 for that to run... then I got "Avast!", and thats it. MW stopped working. -So the problem is in the new installs somewhere.

***So new question: Does anyone know anything about ".Net Framework," and if I can just "Add - Remove Programs" on it? -So if it's NOT there, would it still be a problem? And would I have to also uninstall any of the Service Packs???

Subject:  Re: Getting into a Server on MM - Problem(s)
So I edited my above post a little. Added a new question. Any ideas?

Not sure if this will work with the latest version

Try those and give it a go. We have moved on from Mech and started into WAR, if you want to join us.

Subject:  Re: Getting into a Server on MM - Problem(s)
Thanks Shado, I'm going to try to completely uninstall it with this utility.

Question: Do my Wnndows xp Service Packs 2 & 3 need these .Net Framework updates?

No, Windows does not need .NET framework. Applications that Windows uses do. From what I have experienced they are generally homebrew programs that need it or programming languages.

I have had issues myself with .NET and try to avoid it unless I have to update it for Sharpdevelop.

.NET has always been an optional install. Updates to .NET may come in as critical, but you wouldn't see them if it isn't installed.

Subject:  Re: Getting into a Server on MM - Problem(s)
Hey guys, thanks for all the, er "help," or at least suggestions & input on my problem. :wink:

Some Up-dates on the above posts:

1. I used the .Net Framework Uninstall Application, it worked, but MW still won't let me play on-line.

2. I tried the Dx or Ox Port (?) download to force my pc to use a specific Port range, but I would have a few questions on this... It says on the page where you DL the application, that you may have to forward these ports also... I'll cut & paste from the actual page:

"Most people will also have to forward the ports on the NAT device. If you had to forward ports just to play with one machine then this is probably what you will have to do. If you have PC#1 using ports 2302-2311 on then forward ports 2302-2311 to on the NAT device. (To support both DirectX 7 & 8 Netcode you will need to forward both UDP and TCP traffic, DirectX 8 Netcode only uses UDP). You will need to do this for each PC you want to play on behind the NAT device."

So the Question is then, HOW do I do this? --I mean, I can't just say "hey it's not working" if I haven't got the damn thing set up correctly in the first place, can I?

3. Another thing I tried, yesterday, was a re-install of the final patch 3.02b. So I DL the latest one... Well, thing is, it says I'm missing two files & won't let me even install the thing. These files are:

D:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Mechwarrior Mercenaries\RESOURCE\textures.mw4
D:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Mechwarrior Mercenaries\RESOURCE\props.mw4

Are these the Map Editor files??? If they are: If I re-install the Map Editor, then re-install the last patch, will it stack my game above whatever's blocking my fricken' ports???

So these three points need some resolution. Any & all help, suggestions, or input would be greatly appreciated. The DDM needs to be represented on the MechMatch, we need a DDM-Recruiting, or DDM Open up & running on a regular basis, & I'd like to get on it myself!!! (Host it myself even!!!)


1) Good! Bad!

2) You won't really know if it is working. You just select the range and it works. Really.

3) Textures is a main file that is needed for everything you see. Props is another needed file. When you install the Mektek files, these are overwritten with their latest files. Try reinstalling the game and patches. Not sure why those were lost. Have you looked in the folders for them? They are CORE files for the game to work.

Off topic, did you give up on Warhammer?

Subject:  Re: Getting into a Server on MM - Problem(s)
Yes, actually, I would have these files. Though mine are simply called "Props" and "Textures," not props.mw4 & textures.mw4 respectively. -I am able to play off-line, I am able to check into servers & see who's in them. Because of these errors, I am not able to re-install any of my patches which I have tucked away. With each patch comes the same error message. I even tried copying & renaming the files with the ".mw4" ending, but to no avail.

I can't try an "overwrite" re-install because my 2nd disc was ruined by my kid. It would seem that I'm f*cked until the MW4Free comes out. I'll just have to wait... I'm staying in practice off line though, as best as I can. ...I'm wondering though, if I try to re-install the original on another drive+the patches+cut&paste the Map Packs, if this would work??? Or if all the effort would be for nothing?

Check this out:

Off topic: Yes I'm afraid I'll have to. I'm just plain broke. My dog got (?) Poisoned or bit by a spider(?) and became deathly ill. After 4 days and a $1,000 CDN vet bill, she is just barely getting better. Her blood count was at only 11 (of an ideal 40). Meds, etc. As well as one of the Managers at one of my contracts trying to get me fired simply because of a "Personality Conflict" as the regional guy calls it. I'm feeling like I'm on probation again & I've been doing this job for 12 years. She arrived about 4-5 years ago & has been trying to get me ousted ever since day 1. These new regional guys are crafty though. -They had us do a site inspection & she signed it, that everything was in proper order. -Then the next day she's screaming at them on the phone to fire me. -This was in-fact the second inspection, the main guy came by a week earlier & said everything looked just fine. A month later Oct 27th, & he was back again doing yet another inspection... All was fine again. He said it's not my work, it's just that this little Troll doesn't like me. ...So as you can imagine I'm worried about this bitch. This contract is worth $770 per month to me. I'm trying to get this business of mine going, & she's trying to shut me down. I'm not angry so much as deeply worried.
Anyways, my wife wouldn't let me put $100 per year into one game. But she can't complain about MW or D&DO, because these are free anyways. 8)

Subject:  Re: Getting into a Server on MM - Problem(s)
I'm not sure if I've asked this before, so I'm putting it on the record here:

Does anyone remember a few months ago (or more), that it was required to be registered with MWL in order to get into the servers??? Did anything change there? Some policy??? -Because it's so weird that I used to be able to get into servers & now I can't. It's like I'm being blocked or locked out or something.

I've tried ALL the port ranges on DXport & I still can't get in.

No. MWL does not own the servers. That would not be a reason you can not get in.

You can play Warhammer for free now... in tier one. The trial is unlimited in time, but limited to tier one content. Pretty cool really, they should open it up to tier two the way the subscriber numbers are. Let people have tier one and two for free, charge for three and four.

Subject:  Re: Getting into a Server on MM - Problem(s)
Yesterday night I un-installed the WinXP Service Pack 3 material. Not sure if Add\Remove Programs actually got it all... None-the-less MW Servers are still a No-go.

What if I added in my Firewall an exception, which would be the MW Server. What is it now? ...

Would anyone be interested in playing some MW Vengeance on-line with me??? I reinstalled it. -But I can't get pr3 to work on it. Mine is a special double edition including Black Knight. So we'd just play Vengeance as-is, no pr patches. We could try a direct IP connect to each-other. Anyone who's interested please let me know, we can get on coms & work it all out...


If I am not mistaken, the patches for MW:V and MW:BK apply the same, that should not be the issue.

DDM_Salvatoris wrote (View Post): › Pretty cool really, they should open it up to tier two the way the subscriber numbers are. Let people have tier one and two for free, charge for three and four.

The only way I would think they would open T2 is to remove the Keeps, and that won't happen. Everyone will have alt free accounts on the opposing side monitoring all chats.

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