Subject: Snif ! Latest disaster
Sorry I haven't been around much.

My house burned down and I lost everything, insurance had lapsed on most property.

When I get back on-line, I'll check back in.

Oh and I'll post some pics of the black hole that used to be my home soon.

DDM for life

Jim Dunne

Subject:  Re: Latest disaster
wow that sucks sorry to hear it bro :cry:

Holy helll. At least you made it out ok. If you need anything, let us know.

Keep us posted.

Subject:  Re: Latest disaster
Man I'm sure your life is upside down right now...I personally couldn't imagine. Even with some of the FUKD up shit I've gone through, that is a BAD one.

As Shady said, let us know if we can do anything for ya.

i swear... you musta mixed your return address up with the address on the guy you wanted me to... 'deal' with.

uh wont happen again ^_^

next hits free 'kay!


lol ok, seriousness now, glad you safe brother
and ill say it like i say every time, wre here if you need us

(i have a great shoulder to cry on)

Subject:  Re: Latest disaster
:shock: shit dude.... :shock:
I know I cant do much from here but if I can I 'd be happy to help.
With Xmas around the corner how you situated?

Damn bro......your pets make it ok?and no one was hurt..right?

I am here for you at least till the 1st....after that I may be offline for awhile

Subject:  Re: Latest disaster
Glad ur alright. Sorry for all ur losses :(

Damn, Bro.. Yeah, as far as the XMas thing goes.. Give us a shout-out... Daxstus and Shearah and myself all wish you the love that will carry you through this...and let us know Ages/Gender/Allergies for Yule/Xmas stuffs...:D

Gotcher Back, bro..:D

Subject:  Re: Latest disaster
Thanks guys

Everyone got out safely, so all I really lost is stuff. My wife was sleeping and the dog woke her up and got her out of the house. My stepdaughter who had recently moved in was out of town.

Glad to hear everyone is OK... that is what really matters. Still, I feel for ya, bro. Most of what I own is junk, and I still can't imagine loosing all of it.

Subject:  Re: Latest disaster
As some may remember, we had a house fire here nearly a year ago now, but at least all we lost was some perishables in the kitchen. Gate, hang in there, man...

and BUY that DOG a BEER!@!! :D

Sorry to hear bout the fire, can't imagine losing it all. Even with just losing what we lost in our house fire last march it was hectic enough scrambling for a place. Holler if u need anything.

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