Subject:  Buddy Invite..Wanna check out Age of Thong..Very Happy
The 'scription says it all.. they temporarily shut down the free trials..and I'd like to try it out...

Subject:  Re: Buddy Invite..Wanna check out Age of Thong..Very Happy
They seem to be stingy with the buddy passes. They are offers for others tom come back for a free trial. I'll look to see if there's a way for new peeps.

Beat me to it . lol

Age of Conan Free Trials are Back!

That's right! 7-day free trials are back in action.

All you have to do to start playing ‘Age of Conan’ today is visit the www.ageofconan.com/trial website, download the game and off you go!

Funcom has made many changes to Age of Conan since launch. To get a full list of all the major changes like new features and major game play improvements then please visit the update note section of the portal.

We are on the PVE server Set.

Nice....:D I'll try it out.. D/L'ing it now...

OH...and Daxstus is d/l'ing it as well..:D Hiho THONG, and AWAAAaaaaaayyyy :P

Checking the rest of this forum for org/joinup/dimension/server info..the d/l is gonna take ALL day....:(

Give me your names so I can add you to the buddy list and add you to the guild

Cypher, when you creat an account you get the options for EU or Conus. EU must have been selected when the account was created for Kat. Did FC ever get back to you ? maybe you can creat another for her? you free time is running out.

We figured a way around it.. we created new FC accounts with alternate e-mails..We'll ALL be on in just a few..:D

I'll post up the toon names.. if Kat likes it, we may become subscribers..:P

DDM_Cypher wrote (View Post): › We figured a way around it.. we created new FC accounts with alternate e-mails..We'll ALL be on in just a few..:D

I'll post up the toon names.. if Kat likes it, we may become subscribers..:P

I played & got 2 toons to 80 on AoC it SUx balls after you get to 80..........there are no real dungeons, no one to run with, guildds sux, & Zero end game content. Plus the gear sux &I hate wearing a fukin Skirt & gay armor........... Do not suscribe to this game........

I am going back to WoW & gonne also do Warhammer with Sal and those guys. It is a lot of fun leveling A new WoW toon & Warhammer looks fun, but lacks a lot of "extras" ( fishing, cooking, professions in general, mounts, etc....). I am gonna give it a whirl tho....AoC is a disaster............Biggest mistake......COMBO MOVES! so tedious and stupid.

Toons Ahoy!

Me- Tharadaen

Dax- Slavedancer

Kat- Mihayna

:P Grumpeh, TK? :P

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