Subject:  Crysis Patches
In the downloads section are the files to update Crysis to run MW:LL

Install the game
Install Patch 1.2
Install Patch 1.21
Install MW:LL

You have to be a DDM Member to gain access to the patches.

Last edited by DDM_LordShado on Sat Jan 01, 2011 2:14 am; edited 1 time in total
Subject:  Re: Crysis Patches
Actually 0.2.0 does NOT have an auto-updater.

You need to delete the entire MW:LL folder.

Then get:

MWLL-OpenBeta-Full-0.3.0 [From the link Sal provided.] <-- This has Auto-Updater\Patcher.

MWLL-OpenBeta-Patch-0.3.1 [From Torrent, then it has auto-install.]

MWLL-OpenBeta-Patch-0.3.2 [Again from a Torrent, also with an Self-Install feature.]

Crysis, as far as I can tell, doesn't need to be Updated. Though they DO have a No-CD Patch for the 32 Bit version. Being that during Map changes in-game [in the 64 Bit version] it always goes to a "Insert CD" screen, which can become quite annoying.

Are you saying you have been able to play MWLL without updating Crysis?
If so you are the only one I know of, lost of players have come on the MWLL forums saying they could not play.
Turns out they have not updated Crysis or installed MWLL properly.

I have the crysis maximum edition. It is up to date right away, and doesn't need patched after install.

If you are not on 1.21 of Crysis, you can NOT play MW:LL.

Subject:  Re: Crysis Patches
I must have Updated like 8 months or more ago... can't remember. So NO NEW updates have come out for Crysis I take it? Or I wouldn't be playing & I am... I was in this new Cavern map today, getting my ass kicked all over the place... I'm going to need time to recover my former glory [if I had any?], I'm rusty as hell. Oh & I noticed the new Areo-Tech fighter, looks cool. The Stella used to be my fav, but I changed my mind.

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