Subject:  Cata is coming.......it will be fun
Not sure who is still playing WoW , but I am enjoying it again...Ya 4.0 patch seemed to be a nightmare at first..at least for Warriors, but we got buffed and fixed.......It was hard to learn a new rotaton but I got it down pat now. Tanking is hard again ..as it should be...War tanks lost a lot of their threat abilities and general threat generation...but that is back to old school Vanilla WoW ..apply sunders ..get threat then DPS can go at it .....

ICC was (is still for 4 more weeks) a fun raid. I will miss it come cata. I am looking forward to having to play again like vanillla WoW using CC & watching my agro again and actually paying attention to my DPS.
Putting out 15k dps in ICC was fun tho not having to worry bout threat before 4.0.........

If anyone is looking to roll another server....come over to Winterhoof...........
look for Zepperlin or Fundies (my mains) or Appojuice or Buntout (my.. alts).
We have a small 10 man guild were building for Cata for weekend raiding and dungon running. We have our own Vent.

ive called WoW off for good this time... i had my fun with it, and its left a good memory, but i dont need it anymore. its fun has passed for me.

Subject:  Re: Cata is coming.......it will be fun
if ur horde i may make a toon. if not check out thrall. my toons name is enatub. and dps is fun lol

Tane this better not mean your giving up on us over at
Quel'dorie........ Renshii will be lonely

Subject:  Re: Cata is coming.......it will be fun
Oh yeah Tane0....Horde all the way.......Alliance are pussies!

Horde, Winterhoof server, Guild = Bipolarfreaks...

We just started a new guild (the one above) for 10 man raiding. We have 6 dedicated players so far and are recruting (selectivly) more for the 10 man team. We all have been playing together for the last 5 yrs in wow. (the six of us). We know all the ICC fights and are going to level together for cata. Unfortunatly we are a weekend only guild and occational thursday nights. All of us are older folk and have jobs and crap during week.

Look for Zepperlin (80 war), Fundies (80 DK), Appojuice (30 hunter), Burntout (22 mage), or Zaboomafoo (my bank lvl 10 pally)

Subject:  Re: Cata is coming.......it will be fun
na, im still on quel'dorei pyro. jus been leveling an alt on my warriors server because i thought he was lonely lol. i got a DK tank on quel now, anomanderake.

as for checkin out a new server, itd most likely be a few months after xpack launches, since itll take me some time to level the soon to be 6 80s i already got lol. anyway, im downloading anarchy online right now to check it out because im bored shitless lol

Should try LOTRO before AO...

Subject:  Re: Cata is coming.......it will be fun
WoW is broken... my main got nerfed to hell jus like normal since everyone hates warriors... so whats everyone playin now?

Subject:  Re: Cata is coming.......it will be fun
Tane00 wrote (View Post): › WoW is broken... my main got nerfed to hell jus like normal since everyone hates warriors... so whats everyone playin now?

Yeah its back to Sunders to grab aggro for us warriors. Although I do like the idea of puttin a Rend on one guy and then thunderclaping and having the rend reach out to everyone it hits.... Otherwise They just back to trying to make it as hard as possible for Warriors to do thier freakin jobs LOL. Try going back to Vanilla Wow warrior rotations.... They seem to work best ATM.

Subject:  Re: Cata is coming.......it will be fun
as a dps fury warr i was finally where i should be, then they took 1/3 of my dps and threw it to the wind. went from 15-16k to 10k dps...

Subject:  Re: Cata is coming.......it will be fun
Tane00 wrote (View Post): › as a dps fury warr i was finally where i should be, then they took 1/3 of my dps and threw it to the wind. went from 15-16k to 10k dps...

True.... I am in the same boat, but ir really does not matter anyways...in 1.5 weeks we will be leveling to 85 and if you havn't looked at the badge gear we are getting you should. It is twice as good (blue gear) as the epic gear we have now. We will be doing 20-25k dps at 85 so stop whining bout it. CS will make this happen in PvE.
Protection Warrior tanking is easy. Shock wave, rend, Tclap......you have agro.....if dps pulls mob..let them tank it.......I for one am glad we are going back to "real" tanking.

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