Subject:  November 2010 Update
Tons of stuff in this update...


Most noted are

Barter Wallet to put all your barter crap in!
Additional Free content - Lone Lands
Ingredient packs - no need to store all the parts, just one "pack", farmers got a new improved (and much needed) craft window
Loremasters and Rune keepers got huge bumps
New filters for the AH

Subject:  Re: November 2010 Update
I liked all that I've seen so far.
Little things, like the new 2 pane window format for the questing interface, were seemingly insignificant, but made the gameplay cleaner with less scrolling.
The craft window upgrade is cool, too...the ability to see the crit possible result without any fuss is kewl.
Like the vault changes, too...
still scoping it out

Any complaints from anyone??????

My only complaint is that the reputation items did not go into the barter wallet. That would save a ton of space. At the very least, lower all the required trades to 1, but also prorate the reputation that you get. Could at least clear out the bag every time you get to town.

Subject:  Re: November 2010 Update
I thought for sure they would come up with another hobby, by now...fishing is cool, don't get me wrong, but the possibilities are endless for housing trophies/trade goods and decorations from extending the hobby arena.
Also I figured they would have come up with a further use for pipe weed, too. SOOO many different crops and only one has any usage at all...

There are plenty of things for housing decorations, in and past Moria, the mini and major bosses drop taxidermist items to put in your house. I have already put two in the Kin house, the Grimweaver outside near the door and the mini drawbridge inside.

The pipe weed...doesn't that make different smoke rings? I thought it was a social thing...

We need to figure out what we can put in those "special furniture" slots in the kin-hall.

In early beta, pipe-weed gave you different buffs. The "just say no" crowd got all riled up and the buffs were removed. :/

I say human flesh.

then again thats my answer to everything

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