Subject: Great ! Greetings all...
New to the whole DDM thing...

My good...friend, from !WAY! back, Lugz invited me in. Seems we're looking to get back into some classic !EPIC! RPGing... If you want to know about me, come on by...and say hello.

Subject:  Re: Greetings all...
If you see "Guest1" on comns, and it happens to be in Table Top RPG, then its Shadoweyes. He's having trouble getting on Comns as is. Perhaps if anyone has any suggestions about this you can post them here.

Subject:  Re: Greetings all...
Welcome! If you are having Comms issues, let me know what they are and we will get you squared away. Hopefully it's not the same MW issues that Lugz is having :P

Subject:  Re: Greetings all...
yeah cause thats a serious problem we can't finger out

Subject:  Re: Greetings all...
Hey bud! Welcome to the Team!

Subject:  Re: Greetings all...
Hey ShadowEyes...

I haven't heard much from you since I dropped off the tired FaceBook boat? Are you still alive???

Would you be interested in joining me playing America's Army 3? Its a free-to-play first person shooter. I'm on the server most nights, and my Soldier's name is R4V3nNight. (I was R4V3nNight of DDM, but there's no point in having the flag up if no one else is on there with you.) I've given up on Dungeons & Dragons Online for a while. Working on a few Crysis Maps in my spare-time as well, one is almost near completion.

Anyways, AA3 is a good free game. Very realistic. Easy on the CPU of an old laptop. :)


Always a reason to have the tags: represent :)

Subject: Beark ! Re: Greetings all...
You got it Bud, I shall now be R4V3NNight of the DDM :)

(PS If anyone else wants to give the game a try please do. When I get back into the Fantasy MMO mood again, I'll have to catch up with you guys whom are playing LOTRO... My character has been somewhat idle as of late. :roll: ...)

But I'm still shuffling around these hallowed DDM halls somewhere... Haven't gotten rid of me yet!! :lol:


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