Subject:  Touching up our turf a bit...

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Death Dealer Mercenaries
Honor. Victory. Glory. Pride. Brotherhood.
Do you have what it takes to be one of us?
Contact a DDM recruiter TODAY!

Death Dealer Mercenaries

In conjunction with

Where a DDM pilot buys a round for the bar
every hour or your entire party drinks free all night!!

Hailz MechWarriors!

Honor. Victory. Glory. Pride. Brotherhood.

Unfortunately, only words to more and more in this day and age. To the Death Dealer Mercenaries those will never be just words. Those are our Principles.

The Death Dealer Mercenaries are now recruiting Warriors of all experience and ability levels. DDM, one of the oldest and most decorated 'Mech units online, is looking for kindred spirits who enjoy playing the game as part of a group of loyal friends.

The Death Dealers offer superior equipment, competitive benefits, and great pay (MWL CBills). Payment for your efforts, directly deposited into your ComStar personal account for every ladder match completed…whether DDM wins or loses. In fact, it is DDM's policy that every pilot gets to play...BUT, if for ANY reason you show for a drop and you don't get to participate...DDM still stuffs your pockets full of crisp, new CBills. Now what Merc doesn't love that??

We’ve all been there, my friends. Egos and attitudes can sometimes make online gaming a chore.

That is never a problem within DDM. Our OCL, with a combined 40+ years of "Mech online" experience, are always willing to share their wealth of knowledge. Skills and Leadership for every DDM Warrior to draw on and to learn from. More than that however, they ensure the integrity of the unit by making sure every Death Dealer is, first and foremost, fit to wear the DDM colors. The DDM OCL knows that free and easy discussions, structured practices, and having an enjoyable gaming experience will make you the best you can possibly be.

Now...do you think the Death Dealer Mercenaries are for you?
Do you have what it takes to be one of us?
Contact a DDM recruiter TODAY!
Death Dealer Mercenaries

Last edited by DDM_Auger on Sun Jun 28, 2009 11:59 am; edited 1 time in total
Subject:  Re: Touching up our turf a bit...
posted in the MWL MRBC Forum...
Give it a bump or comment or copy/paste as you are able to...

Subject:  Re: Touching up our turf a bit...
Be all you can be? LOL
Sounds like a good post there, Auger. :D

Subject:  Re: Touching up our turf a bit...
Well, thanx!!
Got with Gladius regarding the excessive drive by sarcasm from Darkshade and XxKaosxX. Let's hope they will find other hobbys besides spiking our recruiting thread...

Where the posts deleted? I went over everything and seem to have missed their posts.

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