Great potential! SWEEET graphics!
Lottsa long range fights and brawling.
+1 The combined arms aspect is SOOOOOO cool!! Having air cover and vtol/armor is a BT Mech pilot's dream.
+1 all 1st person. No frikken 3d pv pop tarts that ruined mw4!
+1 weapon/damage balance...no real uber platform/component at the moment. AND with the first patch it seems like the devs are trying to keep and maintain that.
+1 being able to jump from your crit damaged prime mover and fight on as a battle armor
-1 it's only a beta ... so far :)
SOOO I guess that is a -1/+1 or a neutral grade since it will only get better.
-1 No joystick support, at least not that I've been able to get working. Nuff said.
-1 field of view from the cockpit is verrrrry limited on some mechs. I mean, I don't expect 3d pv, but side windows are there, give us a look left/look right option...
-1 torso twist is jumpy and hard to manage/aim with(which may improve with a joystick). In an era using fly by body and brain impulse, the controls need to be more stabilized and smooth.
Tons of other +'s not too many more -'s, though.
Anyone else??
Subject: MW:LL beta impressions...
I have posted my impressions a few times... but I can sum them up by saying that if you judge it for what it is, rather than what it's missing, it's an excellent game. What impresses me most about the game is the depth of the list of features we expect, or have always requested from a Mechwarrrior game. The only thing it's really missing is you guys. ;)
Here's hoping joystick support gets better soon. As it is, it's really close to working, but there are a few issues that really just handicap you if you choose joystick over keyboard and mouse. After playing for a few weeks, I don't know if I will even want to switch to joystick after they get it working right. Aiming with the mouse is just so much more precise. I'm thinking about programming just the throttle side of an x52 to use along with the mouse. I have been messing with the map editor a little bit too. It's pretty cool that the tools are available to let the community make maps... I'm sure quality will vary, but at least some of them will be good. Between that and high end graphics specs, the game could have a lot of long term playability... at least until we get the new Mechwarrrior game. The combined arms aspect of the game is great. I still tend to spend most of my time in a mech, but I like the tanks and battle armor combat too. I haven't bothered to learn to fly yet. I wasn't good at it right away so I gave up. I would like to see mechs last a little longer against other types of vehicles, but I also understand that in Battletech there are 100 ton tanks as well as mechs. I'm sure everyone would like to see their vehicle of choice get a boost... but mechs are the main event. They should be able to ignore a single BA for a while. I haven't played today, but patch-notes look like it may have already been balanced in that direction. Now that someone else outside of my house has the game, I'll try to remember to get on comms when I am playing. Some servers give us issues connecting all from the same IP address. Not sure why, and I haven't been able to find any info on this issue with Crysis. Some servers are fine, others won't let more than one of us join at a time. We all have separate, valid CD keys... it's just some kind of server setting. I have been saving the ones that work for us as favorites.
Subject: Re: MW:LL beta impressions...
Sal I'm in on this game now.... I tried going back to WoW but it is still fail & boring Warhammers is ok but still starting to be a grind and very annoying with crashes and issues.................So..........
I am back to pilot a mech.......... Some questions....... When are you on Sal? I can be on Fri & Sat nights & some during the week after 7:30 pm. Do you host or do we need to coordinate on a specific server or random server? My machine can prolly host games & let me play tooo? I am having trouble with the text chat & using it, but I will be on Teamspeak so we I not need the text chat. I believe there is a 3rd person view mode in Crysis. Is t not supported in the Mod? Auger, sorry bud, but there were a lot of us who played in 3rd person & weren't takng advantage. It was there in Mercs to be used & used. I don't really see how it ruined anything. no biggie. I am now having to get used to being inside a cramped mech with limited visibility. Sal i need a lot of Mech "training" with this new game mod. Targeting, torso alignment, grouping, etc...... :oops:
There is no third person, and they are prety firm on not ever adding it. I'm with Auger on that one.... third person pop-sniping ruined mech4 for me. Once it got started the whole game devolved into it... it was too much of a disadvantage not to use third person view. You shouldn't be able to bide behind a wall adn see over it in a Mech... you should be getting your torso shot to shit before you ever peek over the edge.
I can play just about any evening. I am usually on aroung 8pm+. I'll get on comms and keep an ear open for you guys. We usually just pick one of the populated servers. I prefer the 24 player to 32, it just gets sketchy in the bigger games. Some server I can't play in at the same time as Parker and Redeye, but I am not really sure what the deal is with that. It seems like servers will work some days and not others... some servers are fine every day... unfortunately I haven't found a good one that is always populated. It seems like the better servers are the ones we can't all join. It'spretty much every server that is paid hosting that has the issue... so all the ones that are packed every night. If we put 5 or 6 people in a server, it will fill up pretty quick from there anyway.
Subject: Re: MW:LL beta impressions...
well. cool..
On the 3rd person.....I was thinking it would be nothing like mercs........just an outside ability to view but right at the top of the mech giving no real advantage fight wise. In mercs you were pretty high up over ur mech true. Im thinking for this game 1/2 the height of being in an armor suit on top of a mech or something? But I can live without it.. :oops:
Subject: Impressions of this new MWLL mod
Well, i played a couple hours last night & I was discouraged quite a bit.
Sure the mod looks good, the Mechs drive & work well, but there are major problems arising with this mod. 1. No mech lab & pre made shitty mech weapon loadouts. 2. LRM's are totally bugged & seemd to only hit target if u keep ur reticle on the target even tho they lock. LRM's are supposed to be fire & forget. They are not in this game. 3. A. u cannot dry fire lrm's at close range they just launch up in the air and go wherever. B. AC5's do not fire repetivly. they fire once then u gotta wait a lifetime for them to reload or whatever. C. PPC's do not seem to do anything really signifigant. especially to tanks & planes. 4. Real life "inertia" is great but in this game it is retarded. I shouldn't have to hit "x" to stop my mech, just slow down the throttle . this mechanic is querky. 5. There is going to be a real problem with map domination by 2-3 peps on one side eventually with the bs C=Bill thing. I think U should be able to take any mech or vehicle . From what I saw last night only those who get "lucky" kills get more cbills and thus get better machs/vehicles thus dominate the map/game. this is based on the fact that a tiny shittily pre loaded out Raven cannot overtake anything. 6. collision & getting stuck is a real problem. I cannot count how many times I was stopped by a pebble or was trapped under, between, or in rocks. 7. no joystick support what so ever. Ya I tried to read & comprehend the "joystick support" crap page, but I don't know WTF all that axis stuff is. My stick works other than torso twist. 8. It would be nice to have a complete Keyboard command list & what u need to change in the default setup in Crysis to change stuff. I would rather see a "new updated" Options menu for the mod. 9. Targeting is stupid. All u get is a hugh red square outline with nothing to aim at. 10.----------This mod is way too much like a FPS rather than a Mech Sim. To get 1 shotted (by a plane or tank) in a mech is stupid & not fun. I really felt like I was wasting my time last night in a FPS. I was playing Crysis & not Mechwarrior. In my humble opnion this Mod was well intended, but is severly lacking & not at all a True Mechwarrior game. Not even close. Without the ability to choose ur own weapon loadout at all, no real imbalance between tanks, planes & mechs, Map domination due to Cbill count, and crappy radar & targeting I give this game a 2 score out of 10. I honestly would rather play Warhammer & deal with crashes.
Subject: Re: Impressions of this new MWLL mod
But...I am still going to give MWLL a chance & play it more and maybe get to know it better & like it. ?
Subject: Re: Impressions of this new MWLL mod
Subject: Re: MW:LL beta impressions...
Been a while since I showed my face around here, but figured I'd drop by and see if you guys were running MWLL.
As I expected you guys have been busy with MWLL it seems, only started playing it myself about a week ago and really enjoy it so far. There was mention of no joystick support, there are 2 ways to get joytick control 1. The easy way. Download the MWLL Actionmapper and setup your joystick controls from there. 2. The hard way. If you feel like messing around with the Actionmaps.xml file yourself and your eyes dont start bleeding from looking at all the "code" you can modify the controls to your own liking directly here. For more info and how to do things check out the sections at the MWLL forums Joystick 101 and the MWLL wiki Joystick setup So far I have only been playing on public servers and just for fun. Currently go by the nick of Bansheedragon if you see me around and feel like "teaming up". I do have an official DDM_Dragonlord nick as well, but currently keeping that in the background for more "official" business Just wanted to chip in with my 2 cents. :P
good to see ya around DL
Subject: Re: MW:LL beta impressions...
I've been on too the last few weeks. Am always on Coms when I'm playing. (Well, almost always.)
:shock: Where IS everybody? I played with Sal one time. -That's it, week before last. Last weekend, nadda. Was on ALL day & almost ALL night Sat & Sun. Nobody around. It's the best Mech game we have for now, 5 maps or not, so saddle up.
What time are you on? I am usually around until about midnight central. I am either playing the game or working on it every night. I have to shuffle some files around and rename folders to play the beta, but I am available pretty much every night.
Add me on MSN messenger, mastersalvatoris@hotmail.com. Then you can let me know when you are playing.
I play every now and then, but can honestly say I have not once seen any of the DDM guys around.
With the 3.x release the actionmapper is now part of the MWLL launcher and joystick support is better than ever. Using the X52 myself and have it configured for use wit all assetes except BA. Anyone feel like poking holes in some mechs/tanks/aeros, just drop a line on MSN and I'll jump in the cockpit wih you guys for some fun. I bet we could wipe the floor with the other players there. MWLL is the best mech game I have seen in all my years of MW gaming, and I agree with Auger on the part about 3rd person, that was just crap and I'm glad MWLL is only 1st person. For those of you not playnig it, youre missing out on one helluva MW game. Does DDM have a server going with MWLL, or is it too little support for it? Page 1 of 1
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