#1: 18.3.9/10/11 Author: DDM_LordShado,
You have posted in this forum: Tue Aug 10, 2010 7:23 am
* A new default and more detailed default map created by members of the community is now a part of the AO client.
* The new birthday buidling is now revealed. If the door to yours does not work please contact Customer Service who will remove the building with you and supply you with a new one. Do NOT remove the building yourself.
* Daily missions now scale exactly according to your level. Missions include: Extraction, A Contigent Spy, One Green Hill, One Foggy Hill.
* Prototype Formula can now be cancelled by the user. Doing this will fail the mission.
* Monsters for Missions: Slum Town, Nomad Camp, Crash Site and System Intrusion have been tweaked down to make them easier to complete for people at the beginning for the level range.
* One Green Hill and Foggy Hill now have obvious visual indicators of where the event can be triggered.
* The escort NPC for "Extraction" now stops further away from the exit to avoid players running outside by mistake.
* Significant rewards have now been added to the remaining Key Quests and Civilization mission lines (Scheol, Adonis, Penumbra and Inferno) in Shadowlands.
* Silium's Combined Mercenary Headwear is now usable by Shades.
- NPCs/Monsters should now "forget" damage done to them over time to properly determine who should receive loot rights. ie: A player takes a boss to 10% health then dies. The next player to kill this monster from 100% health will now properly receive loot rights.
- "Extraction" daily mission playfield has been repaired to ensure access to the escort target.
- Spawn range of Zix pets inside Lost Eden Alien Missions has been restricted to make pets closer in level range/power to their masters.
- Access to the Paid Points vendor no longer requires the Alien Invasion expansion. Tradeskills to produce Alien Invasion social clothing still requires the expansion but the actual clothing sets can be worn by anyone.
- Kami sunglasses are now No-Drop as originally intended.
- Fixed several significant exploits.