Death Dealer Mercenaries :: The original Death Dealer Mercs

Death Dealer MercenariesGamesSWTOR Update 1.1

#1:  SWTOR Update 1.1 Author: DDM_LordShado Post You have posted in this forum: Wed Jan 18, 2012 5:32 pm

The first major update since release. Of note:

  • A new level 50 Flashpoint, Kaon Under Siege, is now available for play in Normal and Hard Modes.
  • Warzone bracketing system now exists. No longer is everyone lumped together. There are currently two, 50 and everyone else.
  • Corrected an issue that caused the indicator that a companion wants to talk to you to disappear. Nothing more annoying than your companion saying he wants to talk to you, so you run back to your ship and they have nothing to say.

#2:  Re: SWTOR Update 1.1 Author: DDM_LordShado Post You have posted in this forum: Wed Jan 18, 2012 8:21 pm

  • Warzone bracketing system now exists. No longer is everyone lumped together. There are currently two, 50 and everyone else.

Ya, so, before the update, every now and then, you would get stomped by some 50's but the queues were being filled fast. Now, they are few and far between and the new 50's are the 49's. AND! They nearly doubled the cost of the PVP armor. When you hit the level requirement before, you could afford everything if you were at the cap. Now, its two or three levels before you can wear the crap two or three levels below.

I usually never complain about an update, but this one just irks me.
Death Dealer MercenariesGamesSWTOR Update 1.1

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