Death Dealer Mercenaries
We aint done this in a while.
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Sr. Warrant Officer
Sr. Warrant Officer
706 Points

Argentina US California
PostYou have posted in this forum: Wed May 09, 2007 3:41 am   Post subject:  Re: We aint done this in a while. Back to top 

Well if he was naked how could he have jeans on... were they like chaps that have no front or back making him legally naked. Would that be ok in Florida, or could all those ppl naked on that crowded beach be protesting to remove transfats from twinkies? And "out of no where the hamsamwich hits cerebro behind his head".. what the hell!!!!! oh yea focus focus... um um oh yeah ............. There once was a man from Out Reach, who stood naked on a crowded beach. He had missed his ride on his drop ship because he was eating a ham samich. The Samich was soo good, he splattered his jeans with some of the drool that fell from his mouth. Not wanting to walk around looking like he spewed himself, he went to the beach to wash it off. While in the water a lamprey came along to massage his sore back; due to a cough. He only coughed when he tried to swallow without taking a drink afterwards to wash it down. As he sat there, a man walked up to him and said,"Do you know that you have a lamprey massaging you?" The naked man wearing chaps says "why yes thats my personal lamprey assistant, would you like a massage too?" The stranger agrees and says "Did you also know that you have spooge on your chaps?" Before the naked man wearing jean chaps could answer, the stranger walked away with the lamprey oiling his back.
Just before he was going to take a bite out of his samich he remembers its too damn dry and not salty enough, so he looks around and quickly dips it into the salty ocean water and takes giant soggy bites.
After eating his ham samich he see's a dog on a red striped surfboard in the distance with nobody near the dog, and the dog is staring at him. As he looks closer he see's there is a rag of some sort on the surfboard infront of the dog. The naked man wearing chaps walks through the water up to the dog and realizes the rag is actually a human arm and the red stripe is made out of blood!!......

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Kommandant General
Kommandant General
28337 Points

PostYou have posted in this forum: Wed May 09, 2007 6:22 am   Post subject:  Re: We aint done this in a while. Back to top 


A nation of wolves run by sheep!
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1508 Points

USA US Hawaii
PostYou have posted in this forum: Wed May 09, 2007 6:57 am   Post subject:   Back to top 

ROFLMAO>>> DAM I missed you dude...

I want to be a Chairborne Ranger!!!
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Sr. Warrant Officer
Sr. Warrant Officer
706 Points

Argentina US California
PostYou have posted in this forum: Thu May 10, 2007 3:20 am   Post subject:  Re: We aint done this in a while. Back to top 

been a while but i'll tip my boat over this way from time to time..miss ya guys also.. i'll be in the virtual world with you guys soon..

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