They changed the tool crafting system. Made it much easier for me. And I can now use mastery items to increase critical chance.
Bronze Tools - No Level Requirement to use.
Requires 4 or 5 Bronze Ingots + 1 piece of vendor item (shaft or spool of wire etc).
Mastery Item - Dirty Shrew Claw
Iron Tools - LEVEL 13 or higher.
Requires 4 Low-grade Steel Ingots + 1 Piece of vendor item (shaft or spool of wire etc).
Mastery Item - Blackened Hurn Root
Steel Tools - LEVEL 25 or Higher.
Requires 5 High-grade Steel Ingots + 1 piece of vendor item.
Mastery Item - Large Warg Tail
Dwarf-Steel Tools - LEVEL 35 or Higher.
Requires Superior Forge (Where is one besides Thorins Hall?)
Requires 5 Dwarf Steel Ingots + 1 piece of vendor item.
Not Sure what the mastery item is yet.
Ancient Iron Tools - LEVEL 45 or Higher.
Requires Superior Forge (Where is one besides Thorins Hall?)
Not sure what the requirements are yet.
I need 400 Points in Artisan to unlock these.
So go mine me some Dwarf Iron please.
Also need Ancient Iron to start crafting!
Ancient Steel Tools - LEVEL 45 or Higher. BLUE Tint to background.
Best in the game...
Single Use Recipes - So if you want me to make these you need to come up with the recipe and the loot item yourself.
Requires Superior Forge (Where is one besides Thorins Hall?)
Not sure what the requirements are yet.
I need 400 Points in Artisan to unlock these.
So go mine me some Dwarf Iron please.
Also need Ancient Iron to start crafting!
I have almost all the Ancient Iron Tools recipes, and I have full sets of all the other tools.
I have been picking up Ancient Steel recipes as I can. The OLD ones required a fucked up elite named drop, the new ones don't.
Sal - if you cant find the new ones, I have old style tailors tools and foresters axe recipe for you.
Redye - if you cant find new ones I have the Scholars Glass old style for you.
If I have the ore on hand I will make these and deliver for free to the team. If I don't have the ore, will trade ore or mine it first (will delay delivery) Will not accept cash for making them, however donations of boiled hides, ore, ingots, and hot sex are always welcome!
Metal - I have started crafting your Dwarf Steel tools already.
DragonLord - I have your Dwarf Steel foresters axe and woodworking tools handy. What is your 3rd tool?
Shado, let me know when you hit 32 and I'll start up a set of dwarf-steel tools for you.
Lifer- How are you on tools?
Hawlk - Can you mine me some Dwarf Steel and Ancient Iron? Will trade for tools
Will update when I get the mastery item list.