Death Dealer Mercenaries
Da' Wish List
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Warrant Officer 1st Class
Warrant Officer 1st Class
2154 Points

USA US California
PostYou have posted in this forum: Mon Dec 18, 2006 10:26 am   Post subject:  Da' Wish List Back to top 

For All'a'Joo Heavy Looters out there.... I know that there are items out there that we are all lookin' for... I'm not just talkin' about Uberness... the day-to-day tools of our respective professions that we each need, but don't know where to find... List them here...and if yer Brozzen and Sisterren know where to find them... THey'll share that never know...someone out there might have that one item that you're looking for gathering dust in their Bank!

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Warrant Officer 1st Class
Warrant Officer 1st Class
2154 Points

USA US California
PostYou have posted in this forum: Mon Dec 18, 2006 10:30 am   Post subject:  Re: Da' Wish List Back to top 

K... For the Cypher... All I want for Death Dealer 'Mas is the URL for that Tool that shows what the Ability Requirements for the varying QL's of Carb Armor are.... Oh...and the location of a QL 125'ish Treatment and Pharmacy Library!.. Oh... and a Better Bio-Communitor... Mine is QL 54....I've had it for a while... Oh and a Pony...and a QL 120 Communications Relay... OH..and to do some Alien Mishes! .... Could that Pony have Six Legs? dey's just Cewt with Six Legs... Razz

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850 Points

USA US Oregon
PostYou have posted in this forum: Mon Dec 18, 2006 2:37 pm   Post subject:  Re: Da' Wish List Back to top 

Ask and ye shall receive.

Carbonum armor - just change the ql, and look down a ways for the stat requirements.

The Treatment & Pharmacy Library is a tradeskill item that should be fairly simple for Shado or Metal to put together. (I have the CL requirements, but that's it.) ql 125 should be available at any Superior shop.

The Bio Communitor can be bought at any shop. I advise getting one that's ql 115 or higher; mine's 120, and I doubt I'll ever have to do anything higher since I can convert monster parts up to about ql 275, and the blood plasma ends up capped at 200 no matter how high you go. Go to the aforementioned Superior shop, you should be able to find it without a problem.

Communication Relays are very hard to get. They're nodrops, and typically orgs doing alien raids restrict them to org members. I happened to get lucky and got a team where all of the org guys already had one - mine's a ql 86 and I doubt I'll get another one unless I'm again very lucky. For that you need to do AI raids.

I think you're on your own for the pony.

You're getting high enough in level that you may want to start thinking about getting into some of the SL armors that are out there. I should be able to assist you getting this one without any real difficulty, and you may want to be thinking of the Jobe armor as well - that's spendy, but again, I can help you there. Just for comparison, have a look at the bottom level of First Tier Jobe armor (that's the first upgrade - this armor levels, and is what my NT is currently wearing, or at least four pieces of it).

Start thinking about some other pieces as well - nothing says you have to have an entire suit of the same thing. What breed is your main? I would strongly suggest that since the vast majority of your heals depend on MM & BM, that you go with a Fuzzy Nano Input Hood, which is an AI item that levels with you all the way to 220 (the link points to one for level 75, change it & watch the bonuses to your core nano skills, etc.). There are three different versions of this hood, if you're interested in raising something else.

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850 Points

USA US Oregon
PostYou have posted in this forum: Mon Dec 18, 2006 2:51 pm   Post subject:  Re: Da' Wish List Back to top 

I would also suggest you think seriously about switching to Doctor symbionts instead of implants. At your level, you should be able to get 100's in or so.

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Warrant Officer 1st Class
Warrant Officer 1st Class
2154 Points

USA US California
PostYou have posted in this forum: Mon Dec 18, 2006 3:04 pm   Post subject:  Re: Da' Wish List Back to top 

oh, my.... I'm only 12 lvls away from being able to wear First Tier...I think I know what Cypher needs to do... AFTER I hit lvl 90 in Tigs, that Is.... Very Happy.... and by then, I'll be able to cast SFA..... YEAH!! (ya heard? Razz)

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850 Points

USA US Oregon
PostYou have posted in this forum: Mon Dec 18, 2006 4:26 pm   Post subject:  Re: Da' Wish List Back to top 

Fair warning - the basic suit of Jobe armor is about 15 mil or so. Tier upgrades aren't cheap either, and there are some things you'll need to collect for yourself.

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850 Points

USA US Oregon
PostYou have posted in this forum: Mon Dec 18, 2006 4:29 pm   Post subject:  Re: Da' Wish List Back to top 

BTW, you can wear that AI hood now. The parts for it are cheap - do a search in the GST for an "Inactive Nano Input Hood" and a "Fuzzy Swatch of Alien Fabric". There are no skill requirements to put them together, but you will have to manually level it up to your level - it's starts at level 1. Smile

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Warrant Officer 1st Class
Warrant Officer 1st Class
2154 Points

USA US California
PostYou have posted in this forum: Mon Dec 18, 2006 4:37 pm   Post subject:   Back to top 

I can get into QL 120's.... and Yeah..yer right...those should be my First order of business...Do you think that the Bootlegger's Armor is important as well? I'm wearing QL 78 Omni Carb right now... I could probly go higher... but the bootlegger's Armor, if YOU loot it, should be at least QL 100 from the Ely Driads... You feelin' up to Raping a few Driads, Reij? Very Happy I'll pick up the Tutoring Device when I head back to Jobe for more Coils.. (I'm running Dangerously Low on my Nano Coils, and I'm OUT of my little Nano Chippie things), and I'll pick up the Hacking Tools in RK...

When it Absolutely, Positively has to DIE in a Fantastic, Brutal, yet Fiery Way... DDM
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850 Points

USA US Oregon
PostYou have posted in this forum: Mon Dec 18, 2006 4:53 pm   Post subject:  Re: Da' Wish List Back to top 

I'll go hunting the next time I'm in central Ely, which is where most of them are. The thing is, ql is determined by the level of the critter dropping it, not the guy killing them, and we don't want to get something for you that isn't a significant improvement.

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Kommandant General
Kommandant General
28337 Points

PostYou have posted in this forum: Mon Dec 18, 2006 8:51 pm   Post subject:  Re: Da' Wish List Back to top 

Something else you might want is some Biomech armor or at the very least the Helm and Back items. A full set is rather cheap and you can easily imp/buff into it.

Also, look at Cure for Baldness. Any pieces that add nano and/or reduce cost are great.

As far as symbs/imps, for your budget, stick with imps until level 200s are stale, which will be around 140 or so. Symbs are expensive and somewhat rare and you dont want to outgrow them too fast. Once you start putting in symbs at QL 190 to 210 or so, you will be in them until you ding 200.

A nation of wolves run by sheep!
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Leutnant Colonel
Leutnant Colonel
5207 Points

PostYou have posted in this forum: Tue Dec 19, 2006 3:42 am   Post subject:  Re: Da' Wish List Back to top 

as a doc ..also look towrads the best healing nanos you can find ,,and team with every thing wether it be ddm or not just get in there and do some healing for xp ,,don't even worry about the drops ,,just let it be known that if somethin drops and you say you want it it';s should be yours

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Leutnant Colonel
Leutnant Colonel
5207 Points

PostYou have posted in this forum: Tue Dec 19, 2006 3:45 am   Post subject:  Re: Da' Wish List Back to top 

and also remeber i can make almost every armor out ther up to a certain ql,,,not sure what it is but i'm sure i can make it any thing under 150 atm,, but can probably make up to 160 i hope

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Warrant Officer 1st Class
Warrant Officer 1st Class
2154 Points

USA US California
PostYou have posted in this forum: Tue Dec 19, 2006 10:09 am   Post subject:   Back to top 

I can Self buff into QL 120 Bio-mech Armor... and I am teaming with everybody...Tigs will save me... Except for last night.... Got WAILED on, and then AO crashed when it went cut-scene to the Garden... I wound up having to Scan-Disk and De-Frag...Sorry, Bob... It wasn't intentional.... But you gotta admit... Being outnumbered by Callous Mortigs...I'm surprised we lasted as long as we did... Very Happy....

(edit) Actually, comparing the different Armors...Pound for Pound, Omni Carb, with it's AC values, Nano Pool, and Especially the Nano C. Init. bonus Beats out the Bootlegger, AND the Biomech... I've already got a high Treat and First Aid....what I Need is the Nano C. Init., and the buff to my Nano Pool... Omni Carb has it all.... with Nike Swooshes! Very Happy

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850 Points

USA US Oregon
PostYou have posted in this forum: Tue Dec 19, 2006 7:41 pm   Post subject:  Re: Da' Wish List Back to top 

Cypher, if you don't already have a Viral Compiler, see me in-game. I think I have the one I was using that you can have. Put that in, and your nano-init problems will go away.

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Warrant Officer 1st Class
Warrant Officer 1st Class
2154 Points

USA US California
PostYou have posted in this forum: Wed Dec 20, 2006 10:03 am   Post subject:   Back to top 

NOICE!! I'll hit you up tonight, if you're on... Oh...It was GROOVY Teamin' with you and Red...I don't care about the XP, it was FUN rolling with DDM... and Takin' care of Red...and Racing you to the Kill!! LOL.... FYI, for anyone who wasn't there, we were rolling in Foreman's... I can Solo most of it...Nothin' Red...Mostly Greys and Greens...a Coupla Yellows... I'm gonna go back there, and LOOT to my little heart's content...after grabbin' the mish...and Ditchin' my Reflect Shield... I'm supposed to be savin' the Omni-snitch in the hangar.. Any tips on how to get up to a Gamma Card? Going MA Doc was the Best choice for me right now...and when it comes time to IP reset my MA to equip a Pistol or two, I'll have LOADS of points... Could be FUN!! Oh, and I'll have the research done for the Pistol Buffs by then... Very Happy

When it Absolutely, Positively has to DIE in a Fantastic, Brutal, yet Fiery Way... DDM
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