Death Dealer Mercenaries
This game is broken and I am taking a long break
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Sr. Warrant Officer
Sr. Warrant Officer
5761 Points

USA US Texas
PostYou have posted in this forum: Mon Jul 07, 2008 8:36 am   Post subject:  This game is broken and I am taking a long break Back to top 

Crying or Very sad Well, after hitting 60 and seeing that there is no end to the Milllions of "flaws" in this game I am unsatisified.

#1 crashes with out of memory error every 1/2 hr to hr when changing to an outside zone. This is total bs and untollerable. It's not my end that's the problem

#2 Loot is crap and there really is no "real" loot till 60+ and I am dissatisfied with havin gto wear a "SKIRT" the whole game.

#3 I cannot pinpoint it, but at first glance the game looks nice graphically, but there is something missing?? There seems to be too much grey, and orange/reds and not enough "vivid-color" in game. I am bored with the graphics

#4 All the flaws in the game catch up to you at higher levels. Clunky bags (too big), Gems do not show uo in gear unlesss you logg in/out 2 or 3 times. The gem system is totally retarted and stupid. There is no feature to let you know what gems can go where other than the item will light up if a gem "you bought already" fits.
I could go on forever with this

#5 Traveling is a nightmare at 60. Even with a horse. Flight paths would have be nice.

#6 there is no distenction between "elite" npc's and regular. At least in wow they were labled.

#7 If you die in an elete area and have already died more than once you get death penalities. I had 5 death penalities on me and was unable to get to my grave due to the npc's being "elete".

#8 90% of the time my map is grey and I cannot see nor tell wher eI am or able to go, nor wher emy quests are.

#9 I will just generalize.........This game has so many "MAJOR" bugs it is sickening. It is at this point intollerable and I cannot take it anymore....

#10 Warhammer & Diablo 3 are coming soon...........

#11 I am going back to Crysis on Ultra high graphics cause it's so pretty and has no "FLAWS" Twisted Evil Embarassed

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Kommandant General
Kommandant General
28337 Points

PostYou have posted in this forum: Mon Jul 07, 2008 5:37 pm   Post subject:   Back to top 

Are the system errors identified or recognized by the programmers? Have you submitted bug reports? I can understand if there are playability issues, which get corrected when the players complain enough, but if they are system problems and the programmers don't know, kinda hard to complain Smile

A nation of wolves run by sheep!
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Master General
Master General
16567 Points

USA US Texas
PostYou have posted in this forum: Mon Jul 07, 2008 7:30 pm   Post subject:   Back to top 

They know about all those issues.. but it's funcom, so they don't communicate well.

I dont have the out of memory error as much as TK, but I do get it. I crash to desktop or the game just locks up loading a new area sometimes... but the worst is this 10k ping thing. Everyone will just get a ping over 9 thousand and you have to relaunch the game to fix it.

I agree 100% on the loot issue. They posted about a month ago that they had all the cool armor and weapons, but they just weren't dropping. They said it would be corrected in a week or two. That was in May, and they haven't replied to the topic or given any update since then. Itemizations sucks for sure, it's one of my biggest issues. I am still not lvl 40, so I was still hoping to see loot get better as I level.

Travel sucks at level 35, and I can't imagine when I'll be able to buy a horse. The worst part is, the world is really pretty small... and still it takes forever to get from one high level zone to another... with three or four load screens along the run.

Overall though.. I still enjoy the game. I love the graphics and the combat is more fun than any other MMO I have played. I am trying not to level too fast, hoping that by the time I get to max level, they will have a lot of the issues fixed.

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