Death Dealer Mercenaries
WAR Patch 1.02 Highlights
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Master General
Master General
16567 Points

USA US Texas
PostYou have posted in this forum: Wed Oct 08, 2008 7:02 pm   Post subject:  WAR Patch 1.02 Highlights Back to top 

The war against the gold spammers continues. We’ve added new code that will hinder the spammers as they seek to carry out their nefarious deeds! This is only the next step, not the final one, in our continued battle against them.

We have added a 'Join All' button to the scenario window which now allows players to join all scenario queues in their current tier at once.

In order to promote realm and population balance, some realms on some servers will now award their players with a +20% bonus to renown and experience. This is not a permanent bonus, but rather a temporary incentive to promote balance. Realms currently offering this bonus are marked on the server list with a colored icon; blue for Order and Red for Destruction - Check the Herald for the latest list!

In response to player feedback, we have made several improvements to the behavior and responsiveness of the siege weapon interface. In addition we have fixed some issues with the control and release processes of siege weapons.

In an ongoing effort to deter players from going AFK while in scenario starting areas, we have made the following changes:

First, players who join a scenario and remain in their realm's spawn area for two minutes will be automatically removed from that scenario.

Second, upon entering the spawn area of a scenario, players will receive a debuff that prevents them from earning renown and experience. This debuff will be removed when the player leaves the spawn area.

The level range at which players are able to receive the “Bolster” buff while in RvR has been expanded. This buff will now be available starting three levels lower than it had been previously. Please note this change only applies to Scenarios on Open-RvR Ruleset Servers.

In tier 2, the buff will apply from rank 8 to rank 17, and will raise players to Battle Rank 18.

In tier 3, the buff will apply from rank 18 to rank 27, and will raise players to Battle Rank 28.

In tier 4, the buff will apply from rank 28 to rank 35, and will raise players to Battle Rank 36.

In response to player feedback, we’ve added RvR and NPC chat tabs for new players. These tabs filter scenario chat and NPC chat respectively. In order to minimize frustration to users who have already customized their chat window, we will not be overwriting any current settings, so this change will affect only new players. Players who wish to add these tabs may do so through the normal chat configuration options.

While in scenarios, players will no longer be able to select "Need" in their loot windows unless their career or race can use the item being offered. Please note: players of a lower level than required by the item are still able to roll.

We have fixed an issue that was causing claimed keeps to forget that they had been claimed after a server restart. Improvements have been made to how pets follow and they should now return to their owners more quickly.

We continue to work on the issues with the pet window. We have identified and corrected another bug which was causing this window to disappear.
Improvements have been made regarding an issue that was causing pets to teleport back to their owners after combat.

Fixed a bug that prevented players from creating an alliance with more than two guilds. Now that this issue is resolved, alliances can grow to great numbers to crush their enemies!

Fixed an issue that was causing the chat window to reset to its default position at logout.


Read the entire announcement at the WAR Herald.

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First Leutnant
First Leutnant
66 Points

USA US Kansas
PostYou have posted in this forum: Thu Oct 09, 2008 3:17 pm   Post subject:   Back to top 

Regarding gold spammers: It would be nice if the ignore list actually worked.

just chillin
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Kommandant General
Kommandant General
28337 Points

PostYou have posted in this forum: Thu Oct 09, 2008 4:26 pm   Post subject:   Back to top 

I only had one that got through the list. Not sure what they did this time.

A nation of wolves run by sheep!
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