Death Dealer Mercenaries
War 1.03 patch notes
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Master General
Master General
16567 Points

USA US Texas
PostYou have posted in this forum: Thu Oct 16, 2008 12:45 pm   Post subject:  War 1.03 patch notes Back to top 

We're pleased to announce the addition of a new regional chat system. This item has been one of our most requested features, and you can find the details below.

We have made additional improvements to the functionality of the /ignore command. This command should now work more consistently.

A “new mail” icon has been added to the edge of the minimap to alert players when new mail messages have arrived.

We have made some additional improvements to the handling of NPC speech and action text in an effort to reduce the amount of chat players see from NPCs.

In order to provide a more challenging and rewarding experience, we have adjusted the overall speed at which players can gain control of zones and move the campaign.

Pet behavior has been improved and should act more naturally when changing between passive and defensive modes while the pet is fighting multiple enemies.

The war against the gold sellers continues! We have introduced a new "report gold seller" command that works as follows: when you type /rg, the game will automatically fill out a gold seller appeal using the name of the last player who sent you a tell. If you get an unwanted /tell from a pesky gold seller, type /rg to start an appeal and get them busted!

We have added a new option to the user settings that will allow players to enable or disable shader caching. This is a graphical performance option, and for a full explanation, players can hover their mouse over this option in the user settings window. This should help improve performance on many systems.

Regional Chat System:

Chapter-based chat channels have been replaced with a farther reaching chat system, referred to as Region Chat. A region is defined as the contiguous zones that make up a tier-based racial pairing area. For example, Blighted Isle and Chrace make up one region. Region Chat consists of two channels, Region and Region-RvR.

Region encompasses the entire region area.

Region-RvR encompasses the RvR-focused areas, such as the Plain of Bone.

How to use the Regional Chat System:
To type in the Region channel, use /1 [message]
To type in the Region-RvR channel, use /2 [message]
Note: You must be in the RvR-focused region to use the Region-RvR channel. Players on Open RvR servers will have access to Channel 2 at all times.

To disable these channels right click on the proper chat tab, go to "Tab Options" then "Filters." Scroll down to Region and Region-RvR and uncheck the channels you no longer wish to view.

If you have disabled either channel and wish to re-enable them simply return to the "Filters" menu and re-select the appropriate channels.

Read the rest of the patch notes here.

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Kommandant General
Kommandant General
28337 Points

PostYou have posted in this forum: Thu Oct 16, 2008 5:05 pm   Post subject:   Back to top 

Great, they expanded the Chat system, now we will get spam on top of the NPC spam Razz

A nation of wolves run by sheep!
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Master General
Master General
16567 Points

USA US Texas
PostYou have posted in this forum: Thu Oct 16, 2008 7:23 pm   Post subject:   Back to top 

I think they needed it. It should be especially helpfull for low population servers and having any chance of taking doe Lords and Heros for Keeps and PQs. They said something ion the patch notes about cutting doen the NPC conversation spam, hopefully it works.

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