Hey all, long time no see.
I have not been around much since
LOTRO mostly cause I returned to WOW.
But lately alot has happened around here.
First of all I'd like to notify everyone that I'm retiring from active service.
I'm still around and can drop by and play once in a while, but won't play as much as I used to.
The reason for that is a somewhat long story which are comming up here.
For the past 15 years I have spent about 95% of my spare time playing computer games, sometimes even calling in sick at work just to play.
I would get up in the morning, sit down infront of the computer and play, and would stay there until I went to bed, only getting up for food and such things. Hell, I barely even ate anything at all, and sometimes could go a whole day with no food without it bothering me
This has come at the cost of my health and my soical life.
You have seen pics of me and as you know I'm Skinny.
Detalis are that I'm 6' 30'' high and weigh about 110 lbs.
Way underweight in other words.
My social network has consisted of 2-3 people
This summer somethng happend, that made me realise that unless something is done very soon I will not have long left, at most 10 years, so I talked to a friend of mine and have started doing alot towards improving that.
He put me in touch with a guy who works with nutrition and such as a job, so I have started eating more and going out more.
There is alot happening and I have allready seen some changes, but there is still a long way to go.
Hope everyone here is doing well, also if anyone here is on facebook you may add me there if you want. Name is Michael Nielsen.
I'm surrounded by 3 hot girls in my profile pic, so should be no mistaking me there.
Cya around fellas.