Death Dealer Mercenaries
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Warrant Officer
Warrant Officer
6965 Points

PostYou have posted in this forum: Tue Jan 06, 2009 10:42 am   Post subject:  FUCKIT DAMNIT!!!!! Back to top 

ive said it so many times before.

Mechwarrior 5

in a market thats so strained for a quality mech based game play, an idea such as this is truely viable. considering our only real compitition in the genre is "Armored Core + For Answer and ChromeHounds" all three of which gained moderate success... accept maybe For Answer, which was an expansion pack on crack with HUGE (yet memerable) bosses.

any one whos been here a bit knows my consistant rants on what id like to see for MW5. all of which included open ended gameplay, deeper tactical command interface, and huge envionments.
Now my next proposal.

all of what i had before, ixed with a now current trend among games. RPG elements, progrssive level up (hell call of duty 4 got away with that concept magnificently, just make all the maps combined in one and you can call it an MMO). which brings my next point.
Mechwarrior is more than just a game. its been table top, its been books, its been novels, its been clans, fansites, lore, a history, its its own sub-community with an many genres.

need i say more? from once was a highly successful strategy game, spawned mods, books, its own table top game, books, novels, clans, fansites, lore history.

World of Warcraft.
need i say more?

need i say more?

Conan. a semi historical figure not even born from the gamer culture
need i say more?

MechWarrior: Online.
need i say more?

the concept isnt that hard either, create you own mech, find parts from salvage including weapons, equipment, even parts from the mech itself to change and add to your own. even peices from stock, set mechs to create classic models that we all know, or create something completely new. find, buy or build weapons, different companies make weapons for different stats with variable versions and upgades and classes as well as clan variables(although rare wepons may be difficult but higher end companies make higher end weapons, then again rarity can also be applied to the parts found on mechs ranging from legs, arms torso, whatever).
pvp is already set, look at the many different factions one can choose from. hell, even as mercenaries alone. split fatcionts up and you have room for 1v1v1v1v1v1v1v1 pvp and still have room for a game controlled median. mercs can create there own faction, clans have there castes, armies have there units, militias have the groups, plenty of room for multi pvp opportunities.

there are planets to explore, cities to visit (or raid) fortresses to siege, battles to fight, the list goes on with the history, we can set it in the future, the past BOTH and still have shit loads to go by.

its all here, like ingredients laid out for recipe. all it needs is a chef.

Bon appettit.

DDM. Bending you over and making you take it, but its ok. We bought you ice cream .

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Leutnant Colonel
Leutnant Colonel
5207 Points

PostYou have posted in this forum: Tue Jan 06, 2009 9:25 pm   Post subject:  Re: FUCKIT DAMNIT!!!!! Back to top 

that would be awsomely sweet,,send in your ideas to who ever might give a shit ,,,and see where it goes hell you might even have the next huge mmo idea and make a fortune doing it just for the idea

and i did mean that would be awsomely sweet as long as it wasn't just another grind fest like all mmo's get to be eventually,,,and i like the CoD4 idea but maybe tweaked a little bit would be nice

good to be back
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