My fellow Mercs\Para-Militants\Clanners, (And Anarchists),
I have come to a critical crossroads in my career as a Mech Piolet and Hardcore on-line gamer (-at least I like to think I am...), in that these two illusive Paks are like a splinter in my side. ALL last night & into the wee hours of the morning I searched the internet for an outlet that might have some balm for my ills. Even e-Bay had NONE available.
I know between us all some solution must be at hand, if we came together as a counsel of conrads-in-arms, some merciful outcome could be at hand. Is it possible by anyone to try and RIP these CDs so I could download them, or know of a site where this also might be possible? Would any of you like to gain my indeptedness by doing me the SOLID of having a look in your cities outlets and perhaps purchasing me copies of these two paks? I need the Kodiac and the Masakari soooo badly....
Also, as a temporary help, if someone could post a reply as to an awesome config they have for the Kodiac, and a comparable Mech in which to create a CLONED version, like the Warlord etc., I might be able to still match wits on the battlefield. FOR HONORS SAKE!
Please rack your brains and help me.