Well, here we are, 7 months into the game and now I am here to help ya's with some new or old and forgotten goodies
Best map ever! If I catch you S-O-B's with something else, its me taking your milk creds. Get the installer and it saves you time to think more on your phatz. Check back with the site for updates, they happen every 2 months or so.
There are 2 maps for SL, the ingame and this one. This one has sites to see, you decide.
I have used 3 or 4 programs and this by far beats them all. We are getting up there in levels and you are no longer able to buy the premade Imps, so this is the Way of the Custom Warrior. It lets you plan out your clusters and play with them to get what you want in the way of requirements. Making an implant that needs Stamina and are lacking? Got a free spot? Drop in an Assault Rifle cluster and it changes to needing Intelligence! Play with it and see. Jobe clusters have an asterix.
While we are on the implant subject, lets give that a whirl. One thing you should always be raising is Treatment, if not for getting into better implants, using better heals when you are not the aggro magnet. Higher treatment means higher implants, means higher nanos to cast means better survivability. For you SL guys and gals, be careful of the Jobe clusters. Yeah, they add hella cool stuff, yea they title lock your implants. If you are not making huge jumps with your imps(!), go ahead and add them. If you are jumping, nothing worse than having to wait 30 levels to use the implant that is the ONE YOU NEED.
Now, for getting into the higher implants. There are several things us Omni folk have at our disposal. One is the med suit (74 Treatment), the Expertise nano (20), Superior First Aid buff (100+ level Docs, 120+ Agents - 80) and of course the good 'ole Station (100), which brings us to 274. FOR FREE! If you have SL, you also have the First Aid line (every bit helps!) and AI has the Combat Knowledge line. If you have Garden or Sanctuary keys, they add to Treatment, too! Last but not least, implants with Treatment. You should always have a set of Treatment imps and Computer Literacy imps in your Buff bags. What you don't have Buff bags in your Bank? For shame! Also, there are several common buffs that you can get in Borealis, the trade/buff center of RK2.
- SL and AI perks - Look in your general tab. Keep in mind you may have to reset a perk, but well worth it IMO
- All buffs
Also, do not forget your Nano expertise for the froobs and Composite for the SL peeps as well as from a MP -
Composite Teachings (CT), stacks with general,
Composite Mastery (CM), stacks,
Composite Infuse (CI), stacks and
Composite Mochams, stacks. The above can be broken down individually for the froobs, just ask the MP for BM - Mochams, for example
Traders can also
wrangle you into your weapons and much needed nanos as well, but their buffs only last for 3 mins or so, be quick. Traders are begged all the time and are few and far between, so please be generous with your tips. Agents can run most Wrangles, but it takes more out of them. I can run small wrangles, at the moment. As with all buffs and tradeskills, say "Hello, can I get [insert need here], please" and tip. Get your request in one shot. Say please. Say thank you.
Buff bags! Yes, everytime you come across something that adds buffs, take a look at it and if you
may be able to use it, toss it in a bag in your Bank and name it Buffs. When I am naming bags, I add a space to the front so that when I sort my Bank, it is always at the top.
Also, everytime you come across something that looks strange, visit
Auno. This is the only site that lets you post info on an item, so it is very helpful.
I may have left some stuff out, but most of the stuff was found at Auno, using the search and rolling down the list for items I can buy or find. If you have anything to add, feel free!