Death Dealer Mercenaries
Practice days and times
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7698 Points

USA US Texas
PostYou have posted in this forum: Mon May 04, 2009 7:50 pm   Post subject:  Practice days and times Back to top 

We need to set "official" days and times for practices, and have more people show up.

If we are ever going to be able to join MWL we need people to show interest in cohesive play.

Just my thoughts on the matter

I mean raiding servers is fun,but I would like to see us back in league play

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4869 Points

USA US California
PostYou have posted in this forum: Mon May 04, 2009 8:47 pm   Post subject:  Re: Practice days and times Back to top 

My thoughts exactly Demon. I have been on that podium for awhile now.
Our practice days were Tuesday and Saturday evenings up until now. However I think we might be better off doing a Mon Wed and Sat thing and figure out a time that works well for most, since we have three timezones involved it will take a bit of figuring.

Of course getting more "regular" show ups would help with becoming more Team Work oriented also.

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740 Points

USA US California
PostYou have posted in this forum: Mon May 04, 2009 9:29 pm   Post subject:   Back to top 

we also need to get everyone who is an active pilot on comms at the same time for a practice conduct seminar

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0 Points

USA US California
PostYou have posted in this forum: Tue May 05, 2009 1:15 pm   Post subject:   Back to top 

Define "everyone"

Sometimes it's best to just make do with what you have, in war NOTHING is perfect! Two or three DDM'ers can work together, they can lay plans even if very all adds up to experience as a team and this can attract others to begin showing up more frequently.....

Maybe a three-man team has little promise of winning against a large force...but it is the experience of working together that counts, and that experience can be applied later, if and when, there are more people available for the creation of larger teams...otherwise more people may simply end up as a bigger cluster-fuck....

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740 Points

USA US California
PostYou have posted in this forum: Tue May 05, 2009 1:24 pm   Post subject:  Re: Practice days and times Back to top 

EVERYONE= all active Mech playing DDM's

And while I'm posting .... All active Mech playing DDM's need to respond to this post to provide info on what time you can be available for the afore mentioned seminar...time to get serious we can not have a serious practice when we are not all here to develope as a team....

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4869 Points

USA US California
PostYou have posted in this forum: Tue May 05, 2009 1:42 pm   Post subject:  Re: Practice days and times Back to top 

The essence of teamwork begins and ends with one simple factor, communication. Simply being present on comms isn't enough. There must be chatter back and forth between the players in order to know what each pilots objectives are and where to focus fire or attack. Another piece of data to consider, when playing in "open" matches is this. If you are joined on a team that has no one on comms able to communicate and you do not use the in game chat to get your strategy going, then you cannot expect cohesion and teamwork. Another thing to remember is that when the server is open players from other servers clans and groups join the games. Sometimes they might join on comms sometimes they do not. in either case, if they are not of DDM cloth then we cannot expect them to play as team players or follow our code. My point being this, open server means open gaming and closed server means practice. Even when we cannot work as a team on the same side ALL play is good for honing the skills of the individual pilot.

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740 Points

USA US California
PostYou have posted in this forum: Tue May 05, 2009 1:47 pm   Post subject:  Re: Practice days and times Back to top 

Well said

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Xavier Buhallin
82 Points

USA US Pennsylvania
PostYou have posted in this forum: Tue May 05, 2009 2:30 pm   Post subject:  Re: Practice days and times Back to top 

I am good for any day of the week or weekend.

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2955 Points

USA US Pennsylvania
PostYou have posted in this forum: Tue May 05, 2009 3:26 pm   Post subject:  Re: Practice days and times Back to top 

I don't need a seminar.

I learned DDM comms a long time ago, and there was no TS. We would do it thru short key strokes in chat. All the DDM who have been here since the halcyon days know it and use it all the time, modified for TS.

If the illustrious wing0 is running this seminar, I'll be there. You just can't beat his style.

As far as personal play time, it will be sporadic as usual for me but usually weekdays between 4 and 7 PM EST and anytime on weekends when I'm home. I'm not in a position to commit to league play.


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7698 Points

USA US Texas
PostYou have posted in this forum: Tue May 05, 2009 7:00 pm   Post subject:   Back to top 

Did not mean to "ruffle feathers" with this post....
Was hope'n for feedback and possible commitment from everyone who is available .

Jim I know this is your busy season,so don't feel pressured to commit .

As for the rest of ya'll..I would like to see us all on comms and in the server on the nights we set for "TEAM PLAY"

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2533 Points

USA US Illinois
PostYou have posted in this forum: Tue May 05, 2009 7:11 pm   Post subject:   Back to top 

Now, I know we've had Tuesdays and such reserved for Luther, and it's cool that he can get on and stuff, but I think when we decide on our day of glory, it should be shifted. Having practices on typical worknights has never boded well.

BTW, my classes end in 2 weeks, and then mech domination will recommence on my end.

And GK, of course I'll be bringing back some old school funky modulation shizzle. Amora's Cross 101 and - new and improved - Amora's Cross with Fractal Dynamics - coming soon to a theatre near you.

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58 Points

USA US California
PostYou have posted in this forum: Tue May 05, 2009 7:42 pm   Post subject:  Re: Practice days and times Back to top 

I personally have noticed a huge shift away from the DDM tactics that I started playing with. We don't have Wing to enforce the pre- and de-briefings, and we're playing a lot more with other clans that don't have or use TS. When our members get split between teams with non-DDM'ers, we usually say fuck it and don't bother formulating any thing resembling a plan of action. It's kind of sad, really. I don't enjoy playing so much anymore because we are so disorganized. No one wants to listen to anyone but Wing, who is so busy with schoolwork and such he just plain can't make it on every damn night someone wants to complain about something.
I'm crossing my fingers that when you get out for the summer, Wing0, you can make this ragtag group of misfits into something coherent and orderly. And next time you can't play often, Please assign a "helper" to Soul cuz he gets swamped at times with trying to keep the group going.

I can play between 11AM and 1pm, and after 8pm PST any day of the week. Sometimes I can sneak on for a drop or two before then, depending on having someone willing to watch the lil guy.

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4869 Points

USA US California
PostYou have posted in this forum: Tue May 05, 2009 7:45 pm   Post subject:  Re: Practice days and times Back to top 

Times available for mechage? Well Demon Cool I would have to say if I'm awake and don't have anything going anytime is cool with me pretty flexible schedule wise.

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4869 Points

USA US California
PostYou have posted in this forum: Wed May 13, 2009 11:40 am   Post subject:  Re: Practice days and times Back to top 

Hmmm, I was hoping for just a bit more feedback on this topic. It seems we still havent nailed down anything specific at this point.
One thing I would also like to adress is we cannot get it together if folks don't stick around, and make a good showing. I know I have to disappear briefly to put the kid to bed each evening but when I get back I often find one or more people have bailed for whatever reason and thats how our game gets shot in the foot so to speak.

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7698 Points

USA US Texas
PostYou have posted in this forum: Fri May 15, 2009 5:51 am   Post subject:   Back to top 

I say sat/sun night is good for "official practice"but mon/wed night are good for me also...after 9pm ct...

as for my bailing the other day....teams and TONNAGE,need to be kept as even as possible

3assaults vs 2 lights is out of the question.... IMO

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