Death Dealer Mercenaries
Heya Mw4 people
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4 Points

USA US Michigan
PostYou have posted in this forum: Thu May 21, 2009 2:21 pm   Post subject:  Heya Mw4 people Back to top 

Heya all, friend told me about DDMs place here

Remember me?


I remember many of you, I remember our alliance and our tactical moves and our games people cried about that they werent fair. Wasnt fair cause we thought of them first. I remember many good times with DDM.

OH dont remember me RT_DocTheButcher
I still talk to a few OLD RTs like Hardcorps and Uziel
Yeah RT took a lot of shit but people hate you when your on top, I still have them screen shoots of many things. I know if not for DDM RT wouldnt have been able to grow to be able to hold its own, though popular thought back then said we couldnt, but my screen shots said different.

I play WOW and run 3 accounts and dual and triple box. I am on Kargath alliance side In a small guild called toon squad.

I have detailed memories about all them days in MW4 some good some bad. I hate having so good a memory sometimes forgetting is a good thing.

PLayed many games since Mw4

Motor City Online,

Earth and Beyond,

Lineage 2 ( you people who want pure pwnage and raw pvp it doesnt get any nastier then Lineage 2 period even wow is tame compared to it )

WOW for almost 4 years now

AOC whata joke , warhammer another huge disappointment

waiting on stargate worlds and star trek online I am tired of these cast and stab games I want more sci fi

and dozens of them free mmorpgs

Want a decent fast paced mecha game? try exteel it rocks

So what have you Mechiers been up to?


PS cant get your vent to fire up for somereason

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Hauptmann General
Hauptmann General
7599 Points

USA US Alabama
PostYou have posted in this forum: Thu May 21, 2009 5:29 pm   Post subject:   Back to top 

OMG!! Wasssup Doc? Good to see an old face. Been playin WOW myself now for a while but I occasionally knock the rust off my Mech and join the ranks in some old school MW4. Would be nice if the Zone still hosted Pickup Games.

Oh and the reason you cant get our Vent to work is because we run Team Speak.... Razz

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4 Points

USA US Michigan
PostYou have posted in this forum: Thu May 21, 2009 5:54 pm   Post subject:  Re: Heya Mw4 people Back to top 

i meant Teamspeak not vent been a long day when i wrote that already damn guild leader quit in wow and handed me leader like i want to baby sit anyone anymore

I still have all my MW4 discs add ons and a nice program that counters them old exploits and cheats, ohh wai there was none lol

ZONE died long before it was taken down it was sad just how long it was left up. I would pop in time to time and the same sad players running the same sad bullshit for years and years. They never learned or grew up. They would sit all day in a room not play a single game and thought everyone was chicken shit. Most didnt want to here the bullshit bragging and name calling after a match they would make posts screen shots and just put people down to no end and wondered why they sat and never got any games.

They still havent changed though I will bank on it but now as adults it is costly to run ones month.

WE use to get so many games we couldnt decide what to do while THEM would sit and run their mouths all night and no games and again they thought it was becuase they were uber or something lol no they were just pathetic and very sad lonely kids

But I have good memories of DDM for the most part Smile


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Kommandant General
Kommandant General
28337 Points

PostYou have posted in this forum: Thu May 21, 2009 6:29 pm   Post subject:   Back to top 

Hey Doc

Long time, no see. First of all, the sig is awesome. I remember the days when you and Mustang would race to see who got more duels in the month. That was insane.

A few of the guys still play Mech, die hards they are. We branched off into many games and still play some in splinters. Guild Wars, Anarchy Online, AoC, Warhammer Online, Lord of the Rings Online and several play WoW. Battlefield and Half-Life tossed in there, too.

Last edited by DDM_LordShado on Thu May 21, 2009 6:30 pm; edited 1 time in total

A nation of wolves run by sheep!
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4869 Points

USA US California
PostYou have posted in this forum: Thu May 21, 2009 6:30 pm   Post subject:  Re: Heya Mw4 people Back to top 

The TS info if you want it is;
pw = death

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2533 Points

USA US Illinois
PostYou have posted in this forum: Thu May 21, 2009 6:31 pm   Post subject:   Back to top 

Hey Doc. Razz Nice to see you again. Smile

Are you still chillin' in Mich?

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Master General
Master General
16567 Points

USA US Texas
PostYou have posted in this forum: Thu May 21, 2009 7:30 pm   Post subject:   Back to top 

Hey Doc. Long time no see. Smile

Have you looked at anything on Jumpgate Evolution or Black Prophecy? They are both space flight sim MMOs on the way. It's not mech, But about as close as we are gonna get for a while. JGE should be out some time this Summer.

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4 Points

USA US Michigan
PostYou have posted in this forum: Fri May 22, 2009 8:11 am   Post subject:  Re: Heya Mw4 people Back to top 

Heya SAL yeah I am waiting on jumpgate evo also Smile so many waiting on and i know most will be a failure, I am tired of playing wow but nothing has anything new or different enough for me to waste MORE time in.

Nope I havent been in a mech since I quit Mw4 after the odd collaspe of BZ4 the first planetery league round.

Not much to say atm, which is odd for me lol


PS thanks about my SIG Smile been using it for a few years from back in Lineage 2 but since i am playing wow I have become a carebear gamer, getting to damn old to worry about great my killing is. No game can replace that real feeling of crushing someone before you. But my hands are getting old and hurting from all the abuse i put them through it gets hard to raid a few hours my hands hurt so bad.

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Warrant Officer
Warrant Officer
962 Points

USA US Nebraska
PostYou have posted in this forum: Sun Jun 14, 2009 7:48 am   Post subject:  Re: Heya Mw4 people Back to top 

and here i was thinkin bout RT and all our fun schedualed matches just a few days ago lol.

it has been awhile and its good to see you again doc. cant wait for MWLL, i feel the need to get into a cata once more.

btw. WoW is worse then heroin. im tryin to kick my old wow habit now, been dry for 2 months now lol

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Sr. Warrant Officer
Sr. Warrant Officer
5761 Points

USA US Texas
PostYou have posted in this forum: Sun Jun 14, 2009 10:01 am   Post subject:  Re: Heya Mw4 people Back to top 

Watz up Doc!! Embarassed

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