Death Dealer Mercenaries
OMFG! I miss everything an the drama!
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Sr. Warrant Officer
Sr. Warrant Officer
5761 Points

USA US Texas
PostYou have posted in this forum: Tue Aug 25, 2009 11:11 am   Post subject:  OMFG! I miss everything an the drama! Back to top 

So Wing0 is "leaving" for the 100th time again? Shit, at lest i dissapeared for a bit but always knew I was DDM forever and returned to check in.

Boy does this bring back some good/bad times/

Gatekeeper I know you ment well and all, but chill bro Embarassed (even tho I agreed with 90% of your posts Cool ).............I can almost guarentee you Wing will be back some time in the future beging for his DDM title again............If we choose to give it to him is another story........

Well I found the game Oblivion sitting on a shelf in Best Buy and I am hooked. Since I cannot waste my time in a MMO dealing wwith all the raiding and crap, i can dig this game.
not sure if any of you have played it, but it is not only beautiful, but runs flawlessly and feels like your in a MMO. Yeah I miss WoW a lot & AoC............Oblivion is almost identical to AoC in the graphics & stuff. I like jumping my horse off big rocks and watching it dye helplessly when I is fun to steal stuff from bars and go to jail or resist arrest........this game is fun Embarassed

I for one plan on never leaving this band of brothers anytime soon. I am seriously looking forward to that new Mechwarrior coming out, Diablo 3 (which i hope some of you will play with me) and I may even attend the next Con if it is in Texas Laughing

Well, I am also about to get a new router (cause my lynxis gaming router is crappin on me ( have to reset it all the time now) & won't let me play Mercs at all...........

I think i am just supposed to get a regular Lynxis right....What router should i get??? I need one that will run at least 4 computers & a printer on my network.

DDM forever!!

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PostYou have posted in this forum: Tue Aug 25, 2009 11:19 am   Post subject:   Back to top 

There are some great Oblivion mods you can download that add tons of shit to the game. You can five yourself several cool houses as free mods, and there are 4 or 5 little expansions you can buy.

When you get bored with it, you should check out fallout 3. it's the same game in a lot of ways, but more focused on ranged combat.

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Sr. Warrant Officer
Sr. Warrant Officer
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USA US Texas
PostYou have posted in this forum: Tue Aug 25, 2009 11:48 am   Post subject:   Back to top 

DDM_Salvatoris wrote (View Post): › There are some great Oblivion mods you can download that add tons of shit to the game. You can five yourself several cool houses as free mods, and there are 4 or 5 little expansions you can buy.

When you get bored with it, you should check out fallout 3. it's the same game in a lot of ways, but more focused on ranged combat.

Ya, You know me, what was the first place i went after I played for a few levels???? Embarassed Laughing .....The cheat codes page & then the Mod list page for Oblivion..........I had end game Heavy armor at level 2 & can run like the

You got any specific ones I should get?......???

Thanks Sal Idea Razz

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Sr. Warrant Officer
Sr. Warrant Officer
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USA US Texas
PostYou have posted in this forum: Tue Aug 25, 2009 11:52 am   Post subject:   Back to top 

DDM_Salvatoris wrote (View Post): › There are some great Oblivion mods you can download that add tons of shit to the game. You can five yourself several cool houses as free mods, and there are 4 or 5 little expansions you can buy.

When you get bored with it, you should check out fallout 3. it's the same game in a lot of ways, but more focused on ranged combat.

Isn't Fallout 3 the one you start out as a baby? I tried to play that but it kept crashing on me at certain points..........I got real pissed and quit it.....
I was real mad cause I got dual Nvidia cards quad pentiums & all that & updated drivers..........still no fix Embarassed

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PostYou have posted in this forum: Tue Aug 25, 2009 12:32 pm   Post subject:   Back to top 

DDM_TK421DS wrote (View Post): ›
DDM_Salvatoris wrote (View Post): › There are some great Oblivion mods you can download that add tons of shit to the game. You can five yourself several cool houses as free mods, and there are 4 or 5 little expansions you can buy.

When you get bored with it, you should check out fallout 3. it's the same game in a lot of ways, but more focused on ranged combat.

Ya, You know me, what was the first place i went after I played for a few levels???? Embarassed Laughing .....The cheat codes page & then the Mod list page for Oblivion..........I had end game Heavy armor at level 2 & can run like the

You got any specific ones I should get?......???

Thanks Sal Idea Razz

this one was one of my favorites because it can generate cash, lockpicks and potion ingredients....

This is a big castle with NPCs and places to put statues to hold armor, lots of storage for loot....

this wiki has a bunch more.

I think Rusty had problems with Fallout crashing on his PC too.. not sure what the issue was, I played in on the 360 so mine never crashed. Wink

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Sr. Warrant Officer
Sr. Warrant Officer
5761 Points

USA US Texas
PostYou have posted in this forum: Tue Aug 25, 2009 2:54 pm   Post subject:  Re: OMFG! I miss everything an the drama! Back to top 

Dude thanks a ton. I am going to get a house for my toon tonight and that hideout thing in the city.....really cool... Cool

I found the gold cheat and gave myself 20,000 gold Embarassed Laughing

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USA US Texas
PostYou have posted in this forum: Tue Aug 25, 2009 7:27 pm   Post subject:   Back to top 

The hideout has 4 scraps of paper hidden throughout.. One is kinda hidden on the stairs and one is behind the bed... each one adds something different to the chest in the bedroom.

You should also get a statue mod, so you can put all your sets of armor and weapons on display in your stronghold main hall. There are some big mod packs on fileplanet that are worth getting too. The saddle bag mod is a life saver, so is a good feather, heal, restore and shield potion you can make with the free ingredients once your shill gets high enough.

The only downside to that game is that no one else ever gets to see all your phat loot. Wink

any linksys router should do for you. Just give your computer a static address and set it as the DMZ in the router and you'll be able to play everything.

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6965 Points

PostYou have posted in this forum: Wed Aug 26, 2009 5:53 pm   Post subject:   Back to top 

was hooked on oblivion fo xbox... games damn addictive

whodunnit quest for dark brither hood, best quest, maybe sheogoraths deity quest too... lol

DDM. Bending you over and making you take it, but its ok. We bought you ice cream .

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