So, I made the mistake of signing on for BS for the first time yesterday... I got eaten...I got farmed... I got killed..with my own BOTZ...
Never mind that I'm a PvM'ing
TS'ing Engineer..I've solo'd 218 mobs..and Hurt the hell outta 250 Dynas..... but I couldn't even TOUCH these PvP Cred-Buyin' Freaks! no seriously..not a single one was in less than AI Combined Armor.. and the best weapons.. and not even at top level for TL 5 BS...
I thought that people were just wanking on the
AO forums, when they said it was broken.. I'm WELL equipped, minus the Combined Armor..... and I got eaten.. owned..and to have a 174 Crat capable of shrugging off my bots, and then taking control of them? Man.. that's hard-core... I couldn't get them back..yes, I have the Attention nanos.....
LE mishes are still sucking as a source for VP... so no wonder so few people are using OFAB can't even grind the VP for much of anything... one and a half weeks to grind 400 VP from 2 Hours of LE mishes a night? yeesh...
/end rant I'm just pissed that the coolio gear I want is farther from reach than ever..... I'll get over it...