First, just add to Strength, then Wounds, then Weapon Skill until about 36ish, then swap em around a bit. Once you get to 850+ Strength, get to 500+ Weapon Skill, then Wounds. You will need the HP. Toughness is a waste for us, Initiative is nice when you have it but not necessary at all. The rest, take only the trickle.
Slayers are fun, casters will burn you down quick and tanks will laugh at your tink tink. Healers on the other hand are food.
Speaking of healers, you will want to be near one...a lot. Slayers die quick, so you want someone near you to slow that down a bit. The longer you are alive, the more deadly you are. On specs, try to stay away from the burst/rage dumping skills. Only dump it when necessary or about to die. I am always in the red, mopping up the fools. Using two axes is better than one because you can Parry hits.
That should get you started. I love my Slayer. It was hard in the beginning to figure it out, but once I did (hitting 40 helped), they started dropping like flies.