Not sure who is still playing
WoW , but I am enjoying it again...Ya 4.0 patch seemed to be a nightmare at least for Warriors, but we got buffed and fixed.......It was hard to learn a new rotaton but I got it down pat now. Tanking is hard again it should be...War tanks lost a lot of their threat abilities and general threat generation...but that is back to old school Vanilla
WoW ..apply sunders ..get threat then DPS can go at it .....
ICC was (is still for 4 more weeks) a fun raid. I will miss it come cata. I am looking forward to having to play again like vanillla
WoW using CC & watching my agro again and actually paying attention to my DPS.
Putting out 15k dps in ICC was fun tho not having to worry bout threat before 4.0.........
If anyone is looking to roll another server....come over to Winterhoof...........
look for Zepperlin or Fundies (my mains) or Appojuice or Buntout (my.. alts).
We have a small 10 man guild were building for Cata for weekend raiding and dungon running. We have our own Vent.