Hello, My name is Alan, and I play mostly
WoW and Maplestory. (Not that the latter matters or anything...) I have characters on Sisters of Elune named Achaemir who is an 85 Draenei Shaman, and a Death Knight named Lokraine who is 77. I quit
WoW for awhile due to inactivity and lack of wanting to play, but I am back in business. I used to raid with my current guild, Kingdom of Chivalry, and I had the role of Healer on multiple occasions. I also enjoyed DPSing in heroics, and had an average DPS of about 4k or higher. With tanking, I have worked on a Paladin and my Death Knight simultaneously for quite a while trying to formulate rotations for my current spec. I am currently working on other realms, though I haven't been able to start a character successfully without disliking my low level. I guess it's from a lack of patience.
I am mostly laid back, and very willing to listen to any directions on what to do and how to do it. I am also very social, and love to chat about anything.
Thanks for taking the time, and see you guys around!