Death Dealer Mercenaries
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USA US Texas
PostYou have posted in this forum: Tue May 03, 2016 12:32 pm   Post subject:   Back to top 

I can't ever get logged in. I guess I used an email address I don't have any more. Soooooo.. New acct.

What's up, fellas?

Anyone playing Rust?

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Kommandant General
Kommandant General
28337 Points

PostYou have posted in this forum: Sat May 07, 2016 6:06 am   Post subject:   Back to top 

Welcome back! I looked at Rust. It looks...weird. I like that everything can kill you. Is it a lot of micro-managing?

A nation of wolves run by sheep!
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USA US Texas
PostYou have posted in this forum: Sat May 07, 2016 6:43 am   Post subject:   Back to top 

No. It's whatever you want it to be. I like to gather resources and build shit, research to learn new blueprints for weapons, tools, defenses. Some other people just make the cheapest early game gun and camp out waiting for hard working suckers like me to walk by... shoot in the face with a water-pipe shotgun and take all my shit. You can be the ant or the grass-hopper.. The wolf or the sheep. Up to you.

Its a hard game to really explain... like if minecraft and counterstrike had a baby, then the baby was adopted and raised by Gary's mod and everquest.

Everyone starts out naked with a rock and a torch. A week later, if you have a few friends and work hard... you have a huge fortified castle on a private island with crops growing, water collection, furnaces, quarries and refineries. Everyone has AKs, flame throwers, rocket launchers and c4 trying to raid your base and take your shit. Then once a month, the server wipes and the whole arms race starts again.

We've been raided in the night, and even ambushed walking out the base door... and lost everything. Have to sneak back in the dark, naked, and break back in to our own base. It makes me call people mutherfuckers in chat from time to time.. but it's been a long time since a game got my blood boiling and my heart pumping like this one.

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USA US Texas
PostYou have posted in this forum: Sat May 07, 2016 7:57 am   Post subject:   Back to top 

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USA US Texas
PostYou have posted in this forum: Sun May 08, 2016 8:49 pm   Post subject:   Back to top 

Salvatoris wrote: › 13 bucks on G2A Wink
We've been playing far too much rust lately.

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Kommandant General
Kommandant General
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PostYou have posted in this forum: Mon May 09, 2016 7:50 pm   Post subject:   Back to top 

Salvatoris wrote (View Post): › No. It's whatever you want it to be. I like to gather resources and build shit, research to learn new blueprints for weapons, tools, defenses. Some other people just make the cheapest early game gun and camp out waiting for hard working suckers like me to walk by... shoot in the face with a water-pipe shotgun and take all my shit. You can be the ant or the grass-hopper.. The wolf or the sheep. Up to you.

Its a hard game to really explain... like if minecraft and counterstrike had a baby, then the baby was adopted and raised by Gary's mod and everquest.

Everyone starts out naked with a rock and a torch. A week later, if you have a few friends and work hard... you have a huge fortified castle on a private island with crops growing, water collection, furnaces, quarries and refineries. Everyone has AKs, flame throwers, rocket launchers and c4 trying to raid your base and take your shit. Then once a month, the server wipes and the whole arms race starts again.

We've been raided in the night, and even ambushed walking out the base door... and lost everything. Have to sneak back in the dark, naked, and break back in to our own base. It makes me call people mutherfuckers in chat from time to time.. but it's been a long time since a game got my blood boiling and my heart pumping like this one.

I would be pissed just at the reset, let alone fookers ganking all day. How have you not thrown your shit out the window?

A nation of wolves run by sheep!
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664 Points

USA US Texas
PostYou have posted in this forum: Tue May 10, 2016 8:07 am   Post subject:   Back to top 

The resets aren't bad. They generate a new map, and while buildings and gear are gone, they usually don't wipe the blueprints you have learned. They do that when the changes to the game make it necessary. So after a server wipe, it doesn't take much time at all to be back on your feet. You can have small secure base and be back in production within a few hours.

Servers wiped on the 5th, and we already have a huge base on an island with no competition for space / resources. We have a couple of small safe houses in spots for gathering and farming loot. We have a big smelter building, a quarry and a refinery. we have a shit ton of refined resources and a scary (to everyone else) stack of C4. We are already set up with high end weapons and gear, and we can make more as needed. We are pretty set up to start seriously raiding this weekend.

I don't know why it doesn't bother me more to lose my shit... easy come easy go I guess. I try not to wander around with anything I can't afford to lose... at least not without back-up. I have been killed and looted several times, had our base raided a handfull of times... lost everything we had twice in one weekend. But I just take a lesson away from it every time. Try to build a more secure base, and not make the same mistakes again...

One day, I saw a guy snooping around near our base, so I went inside and fired a machine gun out a third floor window... really just to scare him off. Then when I went downstairs and opened the door, he was waiting with a buddy and ambushed me. Got in the base before I could do anything about it. I respawned and ran to our safe room, Parker came back to the house and locked them in, then met me in the vault. I stupidly opened the door to see what was up and the guy was waiting on the stairs with an AK... he unloaded a full clip in to us before I could pull the trigger. They took all our shit and had to jump out a window to get away. I spent the next hour sneaking back in the dark, heart pounding... naked, with a rock and a torch to break back in to my own base and secure it. Now... we have airlock style doors. Wink

I think the risk vs reward is what makes it so fun for me. That and all the shit talk in chat.

We had a couple of guys set up a base way too close to us this weekend. They were on the shore of the mainland right by our island, and they killed one of Parker's buddies Saturday morning... So we hit them back swat-team style... snuck over there, blew their door off, killed them both and put up a new door, with a code lock. Took all their shit, including their base. Now it's our little wood cutting shack. XD

We keep a list by one of our doors of guys names who have killed us on sight. They get the same respect going forward. Sometimes we take them off the list once we get them back.. as long as they aren't dicks about it.

It's not just a free-for-all deathmatch. There is a community with clans, trading, alliances, people building towns and helping each other out... but you have to really trust them, because there are no rules about who can kill who, or who can take what... it's open PvP everywhere.

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664 Points

USA US Texas
PostYou have posted in this forum: Tue May 10, 2016 9:48 am   Post subject:   Back to top 

ohhhh.. Rust is on sale on humble store for $6.79! :O

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664 Points

USA US Texas
PostYou have posted in this forum: Thu May 12, 2016 7:29 pm   Post subject:   Back to top 

We got dedicated server hosting. If anyone wants to try the game out. Server is Oxidation Nation at

If anyone is interested in ever trying this out. Now is the time. DDM run server, fresh start for everyone.

Even if you don't wanna play.. if you have a steam account, stop by and vote for and favorite the server here.... so we can get some traffic.

Shady... If you want to, split all my Rust diversion in to another thread. Smile

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Leutnant Colonel
Leutnant Colonel
5207 Points

PostYou have posted in this forum: Sat May 21, 2016 3:46 pm   Post subject:  Re: Rust Back to top 

it sounds alot like the game ARK except on ark it doesn't wipe once a month and you can tame dinosaurs to use as rides or as pets of destruction plus there is a underlying menace to everyone on the server that you can all team up against or just go at it alone (which is not recomended ) i would say if you like RUST you would love ARK i think it's a much better game play wise as well as graphically but that's just my opinion but i really think you would like it alot better .

good to be back
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664 Points

USA US Texas
PostYou have posted in this forum: Sat Jul 30, 2016 10:55 am   Post subject:   Back to top 

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Kommandant General
Kommandant General
28337 Points

PostYou have posted in this forum: Sun Jul 31, 2016 3:32 pm   Post subject:   Back to top 


Did that guy have street signs and newspaper rolled up as armor? (0:51)
It looks like when they talk, the models move their mouths. Is that how it is in the game?

A nation of wolves run by sheep!
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664 Points

USA US Texas
PostYou have posted in this forum: Tue Aug 02, 2016 2:08 pm   Post subject:   Back to top 

Yeah. Your mouth moves when you do the ingame voice chat. And yes on the road sign armor too... and lots of titties... but also, dongs.

It's not an exciting video, but I understand what all those foreigners are saying. The interactions you have with other people in this game are unique, and what keep me playing it like a crazy person. I think I had 160 hours the last two week period. I little less this one, only 140-ish. Wink

Some time last week we had some new naked guys building on the beach near our base. Went out to see who they were, told them over voice chat I was friendly... but two of them came at me, attacked me on sight anyway and killed me with arrows. So I spawn back in the base, round up Zaxx and one of our other guys and tell these new yahoos in chat that I am coming back to get my stuff. Show up to find that they already looted my corpse. One pops out the doorway (they didn't even have a door yet) wearing my gear and kills me with my own gun. So now I am running back from the base again and Zaxx and our other guys Super just wipe these guys out. I think Super killed two of them with his hatchet after he ran dry on ammo. So we evict them.. clear out their base, destroy their bags and put up new armored, code locked doors.

While we are camped out waiting for them to show up with a counter-attack.. I see a naked guy run out of the bushes and we gun him down. Turns out it wasn't one of those guys, so we help him up. He says he is brand new... we gave him a bunch of resources and let him have the newly cleaned out base for his own. Zac was lagging so he decided to reconnect to the server, but he logged out just outside our base door. Comes back a minute later to find all his shit gone.

Not 15 minutes later Zac catches the guy we helped trying to pick in to our base (would take days and countless tools). So he kills kill him and the guy has all his missing gear in his inventory. So we take ALL our shit back, including his base.

He shows up knocking on our door, telling us some sob story about how it was all a misunderstanding. Can we just open the door and talk. But I already don't trust the guy at this point... So I drop all my gear and weapons and have Zac stand behind the door to close it as soon as I walk out. Sure enough, five fully geared guys crouched down with guns pointed unloading on me as soon as the door opens. They try to rush the door and Super and Zac kill two of them and close the airlock.. So now we are up in terms of loot... But they still hang out for hours. camping the door. (now we built a big tower out front stocked with guns to defend our door if it happens again)

Over the next week we raided and closed in all three of their bases, but they had moved in with a big group already so it was kind of a bust as far as loot goes. We get wind of where their new base is and go to scout it out... Just to see what all we would need to raid it. We are naked with just rocks and torches (which you spawn with), and Zac finds a way to hop around on the rocks and get about three stories up on their 10 story tower. Right at the top of the rocks, there is a set of feet sticking out the wall... Guy logged out in a bad spot.. So I cut off his feet and take all his shit. Haven't heard much from then since.

Moral of the story is.. You gotta play with us Shady. And we need all the guys we can get. If anyone else is interested in at least checking it out.. Let me know and I'll send you a steam code. It's a great game, and you are way stronger as part of team.. but you can only team with people you can trust... since anyone with codes to your base could lock you out and claim it as their own if they wanted to.

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664 Points

USA US Texas
PostYou have posted in this forum: Tue Aug 02, 2016 2:11 pm   Post subject:   Back to top 

Here is a short PvP video to give you an idea how combat is..

and A little tour of bases video to show you what an acxtive group can build.

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664 Points

USA US Texas
PostYou have posted in this forum: Wed Aug 03, 2016 4:20 pm   Post subject:   Back to top 

Fight for loot from a downed heli.

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