Death Dealer Mercenaries
Code Of Conduct
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Death Dealer
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PostYou have posted in this forum: Sun Aug 02, 2009 11:36 am   Post subject:  Code Of Conduct Back to top 

The Code of Conduct has now been integrated into the site. It can be found in two locations: on the link to the left, third from the top (Home, Forum, Code of Conduct), the other location is in your profile - Profile at the top (gray button) then the profile link.

The CoC is open for discussion to all members of DDM in this thread.

Death Dealer Mercenaries Code of Conduct

1. Respect Other Members of the Team
  • Respect your fellow Death Dealers at all times. There is to be no bickering or name-calling among unit members. If you have a problem with someone on the team that you can't work out amicably between you, please bring it to the attention of a member of OCL. All Death Dealers should be treated as your brothers, regardless of whether or not you play the same game(s).
  • Show respect for our member's ranks. Our ranks are awarded based on length of active service and overall input to the unit, across the various games we play. Please give your teammates the respect they have earned through their years of dedicated service.
  • Do not abuse your rank or position. These are games we're playing, let’s not make it unpleasant for our lower ranking members. With higher rank comes a responsibility to make sure these newer guys are having fun and getting along well in the game, as well as in the team. Keep in mind that we are active in several different games. Players from each of these games will be shown equal respect. No member is any more important than another based on which game or games they play as a Death Dealer. We are all in this together.

2. Respect Your Opponents
  • Do not ever openly accuse anyone of cheating. If you believe your opponents are hacking, or intentionally breaking specifically stated rules, finish the game and simply don’t play them again. Bring the issue to a member of OCL and we will have a system in place for reporting possible cheaters.
  • Do not use excessive profanity or verbally attack our opponents or other league or alliance members at any time. This includes in-game chat and mail as well as public, league or other unit's forums. Discussions about our opponents should be limited to secure areas of coms and our own forums.
  • Do not give anyone a reason to talk bad about us as a unit. We hold our members responsible for their conduct both in and out of organized play. You are our representative any time you are playing or posting on a forum as a member of this team. We expect you to put a positive face forward for DDM at all times.

3. Fight The Good Fight
  • Do Not cheat.
  • Always follow extra battle rules that are set before a match. These are as important as class or weapon restrictions once they have been agreed upon.
  • If you do not like any additional rules or settings the other team is requesting, and they won't compromise, bow out of the battle before it starts. We should never drop from a league match over a dispute with the other team after the game has started.
  • Show your opponents the same respect they have shown you. If they let you get up after a fall, you might do the same for them. We will never make any rule against legging or shooting a downed opponent, these are perfectly valid tactics. We believe anything a game allows you to do under normal circumstances is fair play, as long as it isn't against any stated rules or specific match settings. Just use your best judgment on this... Golden Rule applies.

4. Communication is Paramount
    All active members must stay in contact with the team. These forums and our Team Speak server are our most important organizational tools. Even if you can't find time to play, you can take two minutes and post on the forum and let use know how you are doing. New recruits must register for the forum with DDM tags and post in a welcome or introduction thread before being activated for organized play or added to a DDM guild roster. Each member is responsible for making sure this process is complete for their own recruits. You need to also make sure your new recruits are familiar with the team's structure and command, as well as this Code of Conduct.

5. Have Fun
    These are just video games we play together. They are meant to be fun and we need to keep them that way. We are simply taking it one step further by participating in organized play. This should never be something that makes the game less fun for us. Being a member of this team shouldn't feel like an obligation or a job. Just get out there and have fun. Kick as much ass as possible with your brothers and have a few laughs while you're at it. When we are playing well as a team, success will be a happy side effect.

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