Death Dealer Mercenaries
Patch notes for 1.3.6
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Kommandant General
Kommandant General
28337 Points

PostYou have posted in this forum: Wed Aug 18, 2010 4:27 am   Post subject:  Patch notes for 1.3.6 Back to top

Item Appearance
No longer do players have to sacrifice their sense of fashion in the name of better stats! To allow players options to customize their appearance players now have the option of selecting the appearance of any piece of equipment while at the same time choosing their best option for statistics. This is accomplished by selecting the "Appearance" checkbox in the lower left corner of the character portrait on the character window. Then simply drag and drop a piece of equipment to its appropriate equipment slot to take on its appearance. The item used for appearance remains in the player's backpack and isn't destroyed in the process. The new item appearance is tied to that piece of armor, so even if the armor is removed the alternate appearance will be saved. To remove an alternate appearance simply right click on the alternate appearance slot you wish to clear.
* The following slots may have their appearance changed: Helm, Shoulder, Back (Cloak), Chest, Gloves, Belt, Boots, Main Hand Weapon, Off Hand Weapon, and Ranged Slot Weapons.
* All use restrictions apply (Career, Race, Rank and Renown Rank) when attempting to apply an item's appearance.
* Using an item in the appearance slot will bind the item to the Character.
Custom appearance armor may also be dyed! To change the color of an appearance slot item dyes must be applied after the appearance has been set.
Open RVR
Against All Odds: A Realm outnumbered within an RvR Lake will now receive a scaling bonus to Experience, Renown and Influence based on the odds stacked against them, becoming active when a Realm is outnumbered in a specific Lake by 20% or more. The bonus amount cannot exceed 400%, will not apply to monster kills, and requires a minimum of 6 players from each Realm to be present within the RvR Lake.
Sovereign Armor Split Sets
The Sovereign Armor sets have been redesigned! We have introduced Split armor sets, giving each Career multiple options of armor selection based on their play style. Players who already have Sovereign Armor sets will find that their armor has been replaced with the newly redesigned "Primary" sets for each Career. To purchase your secondary sets, simply visit Nazul Vazela in The Inevitable City or Gunther Haroldin in Altdorf. Secondary Sovereign armor sets are purchased by exchanging the primary set at the above NPCs. PLEASE NOTE: As a result of the dramatic changes and new options for the Sovereign armor sets, all Talismans currently equipped in existing Sovereign armor will be removed and returned to the player backpack upon a character's first log in following the patch. This is a onetime, automatic service and will not be offered again.
Auction House
The Auction House UI has been updated! In order to improve the user experience, we have removed some of the least used options to provide a more simple and easy to use tool. One such change is that all Auctions are 48 hours. Additionally, since auction duration has been standardized, all auctions are restricted to Buy Out pricing only.
Players can now search the auction house by the following categories:
* Item Category (Weapon, Armor, Accessories, Crafting, Misc)
* Item Type (when applicable)
* Item Slot
* Item Rarity
* Level
* Statistic
* Career Restriction
General Changes & Bug Fixes
General Changes & Bug Fixes
* Fixed an issue where players affected by teleportation would sometimes not appear to be teleported to other players.
* Endless Trial players may no longer trade items.
Realm versus Realm
Realm versus Realm
Open World Campaign
* Victory Points for PVE and Prior Tier have been removed. New Victory Point pool values are as follows:
- Tier 1
- Objectives: 40%
- Scenarios: 40%
- Skirmish: 20%
- Tier 2
- Objectives: 45%
- Scenarios: 35%
- Skirmish: 20%
- Tier 3
- Objectives: 45%
- Scenarios: 35%
- Skirmish: 20%
- Tier 4
- Objectives: 45%
- Scenarios: 30%
- Skirmish: 25%
* Zone capture rewards will now only be awarded to players within the RvR lake or an associated Tier's Scenario. Players will remain eligible for rewards for 5 minutes after leaving either of these locations as long as the player is within the captured zone(s).
* Nordland: Fixed an issue where Order players would incorrectly respawn in Grimmenhagen when dying in this RvR lake.
* Nordland: Fixed an issue where Destruction players would incorrectly respawn in Death's Brink when dying in this RvR Lake.
* Players who are below the intended Rank of an RvR lake will no longer receive the benefits of Field of Glory.
* Players who are below the intended Rank of an RvR lake will no longer receive Zone Capture rewards.
* Mysterious creatures have been sighted within the RvR lakes of Troll Country, Ostland, High Pass and Talabecland.
* The random element to siege weapon damage has been removed, now if the calculated effectiveness is 50% then the base damage done is actually 50%.
* Fixed an issue where dead players could operate and contribute towards the effectiveness of siege rams.
* Player's killed by damage over time abilities will now grant the caster Renown if the caster is dead at the time the ability kills the player.
* Players will now always be properly disabled upon Scenario conclusion.
* Doomfist Crater: All of the guards in both the Order and Destruction spawn areas have been adjusted to be Rank 55.
* Talabec Dam: All of the guards in both the Order and Destruction spawn areas have been adjusted to be Rank 55.
* Reikland Factory: Guards in this Scenario will now stay closer to the Order and Destruction spawn areas and no longer venture out as far as the objectives.
* Players with the "Quitter!" debuff will no longer suffer a penalty to Experience and Renown. Players with the "Quitter!" debuff will now be unable to queue for a Scenario until it has faded.
* Fixed an issue that occasionally caused players to be placed into the incorrect Scenario.
* Fixed an issue where players were not properly respawning when in a Scenario.
Contested Cities
* Players belonging to the losing realm in Stage 3 of a City Siege will now always be properly disabled by the "Routed" ability.
* Portals leading out of the Khorne War Quarters and Slaanesh Chambers may now be used while in combat.
* Guards will no longer spawn at captured objectives during Stage 1 of a City Siege.
Combat and Careers
Combat and Careers
General Changes & Bug Fixes
* Fixed an issue where player controlled pets affected by a root would continue to cause damage to their targets even when their targets were out of range.
* Abilities which had their effectiveness determined by the amount of healing done will now be calculated off of the total amount healed instead of just the base value. This affects abilities such as "Flash of Chaos" when paired with Manipulation.
* Abilities which gain contribution from Weapon DPS will now correctly calculate when the character has a one-handed weapon plus a ranged weapon equipped. For the purposes of Weapon DPS contribution only, the ranged weapon is considered to be the "main hand", and the one-handed weapon is considered to be the "offhand".
* Fixed an issue which occasionally prevented channeled abilities from ending when the caster died.
* The maximum range for detecting stealthed enemies has been reduced. As a result, stealthed players must now be much closer before they can be detected.
* Fixed an issue which caused disabling abilities to occasionally fail to take effect.
* Fixed an issue in which the heal component of a lifetap ability would occasionally break a "Stagger" effect.
Archetype Morale
Bug Fix
* Distracting Bellow: Fixed an issue where this Morale ability debuff could be removed by right clicking it.
Archetype Tactic Balance Changes
* Close Quarters: This Archetype Tactic has been redesigned, and will now reduce cast times when under 20 feet from your target.
* Expert Skirmisher: This Archetype Tactic has been redesigned and will now reduce cast times when under 20 feet from your target.
Balance Changes:
* Shield of Saphery: This ability is now usable on both Warband and Scenario party members.
Bug Fixes:
* Drain Magic: Fixed an issue in which this ability could not be defended against.
Black Guard
Balance Changes:
Due to the nature of the changes in this update, all Black Guards have had their Mastery and Renown training refunded. Please visit a trainer to relearn these abilities.
* Brutal Smash: This ability is now available at Rank 9. The ability will now deal damage instantly and buff Strength and Willpower of the caster and their Dark Protected ally.
* Crush the Weak: This ability is now available at Rank 35. The ability will now reduce the victim's critical chance based on Hatred by an additional threshold.
* Feeding On Weakness: This ability will now buff Toughness instead of Strength.
* Furious Howl: This ability is now available at Rank 40.
* Horrific Wound: This ability is now available at rank 12. The ability will now deal damage instantly and reduce the victim's armor based on Hatred.
Bug Fixes:
* Choking Fury: Fixed an issue which caused the effect applied by this ability to cost more Action Points than described.
* Throw Dagger: The minimum range for this ability has been corrected.
Black Orc
Balance Changes:
Due to the nature of the changes in this update, all Black Orcs have had their Mastery and Renown training refunded. Please visit a trainer to relearn these abilities.
* Changin' Da Plan: This new ability allows you to change from No Plan to Da Good Plan, Da Good Plan to Da Best Plan, or Da Best Plan to Da Good Plan. This ability can be trained at Rank 3.
Balance Changes:
* Can't Stop Da Chop: This ability has had its effect changed, and will now reduce incoming healing on the victim. Additionally, its Action Point cost has been reduced, and it now has a brief cooldown time.
Balance Changes:
* Discordant Instability: The amount that this ability reduces enemy resistances by has been reduced.
Disciple of Khaine
Bug Fixes:
* Devour Essence: Fixed an issue with the tooltip for this ability.
* Fist of Khaine: This ability will now correctly deal Spiritual damage.
Balance Changes:
* Minimum range has been removed from all abilities.
* Bugman's Best: The value of the healing from this ability has been increased. Healing from this ability will now gain contribution from the Engineer and will be correctly displayed on Scenario scoreboards.
* Field Repair: The value of the healing from this ability has been increased.
* Lightning Rod: The damage from this ability will now gain contribution from the Engineer's stats.
* Trench Fighting: This new Tactic replaces the Tactic Runes of Warding at seven points into the Path of the Tinkerer. It will now increase damage, if under 45 feet from your target.
* Well-Oiled Machine: This Tactic will now also reduce Redeploy's Action Point cost to zero.
Bug Fixes:
* Artillery Barrage: Fixed an issue in which the visual effect of this ability would play on the caster.
* Land Mine: Fixed an issue in which the visual effect for the stagger applied by this ability would not always play on the target. This ability will also correctly gain contribution from the Engineer's stats.
Balance Changes:
* Kneecapper: This ability will now reduce critical chance by a flat value.
* Stone Breaker: The tiered increase from Grudge for the armor reduction applied by this ability has changed. There are now 4 tiers to the gains based on Grudge.
Knight of the Blazing Sun
Balance Changes:
* Gather Your Resolve: The amount that this ability reduces enemy resistances by has been reduced.
Balance Changes:
Due to the nature of the changes in this update, all Magus have had their Mastery and Renown training refunded. Please visit a trainer to relearn these abilities.
* Aegis of Orange Fire: The Wounds increase from this ability has been doubled in effectiveness. The damage shield portion of the ability will now trigger on all direct attacks, at a rate of 25%, and the damage value has been increased.
* Chaotic Attunement: This Tactic will now also reduce Resummon's Action Point cost to zero.
* Daemonic Fire: This pet ability will now also decrease the Elemental resistance of its target.
* Daemonic Contract: This Tactic is now available at seven points into the Path of Daemonology. It will now increase damage, if under 45 feet from your target.
* Daemonic Pact: This Tactic is now available at eleven points into the Path of Daemonology.
* Indigo Fire of Change: This ability will no longer summon a daemon upon the victim's death. Instead, the Magus will now receive Action Points in return for the victim's death.
* Perils of the Warp: This ability has had its effect changed, and will now disarm the victim. Additionally, it has had its Action Point cost reduced and has had a brief cooldown timer added.
* Strengthen Thrall: The value of the healing from this ability has been increased.
Bug Fixes:
* Daemonic Infestation: Fixed an issue where the visual effect of the Stagger applied by this ability would not always play on the target. This ability will also correctly gain contribution from the Magus's stats.
* Daemonic Reach: Fixed an issue in which this Tactic did not function properly with the ability "Indigo Fire of Change".
Bug Fixes:
* Cutting Claw: The Action Point cost of this ability has been lowered.
* Deadly Clutch: The Tactic will now increase the incoming heal debuff granted by the ability "Tainted Claw" by the correct amount.
Balance Changes:
Due to the nature of the changes in this update, all Runepriests have had their Mastery and Renown training refunded. Please visit a trainer to relearn these abilities.
* Efficient Runecarving: This Tactic will now heal your defensive target for 50% of all direct damage dealt.
* Immolating Grasp: Fixed an issue in which this Tactic did not always function correctly in conjunction with the Tactic "Potent Runes".
* Master Rune of Adamant: Increased the Action Point cost of this ability and removed the build time.
* Master Rune of Fury: Increased the Action Point cost of this ability and removed the build time.
* Master Rune of Speed: Increased the Action Point cost of this ability and removed the build time.
* Rune of Breaking: This new toggled ability is available at Rank 1. While toggled off, this ability converts several damage-oriented stats on items (Intelligence, Magic Power, and Magic Crit Chance) into their healing-oriented counterparts (Willpower, Healing Power, and Healing Crit Chance) at 50% of the original values. When toggled on, it will do the opposite, and convert the same healing-oriented stats on gear into their damage-oriented counterparts at 50% of the original values.
Bug Fixes:
* Grimnir's Shield: Fixed an issue in which this ability did not correctly reduce all incoming damage types.
Shadow Warrior
Balance Changes:
Due to the nature of the changes in this update, all Shadow Warriors have had their Mastery and Renown training refunded. Please visit a trainer to relearn these abilities.
* Minimum range has been removed from all abilities.
* Assault Stance: When in this Stance, the Shadow Warrior will now also gain Melee Power equal to their Ranged Power from items, and Melee Critical chance equal to their Ranged Critical chance from items.
* Charge Forth: This Tactic has been renamed to Powerful Draw, and will now increase the range of Skirmish abilities.
* No Respite: This Tactic is now available at seven points into the Path of Assault and will now increase damage when under 45 feet from your target.
* Sinister Assault: This Tactic is now available at three points into the Path of Assault.
Bug Fixes:
* Broadhead Arrow: Fixed an issue with this ability where it was unable to be defended against.
* Draw Blood: Fixed an issue with this ability where it was unable to be defended against.
* Shadow Sting: Fixed an issue with this ability where it was unable to be defended against.
Balance Changes:
* Don' Feel Nuthin: This ability is now usable on both Warband and Scenario party members.
* Yer Not So Bad: The cooldown of this ability has been decreased.
Bug Fixes:
* Spellbreaker: Fixed an issue that made this ability unable to be defended against.
Bug Fixes:
* Fixed various tooltip issues.
Squig Herder
Balance Changes:
* Minimum range has been removed from all abilities.
* Sneaky Stabbin: This Tactic has a new effect and will now increase damage when under 45 feet from your target.
* Squig Armor: While in this form, the Squig Herder will now also gain Melee Power equal to their Ranged Power from items, and Melee Critical chance equal to their Ranged Critical chance from items.
Balance Changes:
Due to the nature of the changes in this update, all Swordmasters have had their Mastery and Renown training refunded. Please visit a trainer to relearn these abilities.
* Sudden Shift: This new ability allows you to shift from No Balance to Improved Balance, Improved Balance to Perfect Balance, or Perfect Balance to Improved Balance. It can be trained at Rank 3.
Bug Fixes:
* Whirling Geyser: Fixed an issue in which the damage applied by this Morale ability was not calculated correctly.
White Lion
Balance Changes:
Due to the nature of the changes in this update, all White Lions have had their Mastery and Renown training refunded. Please visit a trainer to relearn these abilities.
* Echoing Roar: The damage of this ability has been increased. This ability is now available five points into the Path of the Guardian.
* Force Opportunity: This ability has had its effect changed, and is now an undefendable attack that deals damage instantly and reduces the target's armor. It is now available nine points into the Path of the Hunter.
Bug Fixes:
* Fixed various tooltip issues.
Balance Changes:
Due to the nature of the changes in this update, all Zealots have had their Mastery and Renown training refunded. Please visit a trainer to relearn these abilities.
* Changer's Touch: This Tactic will now reduce healing on the target each time you deal critical damage.
* Harbinger of Doom: This new toggled ability is available at Rank 1. While toggled off, this ability converts several damage-oriented stats on items (Intelligence, Magic Power, and Magic Crit Chance) into their healing-oriented counterparts (Willpower, Healing Power, and Healing Crit Chance) at 50% of the original values. When toggled on, it will do the opposite, and convert the same healing-oriented stats on gear into their damage-oriented counterparts at 50% of the original values.
* Ritual of Innervation: Increased the Action Point cost of this ability and removed the build time.
* Ritual of Lunacy: Increased the Action Point cost of this ability and removed the build time.
* Ritual of Superiority: Increased the Action Point cost of this ability and removed the build time.
* Scourged Warping: This Tactic is now available at Rank 21.
* Transference: This Tactic will now allow you to heal your defensive target for 50% of all direct damage dealt.
* Tzeentch's Grip: This Tactic has been redesigned, and will now grant a chance to apply an absorb shield on targets of direct heals.
* Warping the Spirit: This Tactic is now available at Rank 27. It has been redesigned, and will now give Tzeentch's Cordial a chance each tick to increase your ally's armor and decrease the incoming armor penetration of attacks against them.
* Arnholdt's Company Warcamp: Fixed a typo in Reginald Vance's idle dialogue.
* Basilisks now appropriately unlock only the Basilisk entry when killed.
* Necropolis of Zandri: Talisman Merchant titles have been updated to better represent the potency of offered goods.
* Necropolis of Zandri: Players may no longer be summoned to this zone.
* Necropolis of Zandri: Players must now be Rank 32 or above to travel to this zone. Greenskin Chapter 8: Corrected an issue where the map point of this Chapter Hub was incorrectly named and appeared in the wrong location on the map.
* Tomb of the Vulture Lord: Players may now enter this dungeon by interacting with a Window of Perpetuity within the Temple of Ualatp PQ. A Window of Perpetuity is only available to those who have previously entered the Tomb of the Vulture Lord.
* Gyrocopter Down: If a player declines or abandons the second part of this quest, they can now re-obtain it by interacting with the Downed Gyrocopter again.
* Key to the Casket: Player participation in the Forbidden Vaults PQ will now grant credit for both conditions of part one of this quest.
* Rallying Cry: The Horn of Linaerion will once again rally the appropriate troops to complete this quest.
* Stout and Bitter: Stemni Bitterstone now correctly returns to the depot, allowing players to finish the final step of this quest. Additionally, several steps of this quest were adjusted so NPCs needing to be spoken with now show the quest complete icon above their heads.
* Will of the Warboss: Floating Boom Powder barrels for this quest have been grounded.
* Stunties is fer Stuffin': Players may now only carry one Unconscious Beardling at a time to complete this quest.
* Four Tombs for Four Pillars: Raven's Wing's appearance has been changed to more closely match his description.
* Tchar'zanek: All players present within Tchar'zanek's hatelist at the time of defeat will now receive quest credit.
Public Quests
* The Towers of Lysean: The War Hydras will no longer regenerate health during Stage III of this Public Quest.
* Tor Achare: Hunter Guards found within this Public Quest will no longer speak while dead.
* Stone of Imrathir: All Rubrics in Stage II of this Public Quest are now able to be shut off.
* Foul Ruins: Garith the Fleshrender's damage has been adjusted to be more in-line with his level.
* Sedjhet Temple: The Sedjhet Twisters and Spewers found within this Public Quest will no longer path over and through the ruins surrounding the temple.
* Nikosi Temple: The Nikosi Coilers and Spitters found within this Public Quest will no longer path over and through the ruins surrounding the temple.
* The Quay of Seftu: Gahije the Invincible has been adjusted so that he no longer paths through the quay.
* Pit of Kem Senef: The Pit Dermestids found within this Public Quest will now fly up to engage in combat with those attacking from above.
* Battle at Blood Fen: Dorin Redhammer can no longer be killed by guards.
* Ossuary of the Anointed: Players will no longer fall out of the embalming chambers when High Priest Herak sends them for embalming.
* Ossuary of the Anointed: Pressure plates will now correctly free players who have been sent to an embalming chamber for the first time.
* Sepulcher of Eternity: Bosses no longer become unattackable when a party wipes.
* Sepulcher of Eternity: Guards will no longer randomly spawn inside walls.
General Changes and Bug Fixes
* The way that abilities/procs behave when applied to items has changed. These abilities will now scale based on the item level of the item or set instead of the level of the player. An issue was also fixed that caused many tooltips to display incorrect values. As a result, many of the procs in the game could have different values on them.
* All Sovereign Shoulder Armor pieces are now able to be salvaged.
* The Crook of Radiance and Neferra's Plagues: The effect durations of these items have been reduced from 15 seconds to 7.
* Hierophant's Grace: This proc buff will now hasten casting speed by 25%.
* "Pale Falx of Neferata," "Pale Scimitar of Neferata" and "Pale Talwar of Neferata": These items will no longer stack in the player inventory. Existing items that have already been stacked will not be affected and will remain stacked.
* Warpscout Deathgirdle: This item is no longer salvageable.
* Inventory items with useable channel abilities will now properly show the channel casting bar and are able to be interrupted under the same circumstances that player channeled abilities are.
* Fixed an issue where items with limited charges would not properly display the number of charges remaining.
* Stacked item quantities will now properly display when a player wins a stack of items from a loot roll.
* Live Event rewards will now properly display their quantity when awarded in multiples.
* Fixed an issue where Talismans with a decay timer would not properly display their remaining time.
* Fixed an issue where Live Event rewards would not properly go into the overflow inventory when the player's inventory was full.
* Salvaging an item will now display the name of the item being salvaged as well as always showing salvaging choices even if only one choice exists.
* Moving will now interrupt salvaging. In addition, there is now a cancel button when salvaging an item that can be used to cancel a salvage attempt.
Item Stat Changes
* Tome of the Fallen Explorer: Fixed a bug where this item had improper stats.
Zone Updates
* Addressed numerous terrain issues in various zones throughout the game.
* More armor dye improvements have been implemented, allowing equipment to be colored with an increased clarity, regardless of the color used. This applies to Sorcerers and Bright Wizards.
* A number of weapons across the game have had their inventory icons updated to better represent the look of the weapon itself.
* "The Big Apple" and "iPomme" have had their icons adjusted to match their appearance.
* Scenario Weapons: The next round of scenario weapon art updates has arrived! The following scenario weapons have been updated with new art (listed by currency, race and weapon type):
- Recruit Weapons
- Dwarf: Gun
- High Elf: Greatsword, Axe, Bow, Shield
- Scout Weapons
- Dwarf: Gun, Staff
- High Elf: Greatsword, Axe, Bow, Shield
- Greenskin: Shield
- Soldier Weapons
- RR24
- High Elf: Greatsword, Bow, Shield
- Greenskin: Shield
- RR29
- Dwarf: Staff
- Empire: Book
- High Elf: Greataxe, Greatsword, Bow, Shield, Staff
- Greenskin: Spear
- Officer Weapons
- RR34
- High Elf: Greataxe, Greatsword, Bow, Shield
- Greenskin: Shield, Spear
- RR39
- Chaos: Greatsword
- Dwarf: Gun, Staff
- Empire: Book
- Greenskin: Sword, Shield
- High Elf: Greataxe, Greatsword, Bow, Shield, Staff
- Conqueror Weapons
- High Elf: Greataxe, Greatsword, Bow, Shield, Staff
- Invader Weapons
- High Elf: Greataxe, Greatsword, Bow, Shield, Staff
- Warlord Weapons
- High Elf: Greataxe, Greatsword, Bow, Shield, Staff
- Royal Weapons
- High Elf: Greataxe, Greatsword, Bow, Shield, Staff
User Interface
User Interface
General Changes & Bug Fixes
* "Sticky Targeting": This option has been added in the General Tab of the options panel. When enabled, clicking on an empty area of the screen will no longer deselect your target. Only pressing ESC or having your target go out of visible range will clear your current target.
* Players may no longer send mail COD without items attached.
* Fixed an issue where players could enter "Ram Aim Mode" before a Ram was fully constructed.
* The game window title bar and pre-game screens now contains the client version and build number.
* Removed an obsolete default keybinding.
* Fixed an issue where the "/reloadui" command could cause the WAR Report teleport cooldown to incorrectly display.
* Fixed an issue where City Public Quest timers would display inaccurately.
* Players may now bind the WAR Report to a key. By default this keybinding is not set.
* Players in aim mode on siege weapons will now be shown a loot roll window if they win loot. In order to roll on the items the player will need to exit aim mode.
* Fixed an issue where the Land of the Dead resource tracker would not properly save its display settings.
* Fixed an issue where current health of yourself or a target would not properly display.
* Fixed an issue where players would sometimes be unable to buy back items sold to NPC vendors.
* Players can now join an Open Party by right clicking on chat text from a player in an Open Party, right clicking a player in an Open Party, or when right clicking a player's name in the guild or alliance window that is currently in an Open Party and choosing the Join Party option.
* Players affected by the "Coward!" debuff may no longer bolster other players.
* Fixed an issue with the Edge Tracking system not functioning properly in the Twisting Tower scenario.
* Fixed the spelling of Salvageable in tooltip descriptions.
Mod Support
* The "/assist" command is no longer accessible by 3rd Party Add-ons.
Guild & Alliance
* Players attempting to purchase a Guild Tactic or Heraldry respec without the needed funds will now receive an error message advising them such.
* The total number of alliance members online and offline has been re-added to the Alliance tab.
* Fixed an issue where guilds forming an Alliance would not immediately receive the online/offline player counts for the Alliance once formed.
* The Play Style and Atmosphere information on the guild search window now function properly.

A nation of wolves run by sheep!
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